DFES/Partner Training Team                
W-2 and Enhanced Case Management (ECM) Courses

This page contains the current materials used by Partner Training Team staff to facilitate face-to-face classroom courses, virtual classroom courses, and webinars for local W-2 agencies.

Face to Face Classroom

Balancing Domestic Abuse Issues and W-2 Participation - FTF Classroom


BEST In Action: Focus on Assessment


Building the BEST Connections in Case Management - FTF Classroom


Case Management Strategies for Success: Utilizing Assessment - FTF Classroom


Domestic Abuse Awareness for W-2 Staff - FTF Classroom


Emergency Assistance Policy and Process - FTF Classroom


Empowering Change Through Motivational Interviewing - FTF Classroom


Practical Applications in CWW - FTF Classroom


Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance - FTF Classroom


W-2 Case Management: Assessment and Employability Plans - FTF Classroom
W-2 Case Management:  Participant Motivation for Change - FTF Classroom


W-2 Case Management and the SSI/SSDI Process - FTF Classroom


W-2 Case Management and You - FTF Classroom


W-2 Transitions (W-2T) Employment Focused Engagement Strategies - FTF Classroom


Working with W-2 Participants with Mental Illness - FTF Classroom


Working with W-2 Participants with Multiple Barriers - FTF Classroom


Virtual Classroom

Balancing Domestic Abuse Issues and W-2 Participation - Virtual Classroom


Building the BEST Connections in Case Management - Virtual Classroom


Domestic Abuse Awareness for W-2 Staff - Virtual Classroom


Emergency Assistance Policy and Process - Virtual Classroom


Practical Applications in CWW - Virtual Classroom


W-2 Case Management: Assessment and Employability Plans - Virtual Classroom


W-2 Case Management and You - Virtual Classroom


Working with W-2 Participants with Mental Illness - Virtual Classroom


Working with W-2 Participants with Multiple Barriers - Virtual Classroom



Caseload Documentation: The What, The Why, and The Where Webinar


CWW Troubleshooting: How to Get the System to Work for You Webinar


How Do I ... Assign Assessment Activity Codes
How Do I ... Decipher the Time Limit Page
How Do I ... Use the Activity Page to My Advantage Webinar
Human Trafficking: Helping Victims Webinar


Human Trafficking: Risk Factors Webinar


Human Trafficking: Seeking Help Webinar


PIN Comments Webinar


W-2 Essentials - Webinar


Working with Justice-Involved Participants - Webinar


WWP Updates: Participation Calendar Enhancements - Webinar


WWP Updates: Participation Calendar Enhancements - Webinar
