tribal worker

Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Information for Agency Workers

This page contains information that is important to local agency eligibility and authorization workers.

Wisconsin Shares Handbook

The Wisconsin Shares Handbook contains the policies and process instructions of the Wisconsin Shares program.

Tribal Worker Resources

Tribal Worker Resources have been updated! Check out the updated webpages and bookmark them in your browser!

The updated PDF files for these resources will be published soon. You can find the PDF versions on the DCF Publications Search page, and by searching “Tribal Worker Resources” in the search bar on the top right of the DCF website.

We encourage you to use the online versions since these resources may be updated on a frequent basis. If you are printing the PDF version, please replace the updated pages in any printed versions you may have.

Questions? Contact your BRO Child Care Coordinator or call 715-361-7719.

Technical Assistance

The Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration (BCCSA) oversees the implementation of the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program across the state. Bureau staff are available to offer technical assistance in a variety of ways to assist local agencies with the implementation of the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program. More information on technical assistance contacts can be found on the Wisconsin Shares SharePoint site.

Operations Memos

Operations Memos from the Division of Early Care and Education are used to communicate with local agencies who accept Wisconsin Shares about changes in policy and automated systems. These memos are located on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) website. Users can also sign up to receive notifications of new memos by clicking the Join Our Email Lists link on the upper right corner of the DHS webpage.

Administrator Memos

Administrator Memos from the Division of Early Care and Education are used to communicate with local agencies who accept Wisconsin Shares about changes made to the county/tribal child care contracts and other administrative procedures. These memos are located on the DECE Administrator's Memo webpage.

Income Eligibility Table
Source: 2025 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and State Median Income (SMI) Limits Table for Financial Eligibility in the Wisconsin Shares Program-Effective February 1, 2025
Group Size Monthly 200% FPL Monthly 85% SMI
2 $3,525 $5,671
3 $4,442 $7,005
4 $5,358 $8,340
5 $6,275 $9,674
6 $7,192 $11,008
7 $8,108 $11,259
8 $9,025 $11,509
9 $9,942 $11,759
10 $10,858 $12,009
Each Additional Person Add $917 N/A
Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 49

Chapter 49 of the Wisconsin Statutes includes current laws that affect the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program. See Wis. Stat. s. 49.141 - 49.161, and specifically 49.155

DCF Administrative Code Chapters 101 and 201

Wisconsin Administrative Rules affecting the Wisconsin Shares program included DCF 101 and DCF 201.

Forms and Publications Repositories

View forms and publications used by local agencies, programs, and DCF staff.

Sign up for the Child Care Listserv for the newest updates

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) uses this listserv to communicate:

These communications will come via email and will ensure that you receive current information and resources. To sign up for the Child Care Listserv, please visit the Child Care Email Sign Up page. If you would like to unsubscribe from the Child Care listserv, click the unsubscribe link in the email that you receive or use the Unsubscribe form on the listserv signup web page.

Web Access Management System (WAMS) ID

You need to indicate your WAMS ID for some of these other request forms.

  1. Go to WAMS
  2. Follow the Self Registration link.
  3. Remember the ID and password you create.
  4. Upon submission of the profile information, an email will be sent to you with a confirmation link. You must click the confirmation link in order to activate your WAMS account.

WAMS accounts are supported by DOA's Wisconsin Helpdesk. If you have questions or problems setting up your account, please call the Wisconsin Helpdesk at 608-261-4400 or 866-335-2180.

CARES Worker Web (CWW)

CWW is used for eligibility determination of public benefits, including child care.

  1. Obtain a WAMS ID. (See instructions above.)
  2. To obtain access, fill out the CARES Automated Systems Access Request.
  3. Go to CARES Automated Systems Access Request
  4. There are spaces for electronic signatures of the user, supervisor, and security officer. Please complete the form with all necessary electronic signatures.
  5. Email completed form to: DCF Service Desk.
Create DWD Wisconsin Login ID (WIEXT ID)

You need to indicate your Wisconsin Login ID on the CSAW/CCPP, WISCCRS and YoungStar access request forms listed below.

Do not create the same ID for your Wisconsin Login ID as your WAMS ID. If you have set up an ID for Wisconsin Unemployment Benefits, you already have a WIEXT ID and may use that.

  1. Go to: WIEXT Account Management Page
  2. Create a Login ID.
  3. Upon submission of the profile information, you are finished with this step.
  4. Remember the ID and password you create.

If you need assistance, please contact the DCF Service Desk at 608-264-6323.

Child Care Statewide Administration on the Web (CSAW) and Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP) Access
  1. Obtain your DWD Wisconsin Login. (See instructions above.)
  2. Go to DCF-F-DWSW13358e
  3. Download and complete the DCF-F-DWSW13358e access request form.
  4. You must print the DCF-F-DWSW13358e form and obtain physical signatures from the user, supervisor, child care coordinator, and security officer.
  5. Scan and email the completed form to:

Retro Privilege

Retro privileges for CSAW are now included in the Coordinator profile.

Note: Child care providers seeking access to the Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP) should follow different access instructions.

Systems Contact List

Security Access Guide for Child Care Agency Workers

If you need assistance with the child care systems, please use the Systems Contacts information to contact the appropriate person.