Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Quick Links Find Your Local TMJ Agency TJ/TMJ Policy Manual More Services Have you been unemployed for four or more weeks, live in Milwaukee County, and do not qualify for Unemployment Insurance? Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) can help you get a job and build skills for professional success! The TJ program gives you an opportunity to: Earn income; Build skills in a high-demand field; and Grow a positive work history. How can TJ help me? TJ offers activities and services that are in line with your work goals while helping you get a job. Services include: Job training; Education; Help finding a job; Funds for bills before getting your first paycheck; Job counseling and support; Transportation assistance; and Supplies needed for work (uniform vouchers, boots, tools, and more). Do I qualify? You may qualify for TJ if you: Have not had a job for four weeks in a row and cannot get Unemployment Insurance; Are not in Wisconsin Works; Have income below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level; and Are 18 or older; If you meet the above program requirements, to participate you also must be either: A parent required to pay child support; A parent with a plan for your child(ren) to return home from foster care; A parent who has been convicted of a past crime; or Younger than 25 and have no children or were in out-of-home care at or after age 16. Your local TMJ agency will help you determine if you are eligible. Find contact information on the Find Your Local Transform Milwaukee Jobs Agency page. How do I apply? Apply for TMJ at: UMOS 2701 South Chase AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53207Phone: (414) 389-6331 If you were in foster care in the past, apply for TMJ at: Equus Workforce Solutions 1915 North Dr. Martin Luther King DriveMilwaukee, WI 53212.Phone: (414) 949-1702. What happens after I apply? After applying, your agency will help you see if you qualify. Once in TMJ, you will prepare for work through courses like resume writing, workplace skills training, and balancing life and work. You will get real job experience by working with local employers, this is called onsite work training. After completing onsite training, you may become a full-time employee where you did training, or TMJ will help you use your new skills to find the right job for you. More Resources There are a variety of resources available to help you succeed. Learn more below! Job Access Loan: Interest-free loans to help get or keep a job. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Services for job seekers. MKE Fatherhood Initiative: Help for fathers and connection to resources Wisconsin Apprenticeship: Find a local apprenticeship!