Anticipated Procurement Opportunities

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The intent of this page is to provide those interested in doing business with DCF a list of procurements DCF anticipates in the near future, allowing them time to plan. Please use the “Sign Up” feature below to be notified when new opportunities are listed.

DCF does not guarantee any opportunity shown will result in a procurement being issued. The estimated posting timeframe shown is subject to change. No further notification will be sent when the procurement is issued. When an actual procurement is issued, DCF will use either:

  • DCF Grant Applications Opportunities is managed by DCF and provides a listing of current DCF grant application opportunities.
  • eSupplier is managed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration. DCF encourages completing the registration on eSupplier. By doing so, you will begin to receive automatic emails when DCF, and other State of Wisconsin agencies, release procurements using that system matching the goods/services used during your registration. Registration on eSupplier is available free of charge.

All questions regarding this site or opportunity listed should be direct to DCF Procurement staff only.

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Checkout the Anticipated Upcoming Procurement Opportunities

Date added:

This upcoming procurement opportunity seeks Grant Applications to provide services specific to Refugee School Impact (RSI), Ukrainian Refugee School Impact (URSI) & Refugee Youth Mentoring (RYM) programs. Programs funded by the RSI or URSI Program should assist newly arrived refugees to improve their academic performance and social adjustment in schools. Programs funded by the RYM Grant should promote integration, foster positive civic and social engagement, and support individual educational and vocational advancement for refugee youth by matching youth with a supportive mentor

Anticipated Posting:
Quarter 2 2024

Anticipated Posting Site:

Grant Application Opportunities

Date added:

The Assessment Center Program is a congregate care placement type licensed by DCF for children, in out-of-home care under the care and supervision of DMCPS. The program will provide short-term out-of-home care placement for children with placements lasting less than 60 days. The goal of the program is to assess children’s needs and strengths and to provide children with stabilization services and limited after-care services in a placement setting while a long-term placement is located. 

Anticipated Posting: 

Quarter 2 2024