Anticipated Procurement Opportunities

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The intent of this page is to provide those interested in doing business with DCF a list of procurements DCF anticipates in the near future, allowing them time to plan. Please use the “Sign Up” feature below to be notified when new opportunities are listed.

DCF does not guarantee any opportunity shown will result in a procurement being issued. The estimated posting timeframe shown is subject to change. No further notification will be sent when the procurement is issued. When an actual procurement is issued, DCF will use either:

  • DCF Grant Applications Opportunities is managed by DCF and provides a listing of current DCF grant application opportunities.
  • eSupplier is managed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration. DCF encourages completing the registration on eSupplier. By doing so, you will begin to receive automatic emails when DCF, and other State of Wisconsin agencies, release procurements matching the goods/services used during your registration. Registration on eSupplier is available free of charge.

All questions regarding this site or an opportunity listed should be direct to DCF Procurement staff only.

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Checkout the Anticipated Upcoming Procurement Opportunities

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The Assessment Center program is a congregate care placement array licensed by DCF for children in out-of-home care under the care and supervision of DMCPS. The Assessment Center program provides short-term out-of-home care placement for children with placements lasting less than 60 days. DCF currently contracts for one boys’ and one girls’ Assessment Center program. The girls’ Assessment Center contract will be expiring at the end of 2025.The goal of the program is to assess children’s needs and strengths and to provide children with stabilization services and limited after-care services in a placement setting while a long-term placement is located.

Anticipated Posting:

Quarter 1 2025

Anticipated Posting Site:


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The goals of the Tribal Domestic Violence Training and Technical Assistance funding is to provide comprehensive support and guidance to tribal domestic violence programs, address barriers, provide solutions, and guide tribal partners on the contractual requirements of current and future funding from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for domestic violence services in tribal communities.

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The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Bureau of Refugee Programs will be hosting a request for application for the Refugee School Impact Grant (RSI) in Sheboygan County. The RSI grant supports refugee youth to achieve academic and social success through tutoring, ESL (English as a Second Language), extra-curricular activities, and cultural exchange. This program helps refugee youth transition and acclimate to life in the United States so that they experience success in school, amongst peers, and in their communities with the goal of promoting their overall well-being and future success.

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The goal of child protective services is to keep children safe with their families and within their own homes. When that is not possible, the child may be placed voluntarily with a relative or like-kin (Kinship Care Program) or who are placed in court ordered out-of-home care with a relative or like-kin through Subsidized Guardianship.

Anticipated Posting:

Quarter 1 2025

Anticipated Posting Site:


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The Domestic Abuse Children’s Programming promotes the safety, well-being, and resilience of children and youth who have been exposed to domestic abuse or who are victims of teen dating violence; strengthen the bond between protective parents and children/youth and to heal the damage that has been caused by domestic abuse; and provide trauma-informed, family-centered services to children, youth and protective parents.

Anticipated Posting: 

Quarter 2 2025

Anticipated Posting Site:


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The Statewide Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline (Helpline) has been in existence since 2003. The Helpline provides immediate, 24-hour access to safe and confidential assistance, support, information and referral for Hmong survivors of domestic abuse, as well as concerned family, friends, and community partners. The Helpline is an important part of an overall strategy to promote “language justice” for domestic abuse survivors. Language justice is an evolving framework based on the notion of respecting every individual’s fundamental language rights—to be able to communicate, understand, and be understood in the language in which they prefer and feel most articulate and powerful.

Anticipated Posting: 

Quarter 2 2025

Anticipated Posting Site:


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The PCEAC is a lived experience, parent advisory cabinet to inform the agency’s programs, policies, and priorities in partnership with Secretary Pertl and DCF leadership. Currently, the Cabinet is comprised of seven members from five communities in Wisconsin, including: Adams County, Beloit, Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe (LCO), Madison, and Milwaukee.

Initially founded with an emphasis on child care, which remains a key priority, the PCEAC has broadened its advisory function to programs and policies across the prenatal through age eight system.

Anticipated Posting:

Quarter 4 2024

Anticipated Posting Site:


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The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) is awarding funding to reimburse entities for costs associated with participation in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL).  DPIL is a national reading program that launched nearly 30 years ago and focuses on expanding access to high-quality books and fostering a love of reading among young children and their families. The program gifts high-quality books to children ages birth to five, with books mailed directly to participating families each month. The family bears no cost for participating and there are no family income requirements. Per information gathered on the DPIL website, over 35,000 children in Wisconsin currently receive books.

DPIL partners with local affiliates to operate the program. Local affiliates are responsible for advertising the program and enrolling eligible children and families within their designated geographic area. Affiliate organizations cover the cost of books, which currently cost $26.00 per year per child. DPIL mails the books directly to the families and negotiates the wholesale price of books and manages the fulfillment process.

Anticipated Posting: 

Quarter 4 2024

Anticipated Posting Site:

DCF Grant Application Opportunities

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The Department of Children and Families, Division of Early Care and Education, Milwaukee Early Care Administration (MECA), is responsible for verifying income and employment information for individuals applying for child care assistance in Milwaukee. MECA staff use all available automated state systems to determine the individual's eligibility at initial application and recertification, but these systems may not capture unreported or undisclosed sources of income. Additional information may be needed to prevent fraud and obtain information that may be used by Program Integrity staff to build a case for a Fair Hearing. 

Anticipated Posting: 

Quarter 4 2024

Anticipated Posting Site:
