Apply for Child Support Services

All parents paying and receiving child support automatically receive financial management services. Child support agencies can provide full case management services to parents and legal guardians if they apply for them. If one parent applies, both parents receive case management services.
Families in many benefit programs automatically get case management services and do not have to apply for them. Some fees may apply when you get case management services.
To apply for services:
- Download the parent or guardian application form.
- Fill out the form the best you can
- Sign the back page
- Submit the form to your local child support agency
Applications for Parent Locate-Only Services
Finding a Missing Parent
Child support has many tools to help find missing parents and to identify their income. For example:
- The child support computer system automatically checks and compares information with other Wisconsin computer systems, such as the Department of Transportation and the Department of Natural Resources.
- Child support has access to lists of workers that have recently been hired by employers across the country through the New Hire reporting program.
- Child support can ask other states to help find a missing parent if he or she has moved to another state.
A parent or guardian can request assistance in locating the other parent from their local child support agency. If you only want help locating the other parent, and don't want to request all other case management services, select the "Only Locate Services" box on the application form. A $25 fee applies.