Child Care Regulation Information for Providers Here are some resources and links to help child care providers find valuable information about child care licenses and certification, background checks, child safety, immunizations, child care subsidy, and much more. Provider Customer Satisfaction Survey - please take a few minutes to complete your anonymous survey. (This survey is for licensed programs only.) Amending Your License A licensee may not make a change that affects a condition of the license without the prior written approval of the department. If you wish to change the conditions of your license as outlined in rule (FCC, GCC, Day Camps), you must submit a written request for an amendment to the department. If you would like to increase the licensed capacity of your program, fees must be submitted along with your written request. Information regarding fees can be found on the Child Care Regulation Fees page. Background Checks Licensing Background Check Requirements Certification Background Check Requirements Understanding Child Care Background Checks Computer-based Training Child Care Background Checks: Using the Provider Portal Computer-based Training Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter Online Training - English Obligatoriedad de Denunciar el Abuso y la Negligencia de Menores - Spanish Mongolian Spots in Babies Birthmark - Spotting the Mongolian Spot At Home with Your Newborn: Skin Conditions Child Health and First Aid Teachers, Toddlers & Tissues Podcasts Early Childhood Health Consultation Webinars Early Childhood Health Consultation Services - ECHC Flyer Here to support Wisconsin’s early childhood education providers in addressing health-related concerns and offering guidance on best health & safety practices. ECHC Health Policy Template Hazardous Materials Information for Child Care Providers Cleaning, Sanitizing, & Disinfecting in Child Care Settings (DCF-P-5201) Infectious Diseases - Caring for our Children Prevention and Exposure to Body Fluids (Standard Precautions) DHS Childhood Communicable Diseases ECHC Recorded Webinar - Updates to the WI Childhood Communicable Disease Chart (December 2024) Immunizations Straight Talk About Vaccines – ECHC Recorded Webinar March 2023 Keeping Children Safe During the Summer Months Lead-Safe Wisconsin Guidance for Child Care Providers: Regarding Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Child Care Settings (DHS PDF) Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Radon in Child Care Treated Lumber CDC Public Health Statement for Creosote Common Plants - What's Poisonous First Aid First Aid Guide for Parents & Caregivers / Guía de primeros auxilios para padres y encargados del cuidado de los niños Get Medical Help Immediately AAP First Aid Guide Caring for Our Children 1.4.3 First Aid and CPR Training Recommended Standards Safe Drinking Water Wisconsin Lead-in-Water Testing and Remediation Initiative Wisconsin DNR Nitrate in Drinking Water brochure Wisconsin DNR Bacteriological Contamination of Drinking Water Wells brochure Tests for Drinking Water from Private Wells Test Your Private Well Water Annually Collaborative Programs Collaborative Child Care Programs FAQs Financing Community Approaches to 4K Emergency Planning and Response Emergency Preparedness and Response in Child Care Forms & Publications Licensing Forms & Publications Certification Forms & Publications Homelessness DCF offers a wide variety of resources for families experiencing homelessness. Inclusion Early Childhood Inclusion Nutrition and Physical Activity Children need access to daily physical activity and nutritious meals and snacks to help them develop lifelong healthy habits. Early education settings area key place to start building these habits. Early care and education and school-age programs can learn more about how to improve their nutrition and physical activity practices by using self-assessment tools and developing a quality improvement plan specific to nutrition and physical activity. The following tools are available for programs across the state: Nutrition in ECE Early care and education and school-age programs can learn more about how to improve their nutrition and physical activity practices by using self-assessment tools and developing a quality improvement plan specific to nutrition and physical activity. The following tools are available for programs across the state: Nutrition Standards for CACFP WI CACFP Menu Checklist CACFP Meal Pattern (Ages 1-18) CACFP Infant Meal Pattern USDA CACFP Meal Pattern Recorded Webinars Nutrition Standards for CACFP Meals and Snacks Wisconsin CACFP Sponsors Forum for Family Day Care Homes Wisconsin Breastfeeding Coalition Resources Ten Steps to Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Centers Healthy Bites Book (2nd Edition) - Wisconsin guide for improving childhood nutrition Physical Activity in ECE Active Early Book - Wisconsin guide for improving childhood physical activity Active Out of School Time (OST) - A Wisconsin Guide for Improving Childhood Physical Activity for School-Age Children Winter Fun - Outdoor Play Activities for Infants and Toddlers Go NAPSACC Go NAPSACC works with early childhood care providers of children (birth – 5) to improve the health of young children through practices, policies, and environments that instill habits supporting lifelong health and well-being. Programs interested in using the GO NAPSACC tools can enroll to receive help from a Go NAPSACC Consultant. Programs do not need to be participating in YoungStar. Active OST Healthy Bites Assessment Out-of-School Time (before/after and summer) programs with school-age children enrolled are eligible to use the Active OST Healthy Bites Assessment to improve the healthy nutrition and physical activity practices, policies, and environments to instill habits supporting lifelong wellbeing. Programs interested in using the Active OST Healthy Bites Assessment can contact the Wisconsin Afterschool Network, YoungStar Connect, or local Child Care Resource and Referral for more information. Programs do not need to be participating in YoungStar. Recalls CPSC Child Safety Child Care Safety Restraints U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Resources Child Care Resources & Related Links Child Care Resources for Providers Starting a Licensed Child Care Center Continuing Education Resources for Certified Providers Family Child Care – Virtual Lab School The Virtual Lab offers training and professional development resources, including written narrative, video, skill building activities, and program tools. Originally developed to support the professional development needs of military-affiliated child care programs, the VLS was created at the Ohio State University by early childhood experts with both research and practical experience in child care settings. The VLS training courses cannot be used to meet Wisconsin’s entry-level training requirements but topics and content are relevant to those looking to start a family child care business. Rules Certification Rule Licensing Rules & Manuals Most Frequently Cited Licensing Violations Serious Rule Violations in Licensed Child Care Training The Department of Children and Families has approved non-credit courses that meet entry-level training for child care workers. The courses are competency-based and each approved agency offering a course must ensure that students can demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter before issuing a certificate of completion. These courses will meet the requirements under DCF 250 (Licensing Rules for Family Child Care Centers) and DCF 251 (Licensing Rules for Group Child Care Centers). The names of the department-approved entry-level courses are: Introduction to the Child Care Profession (replaced Early Childhood 1) Fundamentals of Infant and Toddler Care (replaced Infant/Toddler) Fundamentals of Family Child Care Skills and Strategies for the Child Care Teacher (replaced Early Childhood 2) 10-hour Administrator 10-hour School-Age Assistant Child Care Worker Information regarding the non-credit entry-level courses and other training is located in the following documents: Acceptable entry level training alternatives for early childhood professionals Acceptable entry level training alternative for school-age professionals Child Safety Alarms in Child Care Vehicles (PowerPoint Presentation with Notes) Converting Credits to Hours of Training CPR - Approved Providers & Courses Child Care Foundational Training (CCFT) approved training agencies Entry-Level Non-Credit Courses for Licensed Child Care Centers (DCF-P-PFS4091) - English Entry-Level Requirements for Group Child Care Centers (DCF-P-66) Inclusion Modules Licensed Day Camps Training (Computer-based training video) - A revised training will be available in the future. Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Training Reading a Registry Certificate Vehicle Safety Alarms Training (Computer-based training video) Please contact your licensing specialist if you have any questions. For information regarding family child care certification training requirements go to the certification training page. Transportation and Vehicles Wisconsin Child Passenger Safety Law Child Safety Seats Request Your Own Driving Record Vehicle Safety Alarms Training (Computer-based training video) Child Safety Alarms in Child Care Vehicles (PowerPoint Presentation with Notes revised March 2019) Driver Training Checklist Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP) The Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP) enables child care providers and centers to access information on the MyWIChildCare authorizations and payments. View the Child Care Provider Portal Information page for further information. View or download the Child Care Provider Portal User Guide. Request access to the CCPP. Add Your Website to the Child Care Finder Child care providers have the option to add their business website to their child care listing in the Child Care Finder. Electing to add a website to the Child Care Finder can help to increase visibility and promotion for your child care program. All program webpages will be validated by DCF staff before being accessible within the Child Care Finder. DCF encourages providers to add their business website to the Child Care Finder. View the step-by-step process for providers who choose to add a website to their Child Care Finder listing is available to view. Child Care Finder Listing - Adding Your Program's Website - English Instructions Listado del buscador de cuidado infantil - Agregar el sitio web de su programa - Spanish Instructions