Free Materials for Certified Family Child Care Providers

image of green file folder

  • Brochures and articles on child development, positive guidance, health and safety, activities that support children's physical, mental, social and emotional development, and family child care business practices.
  • Selected especially for certified family child care providers.
  • Click the categories below to locate and download materials.
  • Follow these links for information on preservice training requirements, child care subsidy and YoungStar, Wisconsin's child care quality rating and improvement system.
  • Visit the Child Care Aware® website for more resources on Operating a Family Child Care Home.
  • Certification agencies may print materials from this webpage. They may order other DCF certification publications and forms through DOA.

The Business Side of Kith and Kin - by Tom Copeland

Ten Record Keeping and Tax Tips for the New Provider - by Tom Copeland

Other family child care business resources on Tom Copeland's blog.

Child Development and Activity Ideas for Caregivers

Ages & Stages / Edades y Etapas

Interest Areas: Children Learn from Play / Áreas de interés: los niños aprenden al jugar

Health and Safety, Including First Aid

Children and Firearms

First Aid Guide for Parents & CaregiversGuía de primeros auxilios para padres y encargados del cuidado de los niños

Get Medical Help Immediately

AAP First Aid Guide

Hand WashingLavado de las manos

Diapering and Handwashing

Guidance for Child Care Providers Regarding Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Child Care Settings

Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule (English and Spanish)

Universal Precautions & Standard Precautions for Child Care Centers

Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Diseases Chart

Emergency Preparedness and Response in Child Care


Child and Adult Care Food Program Overview

Child Abuse, Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Abusive Head Trauma Prevention

Babies Cry, Be Prepared / Los bebés lloran, esté preparada

What Parents Can Do about Stress / Qué pueden hacer los padres sobre el estrés

5 Steps to Protecting Our Children / 5 Pasos para proteger a nuestros niños

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect 

Positive Child Guidance

Best Practices Tips: Guiding Behavior of Toddlers

Biting - Understanding Children

"I'll Be Back for You." : Making Separation Easier“Vuelvo por ti.”

Potty Training: Learning to Use the Toilet

Plain Talk for Parents ... 

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Risk Reduction

What Does a Safe Sleep Environment Look Like?¿Cómo es un ambiente de sueño seguro? (flyer)
Safe Sleep for Your Baby / Sueño seguro para su bebé (booklet)

Additional resources on the Safe to Sleep website.

Wisconsin Shares and YoungStar

Wisconsin Shares
