Resource Materials for Child Care Providers

The following resources have been collected to assist child care providers of all types.

Please click on a menu item below to see materials specific to that category.

E. Resource List - DCF 250/251 Appendix D
  1. Credit to Hours Conversion – Technical Colleges and Universities
  2. Child Care Background Check (CBC) Frequently Asked Questions – Licensed Child Care
  3. Collaborative Child Care Programs – Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Wisconsin Child Care Administrator Credential
  5. Wisconsin Registry Career Levels
  6. Together - Children Grow: Quality Child Care for Children with Special Needs
  7. Juntos - los niños crecen: Calidad de los cuidados para niños con necesidades especiales
  8. Center Medication and Injury Log - Directions for Use
  9. Registro de Lesiones y Medicamentos del Centro: Instrucciones de Uso
  10. Storing and Warming Infant Bottles and Food
  11. Situations That Require Medical Attention Right Away
  12. Communicable Diseases Chart + order info
  13. Car Safety Seat Check
  14. Revisión del asiento de seguridad para automóvil 
  15. Common Plants – What’s Poisonous and What’s Not
  16. Prevention of Exposure to Blood and Body Fluids (Universal & Standard Precautions for Child Care Centers)
  17. OSHA Regulations on Bloodborne Pathogens
  18. Early Years Are Learning Years – Time Out for “Time-Out”
  19. Managing Crying, Fussing, or Distraught Children (information packet)
  20. Child Care Weather Watch - Wisconsin
  21. Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting in Child Care Settings
  22. Guidance for Child Care Providers Regarding Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Child Care Settings
  23. Food Storage Chart
  24. Entry Level Courses – Early Childhood Professionals
  25. Entry Level Courses – School-age Professionals
  26. Ten Steps to Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Centers
  27. Daily Attendance Record – Licensed Child Care Centers 
  28. Registro de asistencia diaria: Centros de cuidado infantil con licencia 
  29. Instructions for Obtaining Forms – Group and Family Child Care Centers
  30. Required Items for Family Child Care Centers
  31. Required Items for Group Child Care Centers
  32. Staff-to-Child Ratio While Swimming Worksheet – Group and Family Child Care
  33. Staff-to-Child Ratio Worksheet – Group Child Care Centers
A. Group Child Care Policy Guidelines
  1. Policy Checklist – Group Child Care Centers
  2. Lista de Verificación de Políticas: Centros Grupales de Cuidado Infantil 
AA. Family Child Care Policy Sample

Printable Policy Sample 
Fillable Policy Sample 

AE. Emergency Plan Sample - Regulated Child Care Centers

Fillable Emergency Plan 

Also see the Emergency Preparedness and Response in Child Care Resource page

B. Administration

10. I'll Be Back for You (How to ease a child's transition into child care/preschool)

10. Vuelvo por ti (Cómo hacer para que la separación sea más fácil)

11. List of Key Early Childhood Organizations in Wisconsin

14. Child Care Funding Directory

16. Liability Insurance for Child Care Providers

C. Health and Safety

14. Suggestions for Fire Protection
15. Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules
17. Children's Wisconsin - First Aid & Safety
21. Handwashing

First Aid and More

D. Equipment

26. List of Suggested Items for Opening a Family Child Care Center

E. Brochures for Parents on Selecting and Evaluating Child Care

1. Your Guide to Regulated Child Care: Your Summary of the Child Care Rules 
1. Su guía para el cuidado infantil regulado: Su resumen de las reglas del cuidado infantil
This guide for parents summarizes the child care rules. Licensed and certified child care providers are required to give this form to the parents of each child upon enrollment. You are encouraged to print this yourself as needed on letter-size paper.

3. Your Guide to Choosing Child Care
3. Su guía para elegir el cuidado infantil 
This brochure gives pointers to parents on what to look for in choosing child care or evaluating the child care center or home they are already using, some of their responsibilities as parents and child care users, and how to contact Resource and Referral agencies, certifying agencies, and licensing field offices.

F. Brochures for Staff and Parents on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

2. 5 Steps to Protecting Our Children (child sexual abuse prevention)
2. 5 Pasos 5 pasos para proteger a nuestros niños
3. What Is Child Abuse and Neglect? 
3. ¿Qué es el abuso y la negligencia de menores?
3. Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
3. Cómo prevenir el abuso y la negligencia de menores
7. Learn the 5 Strengths That Keep Families Strong
7. Conozca las 5 fortalezas que mantienen fuertes a las familias