Articles from Child Care Magazines

Note: Articles with an * may be requested by emailing

Administration and Management

Organizational and business management for quality programming and services

*12 Reasons People Love to Work for You
by Roger Neugebauer, Exchange, November/December 2015

The Teacher-Floater: Let’s Define Best Practices
by Elizabeth Morgan Russell, Texas Child Care, Summer 2016

*Transformational Coaching: Move Beyond Goals and Action Plans to Foster Continuous Quality Improvement
by Constant Hine and Robin Levy, Exchange, November/December 2019 

Child Development

Child growth and development, valuing each child as an individual with unique biology, interests, needs, potential, and relationships

Caring Relationships: The Heart of Early Brain Development
by J. Ronald Lally and Peter Mangione, Young Children, May 2017

*Imagine That… The Power of Pretend Play in Executive Function Development 
by Rachel Robertson, Exchange, May/June 2018

*Mom's Beef Stew: Five Ingredients of Intelligence
by John Medina, Exchange, January/February 2018


The unique nature of every individual and family including, but not limited to, culture, national origin, language, family structure, disability, religious beliefs, economic status, and child-rearing practices

12 Great Quotes on Culturally Responsive Teaching
The Inclusion Lab, Brookes Publishing, April 6, 2021

Addressing the African American Achievement Gap: Three Leading Educators Issue a Call to Action
by Barbara T. Bowman, James P. Comer, and David J. Johns, Young Children, May 2018

Black Boys Matter: Cultivating Their Identity, Agency, and Voice
by Brian L. Wright, Teaching Young Children, February/March 2019

Black Boys Matter: Strategies for a Culturally Responsive Classroom
by Brian L. Wright, Teaching Young Children, April/May 2019

*Our Children, Our Workforce: Why We Must Talk About Race and Racism in Early Childhood Education
by Kelly Matthews and Ijumaa Jordan, Exchange. September/October 2019

*Re-examining Our Views of Black Boys
by Iheoma U. Iruka, Exchange, March/April 2017

Tate and the Pink Coat: Exploring Gender and Enacting Anti-Bias Principles
by Janice Kroeger, Abigail E. Recker, and Alexandra C. Gunn, Young Children, March 2019

Understanding Anti-Bias Education: Bringing the Four Core Goals to Every Facet of Your Curriculum
by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards, Young Children, November 2019

Welcoming Dual Language Learners
Teaching Young Children, August/September 2016

We’re All the Same—and Different: Learning about Similarities and Differences in People
Texas Child Care Quarterly, Summer 2019

Family and Community Relationships

Partnerships and collaboration between families and agencies/organizations to meet child and family needs

10X: Using Technology to Engage Families
by ​Ana Blagojevic, Teaching Young Children, August/September 2016

*Partnering with Families to Support Children’s Early Science Learning
by Cindy Hoisington, Exchange, July/August 2018

Guidance and Nurturing

Supportive strategies for encouraging social/emotional development and addressing challenging behaviors; the influence of temperament and emotional regulation capacity on children’s behavior

*Achieving True Inclusion
by Erika Smith, Exchange, January/February 2021

*All Feelings Are Welcome: Supporting Children's Resiliency in Stressful Times
Exchange, May/June 2016

Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance with Young Children
by Zeynep Isik-Ercan, Young Children, March 2017

Culturally Responsive Strategies to Support Young Children with Challenging Behavior
by Charis Lauren Price and Elizabeth A. Steed, Young Children, November 2016

Focusing on Families: A Two-Generation Model for Reducing Parents’ Stress and Boosting Preschoolers’ Self-Regulation and Attention
by Eric Pakulak and others, Young Children, May 2017

*Using High-Quality Behavior Guidance Policies to Support Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Learning Environments and Interrupt Implicit Bias: Practice
by Sarah Garrity and Sascha Longstreth, Exchange, March/April 2020

Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Supports that promote children’s health, safety, nutrition, physical activity, and adaptations for special needs in partnership with families

Connecting the Brain to the Rest of the Body
InBrief, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University

*When Teaching the Whole Child, Remember Physical Fitness
by Rae Pica, Exchange, July/August 2018

Learning Experiences, Strategies, and Curriculum

Learning environments, experiences, and adaptive strategies that support families and meet each child’s needs, capabilities, and interests

*20 Ways to Encourage Children's Resourcefulness and Creativity
by Karen Stephens, Child Care Information Exchange, May/June 2007

The Case of Brain Science and Guided Play: A Developing Story
by Brenna Hassinger-Das and others, Young Children, May 2017

Creating Coding Stories and Games
by Deanna Pecaski McLennan, Teaching Young Children, February/March 2017

DAP with Apps and Other Tech Tools: Making Choices That Make Sense for Preschool
by Jennifer Garrette Lisy, Kathleen A. Paciga, and Mary Quest, Teaching Young Children, April/May 2020

*Developmentally Appropriate STEM: It's STREAM! (Science, Technology, Relationships, Engineering, Arts, and Math)
by Dan Gartrell, Exchange, May/June 2016

*The Gift of Fiction: Using Technology to Support Empathy 
by Alex Cruickshank, Sam Hall, and Ellen Hall, Exchange, July/August 2017

Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children
by Lisa Daly & Miriam Beloglovsky, Community Playthings, June 2, 2015

Loose Parts 2: Inspiring Play with Infants and Toddlers
by Lisa Daly & Miriam Beloglovsky, Community Playthings, October 31, 2017

The Project Approach and STEM: A Powerful Combination
by Sylvia Chard, Community Playthings, February 23, 2016

*The Soundscape of Early Childhood
by Carol Garboden Murray, Exchange, September/October 2018

*Teaching Children to Create a Better World 
by Rachel Robertson, Exchange, January/February 2018

What All Children Need
by Jim Greenman

Observation, Screening, and Assessment

Appropriate tools and methods for understanding child interactions, knowledge, and skills, as a means to support the child’s development and make appropriate referrals for further evaluation

Comprehensive Early Childhood Screening and Assessment Systems: Thinking Outside the Box
by Gaye Tylka and Mary Louise Peters, WASCD Highlighter, Fall 2015

*The Process of Documentation: Supporting a Strong Image of Children, Families, Educators and the Community
by Alison Maher, Exchange, January/February 2020

*So Much More than “Nothing”: Translating Play-Based Learning for Our Families
by Holly Delgado, Exchange, January/February 2020

Planning, Reflection, and Evaluation

Examining one’s own thoughts, attitudes, feelings, actions, strengths, and challenges, and applying increased knowledge, skills, and dispositions when providing high-quality programs and services

*Applications of Positive Psychology Toward Leadership in Early Childhood Education
by Brooke Skidmore, Exchange, January/February 2020

Building Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs: The Role of the Leader
by Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, and John Nimmo, Young Children, May 2015

*Getting and Keeping Your Groove: Building Resilience in Adults
by Rachel Robertson and Helen Zarba, Exchange, September/October 2014

*Modeling Mindfulness by Practicing Presence 
by Lisa J. Lucas, Exchange, March/April 2018

*Strategies for Preventing Teacher Burnout in Early Education
by Ellen M. Drolette, Exchange, March/April 2020

*Ten Topics ECE Teachers Can and Should Study Today
by Leslie Coleman, Exchange, November/December 2019

*Tools for the Strategic Leader: Reflection, Reframing, and Systems Thinking
by Billie Young, Exchange, September/October 2016

*The Value of Having a Thicker Skin in a (Sometimes) Thin-skinned Profession
by Sean Durham and Holly Elissa Bruno, Exchange, September/October 2016

*Wonder: Where is the Beauty?
by Tina Reeble, Exchange, March/April 2019


Working with children and families in a professional, reflective manner; participating as a collaborative partner with other professionals; utilizing strategies to evaluate program outcomes

*Building Our Capacity for Curiosity, Compassion and Courage
by Jamie Bonczyk and Hannah Riddle de Rojas, Exchange, January/February 2019

*Creating a Personalized Learning Network for Professional Development and Growth
by Sharon Thompson Hirschy, Exchange, May/June 2016

*Networking and Learning in a Virtual World
by Stacy Benge, Exchange, January/February 2020

Special Needs, Disabilities, and Inclusive Practices

Values, policies, and practices that support the right of every child and family, regardless of ability, to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts as full members of families, communities, and society

WI Early Childhood Inclusion Tool Kit

12 Key Practices for High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion
The Inclusion Lab, Brookes Publishing, February 20, 2018

*The Five Most Important Concepts in Special Education: IDEA Basics for the Child Care Center
by Amanda Schwartz, Exchange, July/August 2019

*It Is Not Just About the Kids: Systematic Approaches for Engaging Families of Children with Disabilities
by Amanda Schwartz, Exchange, September/October 2019

*The Key to Successful Inclusion in Child Care: Collaboration with Special Education and Related Services Staff
by Amanda Schwartz, Exchange, November/December 2019