Report Child Care Fraud

If you suspect Child Care Fraud, be a part of the solution. You may remain anonymous. Please fill out the Child Care Fraud Form, or email dcfmbchildcarefraud

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find your local youngstar office

Report a Child Care Concern or Complaint

If you have a concern about something going on in a child care facility or you suspect child abuse, neglect or exploitation at a child care facility, please use the drop-down menu on the Tell Us How We Are Doing page to fill out the appropriate complaint form.

Budget and Record-Keeping

Early care and education programs that use effective business and professional practices are more likely to provide a high-quality learning environment, stay in business, and interact more sensitively with children and families.

Good planning for any organization, including child care, includes budgeting and record-keeping. Budgeting provides a road map for implementing program goals and objectives. Thoughtful planning, accurate recordkeeping, and continuous review is essential to effectively manage an early education program. 

Tools to help create a Family Child Care budget

Tools to Help Family Child Care Programs Create Budgets (with FAQs)

Herramientas para ayudar a los programas de cuidado infantil familiar a crear presupuestos (con preguntas frecuentes)

Tools to help create a Group Child Care budget
Tools to help create a School-Age and Day Camp budget