Videos for Wisconsin Child Care Providers to Borrow Any Wisconsin resident may borrow through interlibrary loan. The Child Care Library has borrowing details and a searchable online catalog of everything CCIC lends. Borrow DVDs and CDs by mail Your only cost is to mail the items back Keep DVDs 1 week and CDs 2 weeks Book items in advance for future show dates Earn up to 5 hours of continuing education annually Email: Phone: 1-800-362-7353 The following topics contain resources that child care providers and trainers can borrow from CCIC. Administration Child abuse and neglect prevention Child care professionals Child development Child guidance Children with disabilities and other special needs Children's audiovisuals Communication skills Curriculum: approaches and theories Curriculum: interest areas & learning activities Diversity Environments Family child care Health, safety, and nutrition Infants, toddlers, and twos Language development Observation and assessment Parent-provider relations Parenting Public policy and young children School-age care Videos in Hmong and Somali Videos en español / Spanish-language videos