Welcome to the Partner Training Team (PTT)

Hello, welcome to the Partner Training Team (PTT) and to the Wisconsin Department of Children & Families!

My name is Marianne Rosen and in my role as Policy Initiatives Advisor for the Division of Family and Economic Security (DFES), I oversee the Partner Training Team contract and work closely with Dave Turk of Dynamic Workforce Solutions and Kim Stuyvenberg of UW-Oshkosh. 

Once you accept the position of Trainer, your supervisor (either Dave or Kim) will provide you with a folder called “PTT Onboarding” and inside you’ll find two pockets: one includes forms and instructions for Bureau of Child Support trainers, and the other includes forms and instructions for Bureau of Working Families (W-2) trainers.  If you’ve been assigned to both Bureaus, fill out all the forms.

Within 48 hours of accepting your position with the PTT, please:

  • Fill out the appropriate forms in your PTT Onboarding folder
  • Send the completed forms to the appropriate email address (instructions are on the forms)
  • “CC” me in the emails when you send the completed forms
  • Set up an appointment with Jeno Schwartz, a DCF Facilities Management Specialist, to come to our Madison office and get your photo ID (further instructions are in the Onboarding folder)

The goal is to have you complete all these onboarding steps within the first two weeks of accepting your position so you’re ready to work at 100% capacity on your actual start date.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.  I’m your “go-to” person when it comes to DCF issues and onboarding.

Again, welcome!  I look forward to working with you.

Marianne Rosen
DFES Policy Initiatives Advisor