Harassment Policy and Guidance

It is the policy of the Division of Family and Economic Security that all persons shall be treated with respect in a professional environment, free from harassment and hostility. Harassment infringes upon the right of all persons to experience respectful, professional and unbiased treatment, and can be illegal. Illegal harassment is the harassment of individuals based on age, disability, association with a person with a disability, national origin, race, ancestry or ethnic background, color, record of arrest or conviction which is not job related, religious belief or affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, marital status, military participation, political beliefs or affiliation, or use of lawful products outside the workplace.

Harassment may include verbal abuse, epithets, vulgar or derogatory language, display of offensive cartoons or materials, mimicry, lewd or offensive gestures, and telling of jokes offensive to the above protected groups. The behavior may be more than a few isolated incidents or casual comments. It generally involves a pattern of abusive and degrading conduct directed against a protected class individual that is sufficient to interfere with their work and/or learning, or create an offensive and hostile work/learning environment. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Conduct of employees of DFES, including contractors, which creates or condones an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for any person is prohibited and shall not be tolerated. Any employee who allows the harassment of another person without intervening or reporting the harassment is condoning such activity, and also is violating state and/or federal law and this

As trainers, we need to provide a safe, comfortable, undistracted learning environment for our students. If harassment occurs during a training session, it needs to be dealt with immediately. The optimum manner of doing this is for the person being harassed to confront the harasser and tell him or her that their actions are offensive and ask for it to stop. If he or she chooses not to do this, or the request is ignored, then it is the trainer’s responsibility to talk to the harasser and have him or her cease the actions that are harassing. This can be done in a variety of ways, and it is left up to the individual trainer to intervene in a manner appropriate to the situation. Appropriate actions taken by a trainer in stopping harassment will be fully supported by training team management.

If an incident of harassment occurs, the trainer must contact the Training Coordinator/Liaison as soon as possible. Provide the following information:

  • Date and time of the incident
  • Where the incident occurred
  • Names of the individuals involved in the incident and their employing agencies
  • Short description of what occurred and the harassment observed
  • Short description of actions taken to curtail the harassment

The Training Coordinator/Liaison will determine an appropriate course of action. Any communication with the supervisors/agencies of the trainees involved will be done by the Training Coordinator/Liaison.

If you have any questions related to this policy or concerning the required actions, contact the Training Coordinator/Liaison.