The Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY)

Wisconsin has a proud history of investing in children and families as a strategy to ensure our state’s long-term prosperity. A foundational element of Wisconsin’s successful PDG application includes the formation of the Governor’s Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY), an effort to make strategic connections across state government agencies to better serve and improve outcomes for all of Wisconsin’s children and their families, particularly those who are most vulnerable and underserved.

The Governor’s LCEY is an interagency committee comprised of state agency leaders who will direct the work of their agencies to promote coherence across birth to 5 (B-5) early care and education and family service delivery, in line with the Governor’s vision and direction. The LCEY will complement the work of the multi-sector Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) in achieving WI’s vision and goals.

Major PDG activities include the development of a statewide needs assessment and strategic plan. Additionally, the grant will fund localized technical assistance and the development of rigorous evaluation infrastructure to inform continuous quality improvement for Wisconsin’s early care and education system. The LCEY will provide high-level guidance into the development of the needs assessment, strategic plan, specific action steps, and outcome measurements. The LCEY will use a multitude of existing stakeholder forums to generate feedback on the strategic plan from partners who support child well-being. As an interagency committee comprised of state agency leaders, the LCEY will also be able to implement the goals outlined in the strategic plan to steer state agencies to build a common child centered agenda.

Council Mission

What’s best for our kids is best for our state.

Leaders of state agencies are charged to work together to harness collective strengths and resources; make strategic connections; streamline programs and services; and align best practices. The LCEY will develop the vision around, and provide direction for, implementing systems changes at the state level that can have a lasting benefit for children and families, and the state. They will collaborate to improve the well-being, healthy development, and kindergarten readiness outcomes among all children ages birth to 5. They contribute to an equitable B-5 state system that meets the needs of families and prepares Wisconsin children to succeed and thrive.

Structure and Membership

LCEY is comprised of state agency heads, Cabinet Secretaries, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Executive Directors of the Office of Children’s Mental Health and the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board. Department of Children and Families (DCF) Secretary Emilie Amundson will chair the Council, and the Governor, First Lady, and Governor’s office staff will participate as available.

Agency/Office Members

Meeting Materials

July 29, 2024 - Virtual Meeting
February 21, 2024 - Virtual Meeting
October 26, 2023 - Virtual Meeting
June 1, 2023 - Virtual Meeting
February 22, 2023 - Virtual Meeting
October 27, 2022 - Virtual Meeting
August 4, 2022 - Virtual Meeting
April 28, 2022 - Virtual Meeting
January 27, 2022 - Virtual Meeting
September 30, 2021 - Virtual Meeting
July 20, 2021 - Virtual Meeting
April 21, 2021 - Virtual Meeting
February 18, 2021 - Virtual Meeting
September 16, 2020 - Virtual Meeting

*This meeting was rescheduled from August 27, 2020.

August 27, 2020 (Postponed)

*This meeting was postponed until September 16, 2020.

February 26, 2020

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