Wisconsin Permanency Consultation Programs

Permanence: The prompt and decisive actions made to maintain a child safely in his/her own home or to permanently place him/her in a safe alternate family setting. It can have a lasting impact on the quality of a child’s permanent relationship, cultural identity, and sense of self.

As stated in the Ongoing Standards, the Permanency Consultation may include the following:

  • Case consultation
  • Concurrent planning meetings
  • Family meetings
  • Legal consultation and planning
  • Permanency Plan reviews
  • Permanency Roundtables (PRTs)
  • Tribal review and consultation

Permanency Roundtables (PRTs) and Family Find and Engagement (FFE) are a few programs and resources that also assist in the permanency consultation process. Please see below for more information and resources.

Family Find and Engagement (FFE)

What is Family Find Engagement?

Family Find and Engagement is a process aimed at reestablishing family connections between children in out-of-home care and their relatives. Every child deserves to have a special connection that only family can provide. This helps a child develop a sense of belonging.

The most important factor contributing to positive outcomes for children in out-of-home care is meaningful connections and lifelong relationships with family.

How does Family Find and Engagement work?

The Family Find and Engagement process follows a model requiring workers to make every effort to locate at least 40 relatives per child.

Once family members are found, State Permanency Consultants (SPCs) and caseworkers work to reestablish relationships, when appropriate, and explore ways to build lifelong connections with family and/or find a permanent home with family.

Resources, Training Tools, Templates


Family Find and Engagement Initiative (DCF Policy Memo 2015-06i) - describes the Family Find and Engagement initiative in the state of Wisconsin.

Training Tools

Family Find and Engagement Team Expectations and Responsibilities - describes the roles and responsibilities of child welfare workers and the State Permanency Consultants during the Family Find and Engagement process.

Family Find and Engagement Consultation Talking Points for Agency Supervisors - provides consultation talking points for agency supervisors when reviewing cases that are part of the Family Find and Engagement process.

Mobility Mapping Instructions - offers instructions and descriptions of creating a Mobility Map in the Family Find and Engagement process.

Connectedness Map Instructions - provides information and directions in creating a Connectedness Map in the Family Find and Engagement process.

Tree of Life Instructions - provides descriptions and instructions about creating a Tree of Life in the Family Find and Engagement process.

Development of the Permanency Team - describes the development of the Permanency Team as part of the Family Find and Engagement process.


Letter to Relatives from Caseworker Template - a template for child welfare agencies to utilize when contacting relatives of a child during the Family Find and Engagement process.

Permanency Team Meeting Agenda Template - provides an agenda template for a Permanency Team Meeting in the Family Find and Engagement process.

Blended Perspectives Meeting Facilitator Agenda - is an agenda that a child welfare agency can utilize when conducting a Blended Perspective Meeting in the Family Find and Engagement process.

Blended Perspective Meeting Agenda Template is an agenda template for the Blended Perspective Meeting in the Family Find and Engagement process.

Notice to Foster Parents Regarding Confidentiality of Records (DCF-F-CFS2186)

Child-Specific Recruitment Consent (DCF-F-5057-E)

Extended Relative and Non-Relative Search and Engagement Consent (DCF-F-5058-E)

Seneca Search Request (DCF-F-5059-E)

Contact Information

Out of Home Care Section Staff
DCF Seneca
Department of Children and Families
201 W. Washington Ave.
P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916