Independent Living Worker Information

Teen writing in a notebook at home

All children and youth need to learn basic life skills in order for them to become successful adults. The state recognizes this and requires certain things from those serving youth.

For example, when a 14 year old has been in care for at least six months, an assessment and plan gets developed. If a youth is 15 or older when entering care, the assessment and plan gets developed as part of the case plan. Assessments and plans continue to occur as long as the youth is in care.

The youth then receives services to help them develop and master skills. Plans and services focus on:

  • High school education
  • Post-secondary education or training
  • Career exploration, planning and employment
  • Safe and stable housing
  • Home maintenance
  • Transportation
  • Health and medical
  • Healthy relationships
  • Financial self-sufficiency
  • Identification/use of community resources and support systems
  • Identification and/or development of life long connections to supportive adults (permanency)
  • Needed documents (birth certificate, social security card, State ID, immigration papers, etc.)
  • The youth’s goals for the future

The plans should include measurable goals and objectives. The activities should be experiential, whenever possible. Child welfare agencies are responsible for these plans and services. For more information, view the Wisconsin Child Welfare Independent Living Coordinators map to find out who to contact in your county.

Young adults age 18 and older (up to 23 in most cases) can also receive services if one of the following applies:

  • They have aged out of foster care
  • An adoption or court-ordered guardianship for the child happened after the age of 16

In most cases, Transition Resource Agencies (TRAs) are responsible for providing these services. For more information, view the Independent Living - Transition Resource Agency Contact Information map to find out who to get in touch with in your region.

Statutes, Standards, Policies


State Statutes are laws created by the Wisconsin State Legislature all agencies must follow. Chapter 48 is the Children's Code in Wisconsin.


The Ongoing Services Standards provides a framework for the ongoing case process. The standards focus on safety, permanence, and well-being for children and their families served under Wisconsin Statute Chapter 48 and Chapter 938.

Policy Memos

Child Welfare Policy Memos - This is a searchable table of all active memos related to Wisconsin Child Welfare.


Wisconsin Indian Child Welfare Act provides information on the required responsibilities for Indian child welfare practices in Wisconsin.

Resources, Training & Reports



  • Independent Living Transition to Discharge (ILTD) Plan Writing Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the ILTD plan, revised in February 2025, for child welfare professionals. The document includes:
    • Helpful hints
    • Requirements and best practices
    • What the ILTD fields are, which are required, and how all function in eWiSACWIS
    • Complete list of ILTD goal options
    • Example scenarios to help guide the work
  • Independent Living Transition to Discharge (ILTD) Plan – Desk Guide accompanies the ILTD Writing Guide and provides child welfare professionals with a brief and targeted overview of :
    • Key ILTD requirements
    • Best practices
    • Important timelines
    • Plan format and fields
  • Keeping Kids Safe From Identity Theft explains the credit check process for children in out-of-home care. It includes information about
    • Protecting and remediating a child's credit
    • Documentation requirements
    • How to talk with young people about credit
  • Supporting the Transition to Adulthood (online training)
    • Provides an overview of Wisconsin’s independent living regional model
    • Clarifies roles and responsibilities of those supporting youth in transition
    • Provides recommendations and resources for effective partnerships
  • Independent Living eWiSCAWIS Changes summarizes the changes made to the data system, including why they were made and things to consider when implementing them. eWiSACWIS Changes Webinar provides additional information and screen shots of the changes.


Wisconsin’s Independent Living Program: 2016-2019 Summary Report provides an overview of the growth and evolution of the state’s IL program since 2016, including:

  • Structure and services provided
  • Population served
  • Initial outcomes
  • Youth voice initiatives

Contact Information

Independent Living Policy Coordinator

Phone: (608) 422-6990