Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Worker Information

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a law that ensures children moving from state to state under court jurisdiction have the same rights and protections as children in Wisconsin. The ICPC establishes uniform legal and administrative procedures governing the interstate placement of children. Wisconsin ICPC statute can be found at 48.988.

Who is a part of the Compact?

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a statutory law and legal contract:

  • Includes all 50 states, US Virgin Islands and District of Columbia
  • Not adopted by Puerto Rico, but ICPC requests are accepted.
  • ICPC is not used for international placements

What does ICPC do?

  • Provides ability for a home study to be done outside of the sending state
  • Arranges for legal, financial and administrative responsibilities during the time of the placement
  • Serves as a basis for enforcement of rights and responsibilities of the sending and receiving parties
  • Produces regular updates on the child’s adjustment, progress, and any difficulties with the placement

When does the Compact apply?

  • Placement prior to an adoption, including placements through a public agency, private agencies or attorneys
  • Placements into foster care, including foster homes, group homes and residential treatment facilities
  • Placements with parents and relatives when a parent or relative is not making the placement

When does the Compact NOT apply?

  • Placements made in medical and mental health facilities for treatment
  • Boarding schools or “any institution primarily educational in character”
  • Placement of a child made by a parent to:
    • a parent,
    • stepparent,
    • grandparent,
    • adult brother or sister,
    • adult aunt or uncle, or
    • non-agency guardian
  • Divorce or custody procedures
  • International studies or international adoptions
  • Visits (up to 30 days or summer school vacation)

ICPC Resources

Wisconsin Ongoing Services Standards provides ICPC practice requirements and policy information.

eWiSACWIS Knowledge Web is a great source for assistance with ICPC documentation in eWiSACWIS, such as creating an ICPC Referral. There are helpful user guides, video guides, and contact information for the DCF Service Desk.

ICPC Webinars

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: Understanding ICPC

This webinar is intended for agency caseworkers who seek to generally understand the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). It will provide an overview of

  • What the ICPC is
  • Why it is important
  • How it is structured
  • When it applies

This webinar will also provide a high level overview of the ICPC workflow between agencies and states, as well as an overview of agency roles.

This webinar will not review specific eWiSACWIS steps for ICPC work.

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: Submitting an ICPC Referral

This webinar is intended for agency caseworkers who are pursuing placement of a child outside of Wisconsin. 

The webinar will overview the process for preparing to submit a referral through the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). It will also discuss the steps to submit that referral, including:

  • Referrals for relocation of existing resources
  • Expedited placements
  • Placements in facilities outside of Wisconsin

The webinar will also discuss ongoing case practice once an ICPC referral has been approved and a child has been placed outside of Wisconsin.

This training will not review specific eWiSACWIS steps for ICPC work.

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: Receiving an ICPC Referral

This webinar is intended for agency caseworkers who have been assigned to a case through the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) for the purposes of completing a home study or providing supervision to a child from another state.

The webinar will overview the ICPC process when Wisconsin is the receiving state. It will discuss the steps for completing a home study and/or supervising the placement of a child from out-of-state.

This training will not review specific eWiSACWIS steps for ICPC work.

ICPC Contact Information

ICPC Office Hours: M-F 7:00AM-4:30PM

Wisconsin ICPC caseload is divided alphabetically by the last name of the child/ren concerned.
For cases with multiple last names, use the youngest child's last name:

ICPC Specialists (Parent, Relative, Foster, Adoptive Cases):

All cases A-H: (608) 422-6941
All cases I-P: (608) 422-6939
All cases Q-Z: (608) 422-6938

ICPC Assistant (Public and Private Residential Requests):

All cases: (608) 422-6922

Regular Mail Delivery:

Department of Children and Families
P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916

Express Mail Requires Street Address:

Department of Children and Families
125 S Webster Street, P10
Madison, WI 53703

ICPC Fax: (608) 422-7170


The following forms may be needed for an ICPC request.

Number Title Language Type
DCF-F-5158-E Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Worker Statement Regarding Proposed Placement Resource English DOC
DCF-F-CFS0100A ICPC Placement Request English DOC
DCF-F-CFS0100B ICPC Report on Children's Placement Date or Change or Placement English DOC
DCF-F-CFS0100T-E Tribal ICPC Placement Documentation English DOC
DCF-F-CFS0101-E ICPC Sending State Priority Home Study Request English DOC
DCF-F-CFS2196-E ICPC Wisconsin Financial/Medical Plan English DOC
DCF-F-CFS2335-E ICPC Relative / Parent Home Study English DOC
DCF-F-CFS2336-E ICPC Supervision Report English DOC
DCF-F-5529-E Safe and Timely Preliminary Home Study Report - ICPC English DOC