The Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY) The Governor's Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY) was started in February 2020. Its goal was to make important connections across executive branch agencies to better serve and improve outcomes for all of Wisconsin’s young children and their families. LCEY focuses on vulnerable and underserved populations. It is made up of state agency leaders who work together to move forward the Governor’s vision “what’s best for our kids is best for our state.” Purpose, Vision, Structure, and Members LCEY Purpose LCEY members use their shared strengths and resources to make connections; streamline programs and services; and align best practices. They give direction for making systems changes at the state level. These changes support children and families. LCEY also works together to improve the well-being, healthy development, and kindergarten readiness for all children ages birth through 5 (B-5). They help build an equitable B-5 early childhood state system. Meetings take place 3-4 times a year and are live-streamed on YouTube. Examples of key LCEY activities over the last three years include: Giving guidance for the B-5 needs assessments and strategic plan. Talking about how existing work within DCF can be better connected to the work of other LCEY members. Giving advice on federal funding and other investments in the early childhood state system. Working together to create and bring about innovative state and community partnerships. Bringing attention to Wisconsin’s programs and services that support families and young children. Examples include: Department of Revenue (DOR) child tax credits that boost family income and child care tax credits to support working families. Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Workforce Innovation Grants that boost the local economies and support child care. The Child Abuse Neglect and Prevention Board (Prevention Board) efforts to prevent child abuse and support families through a statewide network of family resource centers (FRCs). The Office of Children’s Mental Health (OCMH) support of the social and emotional well-being of all children and the social connectedness of youth. Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Department of Administration (DOA) supports for families to retain housing as well as developing, sustaining, and supporting affordable housing. Department of Public Instruction (DPI), DHS, and DCF programs and services that support collaborative systems of care that are critical for serving families that have young children with disabilities. LCEY Structure LCEY members are state agency heads, Cabinet Secretaries, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Executive Directors of the Office of Children’s Mental Health and the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board. Department of Children and Families (DCF) Secretary-designee Jeff Pertl will chair the Council. Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY) Department of Children and Families (DCF) Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (CANPB) Department of Administration (DOA) Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Department of Corrections (DOC) Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) Department of Health Services (DHS) Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Department of Revenue (DOR) Department of Transportation (DOT) Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Office of Children’s Mental Health (OCMH) Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Meeting Materials 2024 March 5, 2025 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda July 29, 2024 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Minutes Meeting Materials Wisconsin Shares Campaign Presentation - Department of Children and Families February 21, 2024 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Minutes Final Meeting Materials Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) Presentation Housing Insecurity and Child Well-Being Presentation Stable Homes Are Critical to Thriving Families Presentation by WHEDA 2023 October 26, 2023 - Virtual Meeting Text Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Minutes Final June 1, 2023 - Virtual Meeting Text Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Minutes Final February 22, 2023 - Virtual Meeting Text Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Minutes (draft) 2022 October 27, 2022 - Virtual Meeting Text Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials Project Growth Overview report DCF Community Approach Infographic Raising Wisconsin: A Broken Business Model flyer Raising Wisconsin: Wisconsin’s Child Care Landscape flyer Raising Wisconsin: Economic Ripple Effect flyer Meeting Minutes (draft) August 4, 2022 - Virtual Meeting Text Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program Brochure Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program Conversation Checklist for People Who Work With Children Early Childhood Child Find Brochure Meeting Minutes April 28, 2022 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials Cutting Child Poverty in Half: Directions for Policymakers – INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON POVERTY – UW–Madison ( Darrick Hamilton: How "baby bonds" could help close the wealth gap | TED Talk Cash Aid to Poor Mothers Increases Brain Activity in Babies, Study Finds - The New York Times ( Meeting Minutes January 27, 2022 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials LCEY Participant Handout DCF Federal Relief Summary DWD Handout Meeting Minutes 2021 September 30, 2021 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials Afghan Refugee Informational Links A Refugee's Journey to the United States Different Statuses, Different Benefits: Determining Federal Assistance for Afghan Evacuees ECE Funding Opportunities LCEY Survey Report Meeting Minutes July 20, 2021 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials Collaborative Workforce Support Initiative Meeting Minutes April 21, 2021 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials EverGrow Learning Center Power Point Slides and Overview of EverGrow Learning Center (video, 6 minutes) Wisconsin Tomorrow – Building an Economy for All (child care focus on pages 47-53) Think Tank Discussion Scenarios and Questions Meeting Minutes February 18, 2021 - Virtual Meeting Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials Meeting Presentation Video by Dr. Rosemarie Allen on the importance of equity in early care and education. This video focuses on the issues of early childhood suspension and expulsion and the impact of investing in social emotional learning. 12 minute version 3 minute version additional resources here. Preschool Development Grant Strategic Plan Summary Meeting Minutes 2020 September 16, 2020 - Virtual Meeting *This meeting was rescheduled from August 27, 2020. Public Meeting Notice, Agenda, and Meeting Materials Meeting Minutes August 27, 2020 (Postponed) *This meeting was postponed until September 16, 2020. February 26, 2020 Public Meeting Notice and Agenda Meeting Materials LCEY Overview PDG Summary Meeting Minutes Comments? Questions? Email