Tuesday Talks with DECE Recordings Información en español Expand the accordions below to watch the available recordings of Tuesday Talks with DECE. 2025 Recordings January 21, 2025: YoungStar Analysis Summary and 2025 DECE Preview In this Tuesday Talks, we looked ahead to things to come in 2025 and reviewed the summary created from the YoungStar Analysis Update Project. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF) and Terra Klein (DCF) Resources YoungStar Analysis and Update Project webpage 2024 Community Engagement Findings From Providers and Parents/Caregivers February 18, 2025: Biennial Budget and YoungStar Quality Adjustment Update In this Tuesday Talks, Secretary-designee Jeff Pertl and others gave remarks, including about the Biennial Budget. In addition, DECE provided a short YoungStar Quality Adjustment update. Speakers: Jeff Pertl (DCF), Priya Bhatia (DCF), Daria Hall (DCF), and Cailey Jameson (DCF) Resources YoungStar Quality Adjustments webpage 2024 Recordings January 16, 2024: Child Care Counts, 2024 Preview, and Wisconsin Registry This Tuesday Talks very briefly gives an update on Child Care Counts as well as a look into 2024 activities for DCF’s Division of Early Care and Education. Following those updates, the Wisconsin Registry also gives an update on their programing and the upcoming changes to their profile requirements. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF), Chelsey Thill (DCF), and Danielle Earley (Wisconsin Registry) Resources Child Care Counts webpage Wisconsin Registry February 20, 2024: Pre-Licensing, Child Care Counts, YoungStar Quality Adjustment, and YoungStar Connect This Tuesday Talks very briefly gives updates on Pre-Licensing, Child Care Counts, and YoungStar Quality Adjustments. Following those updates, YoungStar Connect also gives an update on their programing. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF), Tina Feaster (DCF), Chelsey Thill (DCF), Erin Gernetzke (YoungStar Connect), Sarah Talbot (YoungStar Connect), Becky Breda (YoungStar Connect), and Amberlee Bosse (YoungStar Connect) Resources Pre-Licensing webpage Child Care Counts webpage YoungStar Quality Adjustments webpage March 19, 2024: Child Care Foundational Training This Tuesday Talks covers changes coming to Child Care Foundational Training. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF) and Tina Feaster (DCF) Resources Child Care Foundational Training webpage April 16, 2024: Day Camps This Tuesday Talks covers common violations for Day Camps in 2024 as well as other topics to get Day Camps ready for summer. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF), Amanda St. Martin (DCF), and Rob McCoy (DCF) Note: This video has been edited due to a mistake in information given regarding fees for background checks. As a child care provider, if you forget to remove staff from your Child Care Provider Portal and an annual background check runs, you are responsible for those charges. If you have questions about this, please visit: https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/ccbgcheck. Resources: Child Care Provider Portal iChildCare Portal DCF-F-CFS0053 Staff Record – Child Care Centers DCF-F-CFS1675 Child Record Checklist – Day Camps for Children DCF-F-2453 Staff Record Checklist – Day Camps for Children DCF-F-CFS0059 Authorization to Administer Medication – Child Care Centers Completion of Pre-Camp Training Licensing Rules for Day Camps for Children with Commentary Wisconsin Afterschool Network (WAN) Summer Camp Guide Book May 21, 2024: Child Care Counts Round 5, Child Care Foundational Training, and YoungStar Analysis and Listening Sessions In this Tuesday Talk, DECE gives a reminder about the upcoming Child Care Counts Round 5 information; shares updates on Child Care Foundational Trainings, as well as newly available funding; and shares updates on YoungStar, including information on the Quality Adjustment and Analysis and Listening Session work. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF), Terra Klein (DCF), and Tina Feaster (DCF) Resources: Child Care Counts webpage Child Care Foundational Training webpage YoungStar Quality Adjustments webpage YoungStar Analysis and Listening Session webpage June 18, 2024: Child Care Counts and Background Check Updates In this Tuesday Talk, DECE gives a reminder about the upcoming Child Care Counts Round 5 information and as well as a reminder for background check and fingerprint renewals. Speakers: Daria Hall (DCF), Terra Klein (DCF), Sam Wallace (DCF), and Laura Utech (DCF) Resources: Child Care Counts webpage Child Care Background Check Requirements webpage July 16, 2024: Child Care Counts, the Market Rate Survey, and Improvements to Wisconsin Shares In this Tuesday Talk, DECE gives a reminder about the upcoming Child Care Counts Round 5 information, previews the 2024 Market Rate Survey, and showcases some new improvements to the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF), Terra Klein (DCF), Daria Hall (DCF), and Cailey Jamison (DCF) Resources: Child Care Counts webpage 2024 Market Rate Survey Wisconsin Shares webpage August 20, 2024: Child Care Counts and the Child Care Supply and Demand Survey In this Tuesday Talk, DECE gives a reminder about Child Care Counts Round 5 information and then previews the Child Care Supply and Demand Survey results, which were collected in past Child Care Counts application surveys. Speakers: Daria Hall (DCF), Braxton Brown (DCF), Hilary Shager (IRP), Zach Bauer (IRP), and Liesl Hostetter (IRP) Resources: Child Care Counts webpage Child Care Supply and Demand Summary Child Care Supply and Demand Report September 17, 2024: Early Childhood Inclusion and Wisconsin Wayfinder In this Tuesday Talk, we begin with a welcome and introduction from Secretary-designee Jeff Pertl. Then we share a few DCF resources related to Early Childhood Inclusion before hearing from the Department of Health Services’, Emily Brach, about an exciting tool called Wisconsin Wayfinder. Speakers: Secretary-designee Jeff Pertl (DCF), Priya Bhatia (DCF), Jason Rahn (DCF), and Emily Brach (DHS) Resources: YoungStar Early Childhood Inclusion webpages Wisconsin Wayfinder October 15, 2024: Wisconsin Shares and Child Care Foundational Training In this Tuesday Talk, we begin with a recap on the upcoming Child Care Foundational Training changes and subsidy. Then we talk about upcoming Wisconsin Shares changes. Speakers: Priya Bhatia (DCF), Tina Feaster (DCF), and Cailey Jamison (DCF) Resources: Child Care Foundational Training webpage Wisconsin Shares for Child Care Providers webpage November 19, 2024: Child Care Counts Survey and ARPA Wrap-Up In this Tuesday Talk, we begin with a quick review of the survey providers will expect to see in their November Child Care Counts application. Then we review all of the work accomplished through DCF with funding from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Speakers: Cailey Jamison (DCF) and Hilary Shager (IRP) Resources: Child Care Counts webpage ARPA Closure Report December 17, 2024: Child Care Counts Rate Increase, Reporting Closures, and What to Expect During a Monitoring Visit In this Tuesday Talks we briefly cover the recent Child Care Counts Rate Increase and reminders about reporting closures over the holidays. Then we launch a new series: Licensing Back to Basics! This first topic we covered during this series is: What to Expect During a Monitoring Visit. Watch this Talk to take a deeper dive into what you can expect as a licensed child care provider in Wisconsin during a monitoring visit. Speakers: Daria Hall (DCF), Cailey Jamison (DCF), Rosalva Melendez (DCF), and Amanda St. Martin (DCF) During our presentation on Licensing Monitoring Visits, we had some recurring questions we wanted to address and clarify: During a monitoring visit, everyone needs to be accessible when the Licensing Specialist is there. If the director or administrator is not there, they should have a delegation who then does have access. This includes accessibility to records that may be locked in a cabinet or office. These must be made accessible at the time of a monitoring visit. Once an individual has received their preliminary eligibility determination, they can work (or reside) at a child care center under supervision while the final background check eligibility determination is pending. Working "under supervision" requires, at a minimum, periodic direct observation by any individual with a Department of Children and Families (DCF) approved background check. The intent of this requirement is to ensure the person is supervised during the time they have access to children. The individual remains "under supervision" until the final eligibility determination has been received. This supervision may last up to 45 days (or more for complex background checks). Please note: Applicants for licensure/certification may not open their center until they have received final background check eligibility and regulatory approval. Resources Rule Books – Family, Group, & Day Camps Licensing Checklist - Group Center Licensing Checklist – Family Centers Licensing Checklist – Day Camps Staff Record Checklist - Group Staff Record Checklist - Family> Staff Record Checklist – Day Camp Child Record Checklist – Family & Group Child Record Checklist – Day Camps Surveys for child care providers Provider Resource Page DCF 251.12 Complaints, inspections and enforcement actions Who to contact if…