Cómo acceder al Child Care Provider Portal (Portal para proveedores de cuidado infantil) (CCPP) (Accessing the Child Care Provider Portal) Cómo acceder al portal para proveedores de cuidado infantil (Accessing the Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP))
Información sobre el portal para padres de MyWIChildCare (Spanish Child Care Parent Portal Information) Information in English
Spanish Wisconsin Shares Full-time / Part-time Provider Registration Fee FAQs Preguntas frecuentes sobre la tarifa de registro del proveedor del Wisconsin Shares (FAQs) Information in English
Spanish Wisconsin Shares Full-time / Part-time Parent and Caregiver Registration Fee FAQs Information in English
Spanish Wisconsin Shares Full-time Part-time Information | ¡Cambios en las políticas de Wisconsin Shares de este otoño! Information in English
Wisconsin Shares Full-time Part-time Information Información en español Wisconsin Shares Policy Changes Fall 2023 As of October 1, 2023, changes have been made to the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program in an effort to comply with federal regulations and to improve family-friendly approaches to the program. There are two major changes to the program: