Youth Justice in Wisconsin
The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is the state agency responsible for fiscal and programmatic oversight for the Youth Aids allocation and the community-based youth justice system. No matter which system “door” a youth enters, DCF strives to support a coordinated and comprehensive response to provide the support needed to fulfill its youth-driven vision that “all youth have the tools to thrive in adulthood.”
The primary responsibilities, of DCF, with respect to administration of the Youth Aids allocation are described in Wisconsin Statute Chapter 48.526. The general authority, of DCF, with respect to the community-based youth justice system is described in Wisconsin Statute Chapter 938.485
- Youth Assessment & Screening Instrument (YASI)
Wisconsin's Plan for Assessment & Case Planning provides information about the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI) and how it will be incorporated into Youth Justice practice.
YASI Rollout Timeline provides a road map for approximately when each phase of implementation will begin, and identifies key components of the implementation process.
Phase 3 YASI Implementation Checklistoutlines the work counties will complete to integrate the tool into practice.
YASI Intake Flowchart details where and how the YASI pre-screen, full assessment, reassessment, and case plans fit into Wisconsin’s Intake process.
YASI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) answers questions related to YASI pre-screens, full assessments, and case plans.
YASI Assessment Report (YM02x100) Desk Guide provides instructions on how to run and navigate the eWReport and advice on how to use it for county YJ practice.
- Youth Aids
In January 2016 (as directed in the 2015-17 biennial budget), administrative oversight and responsibility for the community-based youth justice system transferred from the Department of Corrections (DOC) to Department of Children and Families (DCF). DCF is now the state supervisor of the county’s work in youth justice. For more, see Youth Aids Transfer Effective January 1, 2016.
From January 1, 2016 through the early fall of 2016, DCF has dedicated itself to gathering information and meeting with other youth justice system partners and agencies to deepen its understanding of how youth in the community based youth justice system are served throughout the state.
DCF has begun the next phase of the strategic planning process: developing a summary of the input gathered, and forming workgroups to provide options in the areas of most pressing need, as identified by the information gathering process. The goal is an inclusive, transparent process to begin working on the statutorily required practice standardization and to address training, finance, data, and other needs.
- Wisconsin Statutes, Administrative Rules and Standards
Chapter 938 is the Juvenile Justice Code in Wisconsin.
Administrative Rules
Chapter DCF 80 Services for Youth Who are Adjudicated Delinquent describes requirements for provision of services to youth adjudicated delinquent.
Chapter DCF 81 Intensive Supervision Program provide rules specifying the requirements for an intensive supervision program for youth who have been ordered by a court to participate in an intensive supervision program.
Chapter DCF 82 Intake Worker Training describes basic training requirements for intake workers.
Youth Justice Standards specify the Youth Justice practice requirements in the state of Wisconsin.
Secretary’s Advisory Council on Youth Justice
In April 2016, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) established the Secretary’s Advisory Council on Youth Justice. The Council is comprised of key youth justice leaders from:
- state agencies
- county-based justice system stakeholders
- prevention service providers
- affected youth and families
Together these leaders and community members provide advice to DCF on matters related to supporting a stronger community-based youth justice system. Council members are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Secretary of the Department of Children and Families.
- Youth Leadership Teams
Youth Leadership Teams (YLTs) consist of young people ages 14 up to 21 with youth justice system involvement. Teams work with the Department of Child and Families on improving the youth justice system.
- Community Intervention Program (CIP)
CIP funds are distributed annually to county agencies for:
- Early intervention services for first-time youth offenders
- Intensive community-based intervention services for seriously chronic youth offenders
In order to be eligible to receive CIP funds, a county must submit a plan to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) ensuring the county targets the funding to appropriate programs.
Community Intervention Program (CIP) Allocations and Application Documents - State Fiscal Year 2025
- Community Intervention Program Allocation and Reporting Requirements Information Memo (2024-07i) provides notification of the availability of state fiscal year funds for the CIP. It explains the criteria for receiving these funds.
- CIP Program Plan is an application document outlining the county’s plan for how it will utilize its funding.
- CIP Budget is an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for counties to detail their expenses for their allocation.
- CIP Initial Allocations details Community Intervention allocations by county for State Fiscal Year 2025.
- Explanation of Allocation Formula Factors explains the CIP formula as defined in Wisconsin Statute section 48.528(3).
Previous Community Intervention Initial Allocations provides state fiscal year allocated fund information for past years.
- Early Intervention (EI)
Early Intervention program funds are distributed annually. Early Intervention programs target juveniles who are at risk of committing delinquent acts or are juveniles who have committed a minor offense and are at risk of further delinquent behavior.
- Notifications
Notice of Available Funding: Youth Justice Innovation Grants: Memo 2024 informs counties of an opportunity to pursue innovative youth justice projects at the local level.
2025 Youth Justice Innovation Grants Application: The application period for 2025 Youth Justice Innovation Grants is now open. Applications will be accepted until 11:59pm, July 18, 2024.
Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI) county selection for Phases 2, 3 and 4 of Statewide Implementation (2019-23i) provides information on the assessment tool that will be used beginning 2019. It also summarizes the plan for implementing the tool throughout the state.
Summary of Input Gathered about the Youth Justice System provides a summary of the input
gathered from stakeholders across the state about the current status of the community-based juvenile justice system (youth justice system or YJ), and the vision for the future of the system. Youth Aids Transfer Effective January 1, 2016 outlines the division of responsibility between the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Department of Corrections (DOC) after the transfer of Youth Aids and:
- Explains how contracts will be handled
- Lists the relevant administrative rules and how they are divided between DOC and DCF
- Summarizes how juvenile court intake worker training will operate
- Summarizes long term planning efforts
- Provides contacts at DCF and DOC
- Has a funding visual as an attachment
- Reports and Plans
2022 Youth Justice Referrals and Intake Report is intended to provide an overview of all YJ referrals received and logged into eWiSACWIS by Wisconsin county human service agencies, along with basic characteristics of the youth referred, during calendar year 2022.
2021 Youth Justice Referrals and Intake Report is intended to provide an overview of all YJ referrals received and logged into eWiSACWIS by Wisconsin county human service agencies, along with basic characteristics of the youth referred, during calendar year 2021.
2020 Youth Justice Referrals and Intake Report summarizes the second year of data collected in the statewide centralized case management system, eWiSACWIS. This report includes the characteristics of youth referred to Wisconsin’s community-based youth justice system and referral details for calendar year 2020.
2019 Youth Justice Referrals and Intake Report summarizes the first full year of available data collected in the statewide centralized case management system, eWiSACWIS. This report provides a snapshot of an early decision point in Wisconsin’s community-based Youth Justice system.
2017-2019 Youth Justice Innovation Grants Final Report includes information about the projects funded through the first and second round of Youth Justice Innovation Grant funding in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) Juvenile Secure Detention Registry (JSDR) data provides an overview of Wisconsin’s statewide and county-by-county detention usage and reasons for detaining youth. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is committed to promoting best practices and effective programming. This data is intended to:
- Help county-level understanding of practice variation
- Encourage analysis of practices that ensure community safety while improving outcomes for youth
- Rates of Detention Admissions per 1,000 Youth is a statewide map detailing county detention admission rates per 1,000 youth for State Fiscal Year 2016.
- Wisconsin Detention Use by Admitting County (July 2015 – June 2016) is a table listing detention use by admitting county for State Fiscal Year 2016. Includes:
- total admissions
- rate per 1,000 youth
- total number of unique youth admitted to detention
- the rate of unique youth admitted per 1,000 youth
- total punitive admissions (which includes 72-hour consequential holds and sanctions)
- the rate of punitive admissions per 1,000 youth
Youth Justice System Summary of Input Gathered The DCF overview of the input gathering process, as well as a high-level summary of the input gathered. This includes both the stakeholder’s views of the current system and a vision for the future of the Youth Justice (YJ) system, based on the input gathered.
Youth Justice System Summary of Responses to Online Survey A summary created by the University of Wisconsin School of Social Work for DCF of the responses to the online survey.
The Youth Justice Vision and Strategic Plan highlights the role the Department of Children and Families (DCF) plans to move forward towards the vision for the youth justice system. It focuses on prevention and diversion, and provides accountability and services to youth and families in the system that prepares them to thrive.
Strategic Objectives help us carry out the Youth Justice Vision and Strategic Plan. Timelines provide a general timeframe for when some of the work will be occurring.
- Issue Briefs
The Bureau of Youth Services supports effective youth justice practice in Wisconsin. Youth Justice Issue Briefs provide:
- Background information
- Research
- Data
- Examples of Wisconsin practice
Youth Justice Issue Brief – Truancy – November 2021 includes:
- A summary of chronic absence and its impact on youth and community outcomes
- An overview of evidence-informed decision-making that focuses on matching services to identified youth needs
- A spotlight on programs in La Crosse, Barron, and Kewaunee counties
- Research on effective truancy intervention strategies
Youth Justice Issue Brief – Family Engagement - September 2018 includes:
- A summary of the core concepts of family engagement
- How family engagement in youth justice can lead to better outcomes
- A spotlight on programs in Jefferson and Outagamie counties
- Research on key elements of effective approaches to family engagement in youth justice
Youth Justice Issue Brief – Accountability - November 2017 includes:
- A summary of the Balanced and Restorative Justice approach set forth by the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and incorporated into Wisconsin statute
- A spotlight on programs in Waushara and Manitowoc counties
- Research explaining key elements of effective approaches to accountability
- Training
Juvenile Court Intake Worker Training - Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (WCWPDS)
Juvenile Court Intake Worker Training Sessions provides:
- A detailed explanation of the juvenile court intake worker training requirements
- Information about scheduled training sessions through the middle of 2017
- An updated version of the “Notification of Employment or Assignments of Juvenile Court Intake Worker” form
- Innovative Practice
Innovation Grants
Administrative Guide
- DCF-P-5770 Youth Justice Innovation Grant Administrative Guide: The goal of this guide is to provide basic information to facilitate the efficient administration of the innovation grant program at the county level.
Awarded Grants
- The 2024-25 Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded in the Fall of 2023 to twenty-six counties to support innovative work in the areas of:
- Reducing YJ Referrals
- Pre-Court Diversion
- Post-Dispositional Services
- Continuation Grants (Matching Services to Needs, Racial and Ethnic Disparities Reduction, School-Justice Partnership)
- The 2022-23 Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded in Fall 2022 to sixteen counties to support innovative work in the areas of:
- Matching Services to Needs
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities Reduction
- School-Justice Partnership
- The 2021-22 Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded in Fall 2021 to sixteen counties to support innovative work in the areas of:
- Matching Services to Needs
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities Reduction
- School-Justice Partnership
- The 2020-21 Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded in the fall of 2020 to sixteen counties to support innovative work in the areas of:
- Alternatives to Detention
- Service Matching
- School-Justice Partnerships
- The 2019-20 Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded in the fall of 2019 to ten counties to support innovative work in the areas of:
- Alternatives to detention
- Service array/matching
- School justice partnership/truancy prevention
- A second round of Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded, in the fall of 2018, to sixteen counties to support innovative programs in the areas of:
- School-Justice Partnerships
- Alternatives to Detention
- Community Partnerships
- Youth Justice Innovation Grants were awarded, in the fall of 2017, to four counties to support innovative programs.
IG Reports
- The 2019-2021 Youth Justice Innovation Grants Final Report includes information about the projects receiving the first round of Youth Justice Innovation Grant funding in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
- The 2017-2019 Youth Justice Innovation Grants Final Report includes information about the projects funded through the first and second round of Youth Justice Innovation Grant funding in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
Focused and Effective Court Orders
In summer 2017, BYS established a judicial workgroup to improve court orders in delinquency cases. Materials from this workgroup that may be of general interest include:
- Research on Focused and Effective Court Orders is a summary of research on focused and effective court orders.
- Presentation for Pilot Sites is a short Power Point on the need to improve court orders in delinquency cases.
A few counties are participating in pilot projects to revise their court orders. Model revised orders and other documents from the pilot projects will be shared here as they become available.
- Resources
Informational Memo 2020-30i provides information on the Constitutional Amendment related to Crime Victim's Rights, including Comparison of Selected Provisions of WI Constitution, Chapter 938, and Chapter 950.
Youth Justice Data - Overview of eWiSACWIS Changes is a power point outlining the policy requirements for entry of youth justice data into eWiSACWIS. It provides screen shots demonstrating data entry.
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (JJIE) - This is the only publication covering youth justice and related issues nationally on a consistent, daily basis. JJIE was launched in September 2010 as an initiative of the Center for Sustainable Journalism, a non-profit organization dedicated to the longevity of quality, ethically-sound journalism. The JJIE covers a wide breadth of youth justice issues and news.
- Contacts
Director, Bureau of Youth Services, (608) 422-6989
Section Manager, Bureau of Youth Services, (608) 422-6993
Youth Justice Policy Coordinators, Bureau of Youth Services, (608) 422-6997 OR (608) 422-6995