Child Welfare Licensed Agency Policies and Rules
Child Welfare Licensing Policy Memos
The Department of Children and Families (DCF) policy memos create or explain requirements for child welfare agencies. Agencies must follow the instructions or interpretations detailed within the policy memos. The policy memos are only available electronically.
Licensed providers are required to be registered on the Listserv in order to receive the email notifications. If you are not licensed but would still like to receive notification of issuance, registration is necessary. Registration and notifications are free, but do require an active e-mail.
Child Welfare Licensing Rules
Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard (RPPS)
Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard (RPPS) is a requirement for all out-of-home care providers to use in making decisions concerning a child’s participation in age and developmentally appropriate activities such as:
- Extracurricular
- Program enrichment
- Cultural and Social events
Using careful and sensible parental decisions to maintaining the child's
- Health
- Safety
- Best interest
- Values
- Cultural
- Religious
- Tribal
These activities encourage the emotional and developmental growth of a child. Children and youth in out-of-home care have a right to a normal childhood or adolescence. It is the responsibility of those involved in their lives to create as much normalcy as possible.
Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Review (DCF-F-5123-E) is a voluntary form. Completion of this form will fulfill the requirments to review the use of the RPPS for group homes, shelter facilities, child placing agencies and RCCs.
Reasonable Prudent Parenting Decision Record (DCF-F-5124-E) is a mandatory form. Completion of this form will fulfill the requirements to document decisions made regarding the RPPS.
All of out-of-home care providers must be trained in the RPPS before they implement the standard. This includes:
- Child placing agencies
- Operator (licensee or authorized representative) of a :
- Group home
- Residential care center for children and youth
- Shelter care facility or its designee
The training page can be accessed at: Providers will be notified when updated training becomes available.
RPPS has been incorporated into all child welfare licensing administrative rules including group home, shelter care facilities, residential care centers for children and youth in foster care. The Child Welfare Licensing Rules are available by facility type at the top of this page.
Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Licensing Policy Memo (2017-26-L) inform licensed providers of the permanent administrative rules related to the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard (RPPS) are effective August 1, 2017.
Caregiver Background Checks
Barred Crimes are outlined under Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 48.685 and the Barred Offenses- Residential Care Centers, Group Homes, Shelter Care and Child Placing Agencies
Wisconsin Administrative Code DCF 12 Caregiver Background Checks
Background Information Disclosure (BID)Forms
- Background Information Disclosure Form in English
- Background Information Disclosure Form in Hmong
- Background Information Disclosure Form in Spanish
Barred Crimes are outlined underWisconsin Statutes Chapter 48.685.
A list for Foster Care and Subsidized Guardianship is available as well.
DCF will conduct a complete background check every 2 years or with any submitted application on the following:
- Each licensee, including all partners in a partnership, the board president or CEO, or other designated representative of a corporation
- Each adult, non-client household resident
Licensees will need to do a complete background check within 45 days of hire and every 4 years thereafter on:
- All employees who have regular direct contact with children.
- All volunteers used to meet staff-to-child ratios
Other Relevant Rules
Children’s Code - Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 48
Confidentiality of Treatment Records - Wisconsin Administrative Code DHS 92
Emergency Mental Health Service Programs - Wisconsin Administrative Code DHS 34
Facilitating the Adoption of Children with Special Needs - Wisconsin Administrative Code DCF 50
Wisconsin Indian Child Welfare Act - Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 48.028 (Children's Code) Additional information, forms and publications pertaining to the Wisconsin Indian Child Welfare Act is available.
Information to be Provided to Out-of-Home Care Providers (including Foster Parents) - Wisconsin Administrative Code DCF 37
Juvenile Justice Code - Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 938
Patient Rights and Resolution of Patient Grievances - Wisconsin Administrative Code DHS 94
Re-Entry into Out-of-Home Care for Youth 18 Years of Age or Over, But Under 21 Years of Age - Wisconsin Administrative Code DCF 21