Wisconsin Rate Regulation for Child Welfare Licensed Agencies

The Department of Children and Families is required to establish daily rates for Group Homes (GHs) and Residential Care Centers (RCCs), as well as the administrative daily rates for Child Placing Agencies (CPAs) per administrative rule DCF 57.60, DCF 52.64, DCF 54.07, and s. 49.343.

DCF Approved Rates

Child Placing Agencies

Group Homes

Residential Care Centers

Provider Cost and Service Report

For use by providers to report their costs to the Department by July 1 of each year:

Training Webinars

These webinars provide guidance on how to complete the Provider Cost & Service Report for any given year.

Session 1: Brief Overview
Session 2: Current Year Changes Highlights
Session 3: Cover tab
Session 4: Validation tab
Session 5: Prop & Trans tab
Session 6: Consumables tab
Session 7: Personnel tab
Session 8: Assumptions and PY Assumptions tabs
Session 9: Multiple Programs 
Session 10: Rate Calc

Forms & Documents
Cost Report Guidance
Rate Regulation & Review

In 2021, the Department of Children and Families worked with a consultant to perform a business process assessment of the current rate structure and existing rate regulation process to identify gaps and provide recommendations. The reports below summarize key findings and recommendations.

Contact Information: DCFCWLRateReg@wisconsin.gov