September 24 Child Care Provider Updates
DHS Monitoring Significant Increase in Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Urges Vaccination to Prevent Severe Symptoms
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is reporting a significant increase in cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, across Wisconsin. Data in the state, and nationally, show case counts are now similar to pre-pandemic levels. To prevent the spread and protect against severe symptoms or hospitalization, DHS urges Wisconsinites to make sure they and their children are up to date on their pertussis vaccine and to take other steps to stay healthy. Read more about Whooping Cough on the DHS webpage.
Upcoming Listserv Changes - New Date and Spanish Coming Soon
Beginning October 10, the Child Care Provider Listserv will be available in both English and Spanish! Our goal with this change is to ensure that more Wisconsin providers can access the information and resources included in the listserv.
In order to allow for translation, we will be moving the weekly listservs from Tuesdays to Thursdays starting October 10.
If you’d like to receive the listserv in Spanish, you can subscribe on our Spanish listserv sign-up page. You will still receive the English messages in the meantime and until you unsubscribe from the English version. Stay tuned for more updates.
September Child Care Counts Update Period Starts September 28
The next update/application period is September 28 – October 6. Organize your records now so you are ready to submit your updates. See the Child Care Counts Calendar for future Count and Update Weeks.
Update/Application Week Reminders
- You must review, update, and resubmit your application every month. See the Child Care Counts Calendar for future Count and Update Weeks.
- Be sure to carefully review the child and staff lists for attendance and payroll status during the Count Week and hit “submit” once you have completed your review/update.
- If you do not wish to receive payments, you must withdraw your application during Update Week.
Helpful Resources
- See the Round 5 Application Guide for information about submitting your initial application.
- All providers must upload child and staff records with their application/updates. See the Provider Portal Upload Guide for assistance.
- Review the Updating Your Child Care Counts Information During Update Week video to learn how to make application modifications during Update Week.
If you need assistance, please email or call and speak with a Support Center Specialist at 608-535-3650.
Child Care Counts Información en español.
Tuesday Talks – August Recording Now Available
Did you miss the August Tuesday Talks with DECE? The link to the August talk on Child Care Counts and the Child Care Supply and Demand Survey is now available in the August 20, 2024 accordion on the Tuesday Talks with DECE Recordings webpage.
Tuesday Talks with DECE are held the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. The next webinar is Tuesday, October 15 at 1:30 p.m. and we will discuss Wisconsin Shares and Child Care Foundational Training. Visit the DCF Tuesday Talks with DECE webpage to access the Zoom link and learn about future topics.
Learn more about Tuesday Talks on the DCF website. Información de las charlas del martes en español.
Reminder: Train the Trainer Events: CC Foundational Trainings
Are you interested in offering Child Care Foundational Training (CCFT) courses? The next CCFT Train-the-Trainer events are October 21 through October 24 at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee-Waukesha campus. Registration is required.
Trainers must meet the following requirements to register for and attend the events:
- Be a WI Registry approved Tier 3 Trainer
- Sign the CCFT Agreement found in Trainer tab of your Registry profile
- Watch the required CCFT Train-the-Trainer webinar found on Registry's training page
- Register for CCFT Train-the-Trainer events on Registry's Statewide Training page. Note: Registration opened September 6.
Event Schedule
- Monday, Oct. 21: Fundamentals of Family Child Care
- Tuesday, Oct. 22: Introduction to the Child Care Profession
- Wednesday, Oct. 23: Skills and Strategies for the Child Care Teacher
- Thursday, Oct. 24: Fundamentals of Infant and Toddler Care
More information about the location and time of events will be provided upon registration. Learn more about CCFT.
Upcoming Events and Education/Training Opportunities
The below events are hosted by DCF, one of its partners, or is one that may be relevant to the early childhood field. Click/tap on the titles below to learn more about each event.
Reminder: Child Care Provider Entrepreneur Training Series
- Developing Scholarship and Tuition Assistance Programs
September 25 | 12 p.m. | Virtual | Hosted by First Children’s Finance
- Developing Scholarship and Tuition Assistance Programs
Pathways to Quality Conference and Resource Fair
- We are excited to announce that registration is open for the 2024 Pathways to Quality Conference and Resource Fair! The conference is a week-long event, offering attendees access to on-demand recorded sessions; live virtual sessions from October 28 to October 30, 2024; and an in-person experience on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center. This year's overarching theme is "Transitioning Together: Nurturing Belonging and Connections.”
- The conference targets early childhood and out of school time care professionals from Milwaukee area programs participating in YoungStar, especially from those with 2 and 3 Star ratings. Even if your program does not participate in YoungStar, Pathways provides information and resources for all program directors, teachers/caregivers in family and center-based child care programs, Head Start, 4K, and out of school time programs. Register for the conference today!