Dream Up! - Child Care Provider Training Opportunitiesperson sitting at a laptop with graphic overlays of documents


The Child Care Provider Training Series is hosted by First Children’s Finance. Through this series, providers have the opportunity to attend free, hands-on workshops and seminars that address the most critical business topics for family child care owners and child care centers. At this time, these trainings will not be recorded. If you have questions or need additional support on one of the topics listed below, please email DCFMBDECEProjectGrowth@wisconsin.gov.

Note: This schedule is subject to change. We will also be adding information about which trainings will be available in Spanish shortly.

May 6, 2024: When Tuition is Not Enough: Fundraising for your Child Care Center

12-2 p.m.

Center directors know that the income generated by tuition isn’t always enough to make ends meet. Participants in this session will increase their understanding of the six basic principles of fundraising for child care programs and identify initial strategies for a child care center fund development plan.

Register for the When Tuition is Not Enough: Fundraising for your Child Care Center training.

May 10, 2024: Child Care Business Boot Camp (2 sessions)

10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Develop the basic skills of starting and running a successful child care business. Learn the skills needed to refine your child care business idea, manage finances, develop a budget, create a marketing plan, and identify business polices that contribute to sustainability and growth of the child care business. Explore the basic business concepts through a hands on approach using case studies, individual exercises, group exercises, and classroom discussions.

Register for the Child Care Business Boot Camp training.

May 14, 2024: Separating Your Family Child Care Finances from Your Personal Finances

6-8 p.m.

Learn basic tools to separate business and personal finances. Learn to utilize computer and file systems to organize financial documents. Develop a business budget.

Register for the Separating Your Family Child Care Finances from Your Personal Finances training.

May 16, 2024: Leveraging Technology for your Child Care Center

12:30-2:30 p.m.


June 6, 2024: Managing Enrollment in your Child Care Center

9-11 a.m.

Learn how to understand enrollment in a child care center and develop your skills to create realistic enrollment projections and how to track current enrollment and future openings. Create action steps to maintain and grow enrollment.

Register for the Managing Enrollment in your Child Care Center training.

June 25, 2024: Precision Pricing for your Child Care Center

12-2 p.m.

Explore the current state of child care and the factors that contribute to child care business challenges. Complete a SOAR analysis. Understand the process for pricing your business services. Identify strategies to increase your business acumen.

Register for the Precision Pricing for your Child Care Center training. 

July 17, 2024: Quality Staffing for Your Child Care Center

12:30-3:30 p.m.

Learn the three phases or employee recruitment, hiring, and retention. Analyze current hiring and employee retention processes. Identify strategies to recruit qualified teachers. Review best practices for hiring new employees. Understand the importance of a holistic employee orientation process. Develop strategies to increase staff leadership development.

Register for the Quality Staffing for Your Child Care Center training.

July 29, 2024: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Child Care Center (CCC)

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Learn basic marketing principles and concepts. Complete an environmental scan. Identify features and benefits of a child care program. Analyze child care competitors. Identify strategies to build an effective message. Define target market to secure future enrollment. Learn how to use marketing principles to secure community partnerships.

Register for the Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Child Care Center training.