W-2 Contractors System Subcommittee

W-2 Contractors' Systems Subcommittee


These meetings will provide a forum to assure regular communication between the Bureau of Working Families (BWF) and the W-2 Contractors on issues relating to the major information systems that support W-2 and related programs' functions, including:

W-2 Contractors' Meeting

Contractors' Meeting


These meetings will provide a forum to assure regular communication between the Bureau of Working Families (BWF) and the W-2 Contractors.  These monthly meetings will allow for an exchange of ideas to assure the delivery of quality employment services to the parents and children in the W-2 programs.

BWF Work Programs Help Desk

BWF Work Programs Help Desk Home Page

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Welcome to the BWF Work Programs Help Desk Web Center. Throughout this site, you will find useful links and FAQs to assist you with whatever your current CARES problem may be. As always, please be sure to work with your agency CARES coordinator to resolve issues prior to contacting the BWF Work Programs Help Desk.


For Researchers: State Plans

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

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Wisconsin TANF State Plans

On August 22, 1996, Wisconsin was the first state in the nation to submit its state plan for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. That plan was certified as complete and Wisconsin qualified as an "eligible State" for purposes of receiving TANF block grant funding as of September 30, 1996. To remain eligible for TANF funding, Wisconsin has continued to submit new plans.

Agency Partners - FEP Toolbox

Agency Partners - Agency Toolbox

This page offers essential tools and resources to assist partners with program service delivery.

Agency Partners - Contract Resources

Agency Partners - Contract Resources

Contract Resources for W-2 Agency Partners are linked below. These resources include Contractor Payment Structure and Calendars, a copy of the 2013 – 2016 W-2 Request for Proposal (RFP) and contract, current W-2 Agency Directory, DCF’s financial reporting system Subrecipient Payment and Report on Contracts (SPARC) homepage, W-2 programs data and reports system WebI, and the home page for the Bureau of Analytics and Research (BAR).