MCPS - Foster and Adoptive Parent Resources

Foster and Adoptive Parent Resources

kids holding up fake glasses

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services (MCPS)

The following is a collection of information for foster parents and adoptive parents to aid in understanding support groups, available assistance, and licensing.

MCPS - Contracted Group Home Information

Contracted Group Homes

teens laughing

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services (MCPS)

Meeting and contact information for contracted Group Homes.

Meeting Notice

2018 Group Home Meetings:

November 7, 2018; Time 9:00am to 11:00am; Location Large Conference Room

July 26, 2018; Time 9:00am to 11:00am; Location Large Conference Room

May 16, 2018; Time 9:00am to 11:00am; Location Large Conference Room

MCPS - OHC Provider Information

Out-of-Home Care Provider Information

kids laughing

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services

The following includes placement information and resources for agencies providing out-of-home care for children and youth.

The Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services (DMCPS) contracts with the out-of-home care providers to provide placement resources for children/youth in Milwaukee County and served by the child welfare system.

MCPS - Child Abuse and Neglect Training

Child Abuse and Neglect Training for Mandated Reporters

woman and teen sitting on a couch talking

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services (MCPS)

MCPS Offered Training

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) offers joint training and informational sessions including MCPS Mandated Reporter Training and Wisconsin Works (W-2) Informational sessions.