MCPS - Kinship Care Program

Kinship Care Program

Woman holding girl in a purple coat

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services

Kinship Care helps support a child who lives outside of their own home, either temporarily or for the long term, with the relative (such as an adult brother or sister, a first cousin, a nephew or niece, an uncle or aunt or a grandparent, among others).

MCPS - Information for Residential Care Centers (RCC)

Residential Care Center

group of hands in a circle

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services

Information for Agencies licensed through DCF 52

You must be licensed as a Residential Care Center (RCC) for placement of children under a Child in Need of Protection and Services (CHIPS) order before requesting a contract with DMCPS.

MCPS - Level 3-5 Treatment Foster Care

Level 3-5 Treatment Foster Care

family playing a boardgame

Milwaukee County Child Protective Services

Information for Child Placing Agencies, DCF 56

You must be licensed as a Child Placing Agency (CPA) for placement of children under a Child in Need of Protection and Services (CHIPS) order before requesting a contract with DMCPS.

MCPS - Career Information

Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services Careers

woman in a red shirt working on a laptop

The Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services (DMCPS) offers many opportunities for you to serve children and families in our community.

Our Mission is to have safe children and healthy families in Milwaukee County.

To achieve our vision, we will respond to concerns of child safety and through partnership with families and the community, focus on keeping children safely at home.