Milwaukee Child Welfare Contract and Grant Opportunities

Contract and Grant Opportunities

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Milwaukee County CPS and Child Welfare

The Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services is fortunate to contract with many community organizations who provide quality programming for children and families. These competitive contracts and grants are awarded through a Request for Proposal (RFP).

MCPS - MCPS Staff/Partner Agency Resources

MCPS Staff / Partner Agency Resources

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This page provides additional resource information for all MCPS and contracted partner agency staff. The information provided includes: Basic client needs resources, MCPS career information, Court and Attorney resources and contact information, useful phone numbers for Police; Indian Tribal Welfare; Placement Unit, and other useful resource information for case managers.

MCPS - Forms


Forms listed below are for the DMCPS (Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Service) Initial Assessment's and Ongoing Case Management's use. Use the search bar (below right) to find the form you are looking. If you can't find the form you are looking for, check the DCF Internet Forms Repository.

MCPS - Contact Information

Contact Information

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Milwaukee County Child Protective Services (MCPS)

General Contact Information

  • Phone: (414) 343-5500
  • Fax: (414) 220-7247

Reporting Child Abuse and/or Neglect

  • Phone: (414) 220-SAFE (220-7233)
  • Fax: (414) 220-7247

MCPS - CAPTA Appeals Process

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Appeal Process

Milwaukee Child Protective Services (MCPS)

Appeal Process for a Substantiated Maltreatment Finding

Under the federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) and Wisconsin state law, a person who has been named as a maltreater in a substantiated case of child abuse or neglect has the right to appeal. This appeal process starts with the First Appeal Review with Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services staff.