Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council

group of superheros

Upcoming Meetings

Meetings are held at the DMCPS Office, 635 N. 26th Street or virtually on Zoom.

2025 Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council Meeting Dates

Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council CPS Training Dates

  • Dates to be determined

2025 Sub-Committee Meeting Dates

To view historical meeting agendas, minutes, and materials visit Meeting Minutes and Reports from 2018 - 2024. Questions and requests can be sent to DMCPS.

The Role of the Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council

Citizen Review Panels for Child Protective Services are groups of citizen volunteers throughout the United States who are federally mandated to evaluate local and state child protection systems. The panels are required to submit an annual report to the Federal Children's Bureau each year that outlines the panel's activities and recommendations to the state child protective system to strengthen its services.

The Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council (MCWPC) has been designated the Citizen Review Panel for Milwaukee County under Chapter 48 (Section 562) Children's Code. MCWPC's duties are:

  • Hold at least one public hearing each year at which the council shall encourage public participation and solicit public input regarding the child welfare system in Milwaukee County
  • Recommend policies and plans for the improvement of the child welfare system in Milwaukee County
  • Recommend measures for evaluating the effectiveness of the child welfare system in Milwaukee County
  • Recommend funding priorities for the child welfare system in Milwaukee County
  • Identify innovative public and private funding opportunities for the child welfare system in Milwaukee County
  • Annually, submit a report of its recommendations to the department, which within 60 days after receiving the report shall prepare a response to those recommendations and transmit the report, together with its response, to the governor and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature. It should be noted that due to changes in the reporting period from the calendar year to the fiscal year, the 2022 report will not be available until mid to late 2023 and will be an 18-month report.
  • Advise the department in planning, and providing technical assistance and capacity building to support, a neighborhood-based system for the delivery of child welfare services in Milwaukee County.

The Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council was established through 1995 WI Act 303 as an advisory body to the State regarding child welfare services in Milwaukee County. Quarterly meetings are open to the public.

Documents and Links

Council members

List of Child Welfare Terms

2017-2019 Partnership Council Budget Recommendations

Contact the Milwaukee Child Protective Services