Frequently Asked Questions
Child Care Counts Stabilization Payment Program Round 5
Return to Child Care Counts home page.
The FAQs are grouped generally by topic within each section below. Some questions may fall into more than one topic, so please be sure to review all sections.
- General
Where can I find information about all rounds of Child Care Counts?
You can find dates and information for all rounds of Child Care Counts on the Child Care Counts Payment Program Overview page.
Are Head Start programs eligible to apply for Child Care Counts?
Yes. All regulated programs are eligible to apply.
Who is eligible to apply for Child Care Counts?
Regulated (licensed, certified, or public school license-exempt) child care providers who are currently open and providing care to children. See the terms and conditions for additional eligibility and requirements.
I am temporarily closed during the Count Week. Can I still apply?
No. Providers must be open and caring for children to be eligible for payments. If closed due to COVID-19 exposure, see COVID Guidance FAQ for more information.
I was open and caring for children during the Count Week identified in the application, but I am currently temporarily closed. Can I still apply?
Yes. Providers may apply if they are open and caring for children during the Count Week. If temporarily closed during the Application Week, providers must reopen within 14 days. See COVID Guidance FAQ for more information.
Can I apply for more than one program during the application period?
Yes. Eligible child care providers are encouraged to apply for both Program A and Program B.
I applied for a previous round of Child Care Counts funding. Do I have to submit a new application for Payment Programs A & B?
Yes. Providers must submit new applications for this new round of funding. For providers who previously applied, much of the previous information will be copied into the current application. Please review all information that is automatically filled in on the application to make sure it is accurate, and update as needed. Providers will also need to upload verification documents during their initial application of Stabilization Round 5.
What happens after I submit my application?
Providers will be notified via email when payment letters are available. The email will provide instructions to log in to the Provider Portal to view the payment letter. If there are issues with accessing the Provider Portal, email DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov for assistance.
What if I can’t comply with the Terms and Conditions?
Email DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov to discuss the details of the situation. Providers may need to return the funds that were received if unable to meet the Terms and Conditions of the payment program.
Are child care providers required to follow health and safety guidelines in order to apply for the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program?
Yes. Child care providers must implement policies and practices in compliance with:
- Health and safety administrative rules as outlined by DCF Child Care Regulation
- Requirements of any local orders
When will I receive my payment?
- If registered with FIS, it may take up to seven (7) business days from the date of the payment letter.
- If not registered with FIS, it may take up to 14 business days from the date of completed W-9.
- Providers not registered will receive instructions on submitting a W-9 with the payment letter.
- Providers are encouraged to register with FIS in order to receive payment more quickly. See this guide for instructions on setting up an FIS account.
- Application Process
NOTE: The FAQs are grouped generally by topic within each section below. Some questions may fall into more than one topic, so please be sure to review all sections.
Questions Related to Documents
How do I submit documentation?
Documentation must be uploaded through the Upload Verification Documents section of the Child Care Provider Portal. See the Upload Guide and Upload Video to assist with the upload process.
Why do I have to upload documents for this round of Child Care Counts Payments?
This payment program will span over 12 months, and it will only require one initial application. DCF requires that providers verify children and staff that will be counted for monthly calculations.
What staff payroll documents need to be uploaded for Program B?
During your initial application, you are required to upload documentation that verifies the staff entered on the application were employed or on payroll during the Count Week.
You may submit your most recent payroll documents to verify their employment status and wage. This does not have to be payroll from the Count Week.
This documentation must include:
- Staff full name
- Staff current hourly wage or yearly salary
- Schedule or worked hours (to confirm part-time or full-time status)
Example: Jane Smith is a lead teacher, works full-time (21 hours or more per-week), and is paid $15.25 an hour. The recent paycheck was issued on August 5 for the time worked July 10 – July 23. Submitting the most recent payroll for the individual that verifies employment status, wage, and hours worked is an acceptable form of documentation.
Example: ABC Day Care does not have formal payroll and pays employees with business checks. The provider can submit the employee’s schedule and a hire letter. The schedule will verify the hours worked (full-time or part-time). The hire letter will verify the individual as an employee and their wage.
What should I include when I upload my child attendance?
At the initial time of application, include sufficient attendance records to verify attendance for each child included in the application.
Example: If all children were present on Wednesday of the Count Week, include attendance records from that day. If June attended only Monday and Mario attended only Wednesday, include attendance records from both of those days.
I am only applying for Program B. Do I have to upload child attendance records?
Yes, attendance records are required. Per the Terms and Conditions, providers must be open and caring for children during the Count Week in order to receive funding through Program B.
The upload tab in the Provider Portal will have options to enter staff records and child care attendance. If you apply for Program A later in the application week or in a later month, the new application will require uploading attendance records.
If you have already applied for Program A and have uploaded your child attendance records, you do not need to upload them into the Program B application.
See the Upload Guide to assist with the upload process.
Questions About Staff Included on the Application
Can I include support staff like my cook and our driver in the application for Payment B even if they don’t provide direct care to the children?
The intention of Payment B is to support the various staff members that contribute to the overall operations of a child care program. Support staff can be included in the application for Payment B as long as they:
- Were employed or on payroll for the Count Week
- Are an “approved caregiver” or “non-caregiver”
- Have a DCF-approved background check
Please note, contracted employees, household members, and volunteers cannot be added to the application.
I have low enrollment and do not need all of my staff at this time. Can I remove staff from the schedule for a period of time until enrollment increases?
Providers must, to the extent that they are able, retain and not involuntarily furlough (lay off without pay) staff who appear on their center’s application.
See the below FAQ for further details regarding "currently employed" and "on payroll" status.
We had two teachers out sick during the Count Week and some of our on-call staff did not work/were not scheduled that week. Can these teachers be included in the application?
Yes. If a staff member was out ill, on vacation, or was otherwise not scheduled during the Count Week, but they are a current employee or on payroll, they can still be added to the application for Program B. The intention of the per-staff funding is to help retain current employees.
- A staff member who was out during the Count Week can be considered “on payroll” if they did not work regularly scheduled hours, but did receive pay during the Count Week. For example:
- The staff member did not work regularly scheduled hours during the Count Week due to paid time off.
- The staff member did not work regularly scheduled hours during the Count Week due to a paid medical or family leave of 12 weeks or less.
- A staff member who was out during the Count Week can be considered a “current employee” if they have worked within the last 30 days or were out due to a medical or family leave of 12 weeks or less. For example:
- The staff member did not work regularly scheduled hours during the Count Week due to illness. The staff did not receive pay (they were not on payroll), but worked within 30 days of the Count Week.
- The staff member was not scheduled to work during the Count Week due to an unpaid medical or family leave of 12 weeks or less (e.g., unpaid maternity leave).
- The staff member was not scheduled to work during the Count Week due to an unpaid vacation. The staff did not receive pay (they were not on payroll), but worked within 30 days of the Count Week.
- The staff member (e.g. on-call or substitute staff) was not scheduled to work during the Count Week. The staff did not receive pay (they were not on payroll), but worked within 30 days of the Count Week.
I do not technically pay myself. How do I fill out the staff section for myself?
Owners of licensed or certified family providers should add themselves as a staff member in the staff section. Select yes to indicate that you are on the payroll.
How do I remove staff from my application?
To remove staff from your application, you must remove them from the staff list in the application. Follow the steps below to remove staff from your application:
- Open the application for Program B
- Click the Staff button
- Click Details next to the staff name
- Click …More in the bottom right of the screen
- Click Modify Staff Details
- Do either one of the following:
- Answer No for "Is the individual employed or on payroll anytime between (dates of the Count Week)." This option should be used when the individual is expected to be returning/employed or on payroll during the next Count Week.
- Check the box next to "Remove this staff from the grant?" This option should be used when the individual is no longer employed at your facility, and you must follow the additional steps below.
- Click Modify
If the staff member will be returning during a later Count Week, (for example, after the summer), no further action is needed until the staff member begins work again. At that time, add the person back into the application.
If the staff member is no longer employed at your facility, you must also enter end dates and modify the Individual Details section in Child Care Provider Portal. Follow the steps below to enter an end date for your staff:- Open the Individuals tab (Note: This is not on the application page.)
- Click Details next to the staff name
- Click Modify Individual Details
- Change the Employment/Residency Status to ‘Inactive’
- Enter a date for the Employment/Residency End Date
- Click Save
Failure to enter end dates may prevent staff from being added to another facility’s application.
Attendance and Enrollment
What is considered full-time or part-time for staff work time and children hours enrolled?
Full-time and part-time hour designations are the same for staff work time and children hours enrolled:
Full-time: 21 hours or more per week
Part-time: 20 hours or less per week**Employees can be entered as full-time at one location with up to one part-time role from a different Tax ID. Employees may be listed as part-time at up to three total locations, with up to two locations from the same Tax ID (if applicable).
Do I count the children who were enrolled or only those who attended?
Enter the total number of children who attended at least one day during the Count Week. For example, when completing the July application, enter the total number of children who attended at least one day between July 7, 2024 and July 20, 2024. On the Add Child page, use the checkbox to indicate if the child attended during the week of July 7, 2024 and July 20, 2024. Mark "yes" if they attended at all during that week. If they did not attend during that time, mark "no."
Children’s schedules can vary from week to week. Do I need to count the hours each child attends during the Count Week to determine full-time or part-time status?
Providers should use enrollment information to determine if a child should be entered in the application as attending full-time or part-time.
- If a child is enrolled on a full-time basis (21 hours or more per-week), they should be entered into the application as full-time.
- If a child is enrolled on a part-time basis (20 hours or less per-week), they should be entered into the application as part-time.
- If a child was enrolled full-time for one portion of the Count Week, and part-time for the other portion of the Count Week, you may enter them as full-time.
- If a child only attends “drop-in” care and there is no formal agreement/contract to determine a regular schedule of attendance, providers will need to determine if they meet the full-time or part-time definition based on the hours the child actually attended during the Count Week.
Regardless of full-time or part-time status, a child must have attended at least one day during the Count Week to be added to the application.
Questions Related to Eligibility – Can I Apply?
I was not regulated at the time of the Application Week, but I am currently regulated. Can I apply?
No. Providers must be regulated and in good standing during the Count Week and as of the last date of the Application Week, subsequent Monthly Update Weeks, and on Payment Days. When eligibility issues are resolved, providers may apply during future Application Weeks.
I did not have any children in attendance during the Count Week. Can I still apply? For example, I am a family provider, and all of the children were out sick at the same time during the entire Count Week.
No. Providers must be open and caring for children during the Count Week to be eligible for payments. See COVID Guidance section for more information.
I am applying for Program B, but institutional payroll policy or other reasons prevent me from providing bonuses or wage increases. Can I still apply for Program B?
If you were unable to apply for Program B in the past due to institutional policies that prevented you from providing bonuses or wage increase, you may now be able to apply for Program B in Round 5. Program B funds can be used to cover existing payroll.
I was closed during the Count Week for a vacation (or other non-COVID-19 closure reason). Can I still apply?
No. Providers are not eligible for payments if they are closed for the entire Count Week in any given Application and Monthly Update week. If open and caring for children at least one day during the Count Week, providers may still be eligible for payments.
I did not have any children in attendance during the Count Week, but my staff were still working (cleaning, preparing, etc.). Can I still get a payment for that month?
No. Providers must be open and caring for children during the Count Week in order to receive funds for that month.
Questions Related to Seasonal Closures or Other Seasonal Program Changes
My facility will not be operational for a period of time, for example, it is closed during the summer. What should I do with my Child Care Counts Application?
Your facility must be open and caring for children during the Count Week in order to receive payment. If you are closed due to any reason other than COVID-19 exposure, your application will be denied and you will receive a denial letter.
If your program is closed during the entire Count Week for any reason other than COVID-19 exposure (which may include seasonal closures), withdraw your Child Care Counts application using the steps below:
- On the main page of the application, click ‘Modify Application Details’ in the ‘Payment Program Details’ section for Increasing Access to High-Quality Care or Funding Workforce Recruitment and Retention.
- Click the downward arrow next to ‘Review Needed’ and select ‘Withdrawn’ from the drop-down menu.
- Then, click on ‘Modify’.
- Repeat this process to withdraw from any remaining applications (Payment A and Payment B must be withdrawn separately).
NOTE: You can only withdraw or edit your application during the Application/Update Week for the current month. To re-enter the CCC payment program after withdrawing your application, you will need to reapply during a future Application/Update Week.
See the Child Care Counts Calendar for future Application/Update Weeks.
Reminder: If staff members are no longer employed at your facility, you must enter employment end dates and remove them from your Child Care Provider Portal Staff List. Failing to update this information may restrict staff from being added to a new employer’s Program B application. (Remember to update employees in the Child Care Provider Portal for background check purposes as well.)
I have changes to my child attendance or enrollment for summer/school year programming. How should I enter this on my CCC application?
The application should reflect the child’s enrollment at the time of the Count Week. For example, if a child was enrolled full-time during the August Count Week, and has since changed to part-time enrollment during September Count Week (e.g., for the school year), the September application should reflect the child’s enrollment as part-time. This child would continue to be marked as part-time until another change in enrollment happens.
If a child only attends “drop-in” care and there is no formal agreement/contract to determine a regular schedule of attendance, providers will need to determine if they meet the full-time or part-time definition based on the hours the child actually attended during the Count Week. Regardless of full-time or part-time status, a child must have attended at least one day during the Count Week to be added to the application.
Please note that if your program is selected for audit, a contract, attendance forms, or other document verifying a child’s schedule may be requested.
4K Classrooms
Can staff who work in our 4K classrooms be included in the application?
Staff who are employed/paid by the child care program:
- These staff can be included in the application for both 4K hours and wraparound (before and after 4K) hours
Staff who are employed by/paid ONLY by the School District to provide 4K programming:
- These staff cannot be added to the application
Staff who are employed/paid by BOTH the child care program to provide wraparound care AND the school district to provide 4K programming:
- Staff can be included in the application only for the hours they are employed/paid by the child care program to provide wraparound (before or after 4K)
- Staff cannot be included in the application for the hours that they are employed/paid by the school district to provide 4K programming
Can children who attend 4K be included in my application?
Yes. Children who attend 4K in your facility can be included in the application. To determine full or part-time attendance, providers can combine all hours the child is in attendance (4K and wraparound care).
Virtual Programming
Can I count children in attendance if we provided services virtually during the Count Week?
No. Children must be physically present during the Count Week to be counted as in attendance for Program A.
Can I include staff who are teaching children in a virtual setting in my application?
No. Program B eligibility requires the physical attendance of children, therefore staff cannot be counted if teaching virtually. Ensure that child attendance is accurately updated before submitting your Program A and B applications to ensure you do not mistakenly receive funds when your facility is providing services virtually, this may result in an overpayment.
Family Providers
I am a family provider and I am not sure how to prove my wage.
Many family providers do not have formal payroll due to smaller business operations. Owners/licensees who are family providers should submit a document that includes the following:
- Full name
- Facility name
- Hours of operation
- Indicate operations hours you directly work to establish full or part-time status
- Total tuition amount for Count Week
- Must be signed and dated
You may use this Employment and Wage Verification for Family Providers Form, your own Word document or write this information on a sheet of paper and upload this with your application.
I am a Certified Provider, why won’t the system allow me to add more than two staff in my application?
Certified Providers can add up to two staff, including the licensee. Staff who supported care during the Count Week may be added to the application if they:
- Were employed or on payroll for the Count Week
- Are an “approved caregiver” or “non-caregiver”
- Have a DCF-approved background check
I am a Licensed Family Provider, why won’t the system allow me to enter more than three staff in my application?
Licensed Family Providers can add up to three staff, including the licensee. Staff can be added to the application if they:
- Were employed or on payroll for the Count Week
- Are an “approved caregiver” or “non-caregiver”
- Have a DCF-approved background check
Please note, contracted employees, household members, and volunteers are not eligible for Child Care Counts payments.
I am a family provider without additional staff. Can I still apply for Program B?
Yes. Family providers can still apply for both programs. Owners of family providers should be sure to enter themselves in the staff list.
I am a family child care provider. Can I receive Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program payments for my own children?
Yes, if all of the following apply:
- Under the age of 12
- Included on the attendance record
- Additional children are attending
No, if any of the following:
- Over the age of 13
- Not included on the attendance record
- No other children attending. Your facility is not considered actively operating. In this case, your children cannot be added to your Child Care Counts application.
Other Questions
How do I apply?
Providers can enter Child Care Counts applications through the Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP). Please see the CCPP Access Guide for instructions on how to access the Child Care Provider Portal. See the new Application Guide for additional information on how to enter an application into Child Care Provider Portal.
I submitted my application, but I need to make a correction. Can I fix it?
Yes. Providers can make changes to the application until 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the Application Week. Applications cannot be modified after the application period closes.
Can I fix an error I found in my application?
Yes. Contact the Child Care Counts Support Center to describe the error discovered. If, upon review, it is discovered that the error resulted in the receipt of funds that should not have been awarded, Support Center staff can assist you with how to return those funds. It is important to know that any funds you should not have received must be returned. Please note: The Support Center will not be able to make any changes to applications that are closed.
In addition, if your application is missing staff or children that should have been added, the Support Center is not able to make any edits to closed applications and you will not be able to receive additional funds for these errors. During the monthly update of your applications, ensure that you thoroughly review your child list, child attendance, and staff list to reflect each Count Week accurately to prevent errors.
How do I withdraw my application?
You can withdraw your Child Care Counts application using the steps below:
- On the main page of the application, click ‘Modify Application Details’ in the ‘Payment Program Details’ section for Increasing Access to High-Quality Care or Funding Workforce Recruitment and Retention.
- Click the downward arrow next to ‘Review Needed’ and select ‘Withdrawn’ from the drop-down menu.
- Then, click on ‘Modify’.
- Repeat this process to withdraw from any remaining applications (Payment A and Payment B must be withdrawn separately).
NOTE: You can only withdraw or edit your application during the Application/Update Week for the current month. To re-enter the CCC payment program after withdrawing your application, you will need to reapply during a future Application/Update week.
See the Child Care Counts Calendar for future Application/Update Weeks.
Reminder: If staff members are no longer employed at your facility, you must enter employment end dates and remove them from your Child Care Provider Portal Staff List. Failing to update this information may restrict staff from being added to a new employer’s Program B application. (Remember to update employees in the Child Care Provider Portal for background check purposes as well.)
I’m not sure how to answer the question “did your facility serve children from tribal communities.”
Select “yes” if either the child and/or one or more of the biological parents is affiliated with a tribe or tribal community. This can be regardless of whether they reside on tribal land.
- Update Week
When are the Update/Application Weeks, and what are the Count Weeks for each of them?
You can find the Update/Application and Count Weeks on the main Child Care Counts webpage, and on the Child Care Counts Calendar.
What do I have to do during Update Week?
If you are approved for payments for the prior month, you must update your application each month in order to maintain eligibility for ongoing payments according to the Terms and Conditions of the program. This includes:
- Reviewing and updating any information on the Common Details application section as necessary
- Indicating if you were open and caring for children at least one day during the Count Week
- Updating Child information as necessary (attended during Count Week, receiving Wisconsin Shares, full-time/part-time enrollment status). Add new children or remove children who are no longer enrolled.
- Note: You do not need to change enrollment status according to the child attendance during the Count Week. This should only be changed if the child’s full- or part-time enrollment status has changed.
- For example, if a child’s enrollment status at the facility is full-time, but they only attended part-time during that particular Count Week, you should leave their status as full-time in the application.
- Note: You do not need to change enrollment status according to the child attendance during the Count Week. This should only be changed if the child’s full- or part-time enrollment status has changed.
- Updating Staff information as necessary (employed or on payroll during the Count Week, full-time/part-time status)
- Uploading additional verification documents if prompted during your update. If there are significant changes in child/staff information, you will be taken to the Document Upload page, and must upload verification documents for the Count Week.
- Submit your updated application before the deadline of 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the Update/Application Week
Do I have to re-enter all children and staff during Update Week?
No. Child and staff information will be copied from your previous month’s application. You just need to review and make any updates as necessary. Be sure to carefully review children’s Wisconsin Shares status. An (!) icon next to a child on the Child List indicates that additional details are needed for that child.
You may enter new children or remove children who are no longer enrolled at the facility. You may also add new staff or remove staff who are no longer employed. See Application FAQs for more details about which children and staff to include in your application.
Do I have to upload new verification documents?
You are only required to upload new verification documents if you have entered a significant change in child/staff information. If additional documentation is required, you will be taken to the Verification Documents page. You will need to upload attendance records for all children and/or staff entered on your application for the Count Week.
What happens if I forget to update during Update Week?
Providers are required to update during each monthly Update Week. Failure to do so may result in an overpayment or denial of your application. If you forget to add children or staff, you will not receive per-staff or per-child funds for those individuals. If you forget to remove/update children or staff, you must contact the Child Care Counts Support Center with the details to begin a repayment process.
- Permanent Facility Closures, Change of Ownership, and Other Facility Changes
Before any sale or change of licensee name can be processed, you must communicate this matter to your licensor or certifier. This action directly impacts the status of your facility’s child care license or certification.
I am voluntarily closing my facility, what should I do with the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program payments I received?
You must communicate your voluntary closure reason and date to your licensor or certifier. This action directly impacts the status of your facility’s child care license or certification.
FUNDS: All payments are subject to the Terms and Conditions and all funds are subject to audit. We strongly recommend that funds are spent on allowable expenses prior to closing the facility. Keep all documentation for all months when you received payments. We recommend you create a file folder with these records on hand, or you may also choose to upload to the Child Care Provider Portal. Note: All Child Care Counts payments may be audited up to five (5) years from payment. All related documentation must be retained for this timeframe.
Documentation to keep includes:
- Attendance records
- Staff payroll and pay rates/wage details
- Staff hours/schedule
- All receipts and invoices documenting how Child Care Counts funds were used
STAFF: You must enter employment end dates for all staff. Failing to update this may restrict staff from being added to a new employers Program B application. Staff names should also be removed from the Program B application Staff List.
APPLICATION: Providers must withdraw their Child Care Counts application for both Program A and Program B. Failing to withdraw may lead to an overpayment.
See the Buying or Selling a Regulated Child Care Facility document for additional information.
I am in the process of selling my child care facility. Do I still qualify for Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program funds?
Before any sale or change of licensee name can be processed, you must communicate this matter to your licensor or certifier. This action directly impacts the status of your facility’s child care license or certification.
Given the complexities that surround this process, it is difficult to determine if you or your child care facility qualifies for Child Care Counts payments until the process has been completed. Providers must be actively operating and regulated during Count Week and at the time of payment.
Prior to applying, confirm the individual listed as “certified provider” or “licensee” and ensure that the banking information for your business has been updated with FIS. DCF will not assist with business disputes.
See the Buying or Selling a Regulated Child Care Facility document for additional information.
Who will be responsible for receiving and administering the funds if I sell my child care facility?
All Child Care Counts payments issued and spent are directly tied to the payee at the time of application. In addition, payment for those applications is addressed to that identified person.
It is strongly recommended that funds are expensed prior to the sale or change of licensee name. Any unspent funds must be returned. See the Use of Funds section of the Frequently Asked Questions for details and instructions.
If audited at a later date, the identified payee will be liable for those funds, records and verification of documents outlined in the Terms and Conditions.
Retain all Child Care Counts documents for up to five years after payment is received.
Documentation to keep includes:
- Attendance records
- Staff payroll and pay rates/wage details
- Staff hours/schedule
- All receipts and invoices Child Care Counts Funds were allocated to
Note: All payments are subject to audit up to five (5) years from payments. All payees must retain and provide these documents at the request of DCF or other auditing entity. If an overpayment is assessed for that same time frame, the payee will be addressed as the liable individual to repay those funds. DCF will not take part in any business disputes in these situations.
I am the new owner of a child care program that has previously received payment through Child Care Counts. Do I need to complete a new Child Care Counts application?
As a new owner, if you receive a new facility ID or provider number, you must begin a new application. Work to start the process to establish your bank account with FIS as soon as possible. This will allow for ACH payments of Child Care Counts once you are eligible to apply.
If you are the previous owner, you must take the following actions:
- Enter employment end dates for your employees, failing to do this step will make it difficult for their next employer to add them to their application
- Remove the staff from your existing Child Care Counts application
- Withdraw both program A and program B applications
- If you have an existing FIS account, you must contact FIS to report that you wish to remove your bank account. Please see Child Care Counts Frequently Asked Questions: Financial Questions for additional guidance.
See the Buying or Selling a Regulated Child Care Facility document for additional information.
Expanding to Multiple Locations
I am an existing provider who has added an additional location to my program. How can I apply for Child Care Counts at the new facility?
Child Care Counts payments are location specific. Additional locations are eligible to apply when they are providing care to children, regulated, and in good standing during the Count Week, the Application Week, Monthly Update Weeks, and on Payment Days.
The initial application for the new location should be entered using the Child Care Provider Portal account associated with the new location. Please note that funding provided for each location must be utilized at that location. Funding cannot be transferred between locations.
Change in License Type
I am currently receiving Child Care Counts payments, but have applied for a different type of regulation (e.g. certified to licensed, or family license to group license). How can I continue to receive Child Care Counts payments?
Child Care Counts payments are tied to a program’s certification or license. When a program changes to a new certification or license, they must apply for future Child Care Counts payments as if they are a new program using the Child Care Provider Portal account associated with the new certification or license.
The program may be eligible under the new license only if they are providing care to children, regulated, and in good standing during the Count Week, the Application Week, Monthly Update Weeks, and on Payment Days.
It is important to note that the timing of these changes will affect whether or not a program is eligible to receive funds. To be eligible for a given round, the change must occur before the last day of that month’s Count Week. If the change in regulation category happens anytime between the Count Week and Payment Days in an application month, the program will not be eligible for that month. To see the important dates for each round, see the top of the Child Care Counts webpage.
For example, if the change in license happens between May’s Payment Days and the last day of June’s Count Week, the program would be eligible to apply in June using the Child Care Provider Portal account associated with the new certification or license.
If you need assistance, please send an email to the Child Care Counts Support Center at 608-535-3650 or DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov.
Support Center hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-F.
- COVID Guidance
Initial Application
This is my first time applying and I was closed during Count Week due to a COVID-19 exposure. Will my facility be eligible for payment?
No. The Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program requires providers to be open and caring for children during the Count Week.
If this is your initial application to the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program and you are closed due to a COVID-19 exposure during Count Week, you will not be eligible. We strongly encourage you to apply during the next month’s Application Week.
I was open and caring for children during the Count Week, but had one or more classrooms closed due to COVID-19 exposure. Which children should be included in my application?
For the initial application, include only children who attended during the Count Week. When the classroom reopens, update child information during the next Monthly Update Week.
Example: A provider with three classrooms is open and caring for children in two classrooms during February Count Week. One classroom is closed due to COVID-19 exposure. Children from the two open classrooms are included in the February Application. If classroom three reopens before the March Count Week, children from that classroom can be added during the March Monthly Update Week.
I was open and caring for children during the Count Week, but had one or more children, who were scheduled to attend absent the entire week due to COVID-19 exposure. Can these children be included in my application?
For the initial application, only include children who attended during the Count Week. When the child/children return, update child information during the next Monthly Update Week.
Future Months
I have already received a payment for a previous month of the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program, but I had to close during this month’s Count Week due to a COVID-19 exposure. Can I still receive payment?
Yes. Providers who have already been approved for payment may continue to be eligible if closed due to COVID-19 exposure during a future Count Week.
Example: If you have already received payment for the months of February and March, and in April you closed your facility due to a COVID-19 exposure, you may be eligible to receive payment for April. When updating the common details in your application, you will answer ”NO” to the question “Was your facility open’ during the Count Week.” You will then be taken to the Temporary Closure page to enter your temporary closure. Only closure reasons of COVID-19 Exposure of Staff to COVID-19 or COVID-19 Exposure of Child(ren) to COVID-19 may be eligible for payments.
See this Temporary Closure guide for instructions on entering temporary closures in the Child Care Counts Application.
During the Monthly Update Week, you must update child and staff information changes that occurred during the Count Week regardless of the COVID-19 exposure/closure. For example, if children disenroll, or staff are no longer employed.
I have already received a payment for a previous month of the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program, but I had to close during this month’s Count Week due to a non-COVID-19 reason. Can I still receive payment?
No. The current Child Care Counts Program requires providers to be open and caring for children during the identified Count Week, with exceptions for closures due to COVID-19 exposure. Your program will be denied due to the temporary closure. You may reapply at the next month’s Application Week if you have children in care for the next identified Count Week.
You can report and update your temporary closures in the Provider Portal. For further assistance, you can work directly with your licensor or certifier.
Important: Discovery of unreported temporary closures may result in an audit, investigation, Wisconsin Shares overpayment, and Child Care Counts overpayment. Ensure you are communicating accurate status of your facility to the department.
I have already received a payment for a previous month due to a COVID-19 exposure. I still have not been able to reopen. Will I still be eligible for payment?
No. Providers who are closed due to a COVID-19 exposure for more than one Count Week period will be denied for additional payments. You may reapply in a future application week if you have children in care during the Count Week.
I have already received a payment for a previous month of the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program, but I had to close a classroom during this month’s Count Week due to a COVID-19 exposure. Can I still receive payment?
Yes. If a provider must close a classroom due to COVID-19 exposure, they may still be eligible to receive payment.
During the Monthly Update Week, you must update child and staff information changes that occurred during the Count Week regardless of the COVID-19 exposure/closure. For example, if children disenroll, or staff are no longer employed.
If a child did not attend due to COVID-19 exposure, mark ‘No, child did not attend due to exposure to COVID-19’ to the attendance question, and that child can still be added to the application/update for the Count Week. Be sure to include that child in the total count for “Number of children attended” on the Application Details page.
I have already received a payment for a previous month of the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program, but I but had one or more children, who were scheduled to attend, absent the entire Count Week due to COVID-19 exposure. Can I still receive payment?
Yes. Providers who have already been approved for payment may still be eligible to receive payment if a child, or children, are absent the entire Count Week due to COVID-19 exposure.
During the Monthly Update Week, you must update child and staff information changes that occurred during the Count Week regardless of the COVID-19 exposure/closure. For example, if children disenroll, or staff are no longer employed.
If a child did not attend due to COVID-19 exposure, mark ‘No, child did not attend due to exposure to COVID-19’ to the attendance question, and that child can still be added to the application/update for the Count Week. Be sure to include that child in the total count for “Number of children attended” on the Application Details page.
- Financial Questions (FIS, Taxes, 1099 Information)
Are the payments taxable?
All payment programs are taxable income. For further questions on how these funds impact your tax situation, please consult with a CPA or tax attorney.
What is the funding source for this program?
The Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program Round 5 is funded by the federal funds under the American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA). The Federal Assistance Listing/ Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 21.027.
Are the Child Care Counts funds considered subawards and subject to Single Audit requirements?
Funds received from the Child Care Counts Payment Program are not considered a subaward, so they are not subject to the Federal Single Audit requirements. All Child Care Counts funding (Emergency Payment Programs, Supplementary Payment Programs, Response and Relief Programs, and Stabilization Payment Programs) is subject to review by DCF to ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the program. We require that you keep records of how all Child Care Counts funds were spent in case of a DCF financial review.
I want my payments to be automatically deposited to my bank account, but I am not registered with FIS. What should I do?
In order for your payments to be directly deposited to your bank account, you must register with FIS. You are encouraged to begin this process right away. See the FIS Provider Registration guide for instructions on setting up your account with FIS. Please Note: FIS may take up to a week to review and approve the FIS Provider contract or change the bank information. You are encouraged to begin this process immediately if you are not already set up with FIS.
I am already registered with FIS. Is there anything I need to do?
- If you are already registered with FIS, please verify you can answer the four items below with ‘yes’:
- Current bank account is on file with FIS
- Bank account on file is your business account
- Bank account name matches the business name on file with FIS
- Business has not gone through any other name or business changes recently without updating information on file with FIS and your bank
- If any of the four questions above are answered “no,” you must update your bank account information with FIS.
Please contact FIS Merchant Services at 1-800-894-0050 or Merchant.Services.Support@fisglobal.com for a Bank Change Form.
You must update your bank account information with FIS in order to receive your payment into the correct bank account. Please contact FIS Merchant Services at 1-800-894-0050 or Merchant.Services.Support@fisglobal.com for a Bank Change Form.
If you do not receive funds in your bank account 10 days from the date of your payment letter, email or call FIS Merchant Services and ask for the status of the payment to your bank account: Merchant.Services.Support@fisglobal.com OR 1-800-894-0050. It may take up to five (5) business days to receive a response from Merchant Services. If you do not hear back from FIS Merchant Services or they do not resolve your issue, please email: DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov.
I am already registered with FIS, but my bank account information has changed. What do I do?
You must update your bank account information with FIS in order to receive your payment into the correct bank account. Please contact FIS Merchant Services at 1-800-894-0050 or Merchant.Services.Support@fisglobal.com for a Bank Change Form.
I am already registered with FIS, but I am locked out of my account. Can I still receive my payment through FIS?
Yes – as long as your bank account information has not changed, you will still receive your payment via automatic deposit to your bank account through FIS. You can check the status of your payment in the DCF Provider Portal.
I am having trouble with my FIS registration or my account, and I cannot get through to FIS customer service over the phone.Please refer to ebtEDGE Provider Portal Instructions for additional help with your FIS account. You can email FIS: Merchant.Services.Support@fisglobal.com. FIS may experience long wait times, it may take up to 5 business days for a response to voicemail or email. If you need to contact FIS, you may want to try calling during an off-peak time. If you have tried all the steps and still cannot get access to ebtEDGE, or need help resolving your FIS issue, email DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov for additional assistance.
How do I close my account with FIS?
If you no longer want to receive payments through ACH/direct deposit from FIS or are closing your bank account, you must do the following to close your account with FIS:
- Notify FIS in writing at least 60 days prior to closing your bank account by emailing Merchant Services at merchant.services.support@fisglobal.com
- Keep your current bank account open until all payments have processed to ensure payments are received in a timely manner
Will I receive a 1099?
If you receive Child Care Counts payments via ACH Transfer (from FIS), you will receive a 1099-K from FIS. This will include other payments that were made to you from the Wisconsin Shares program.
If you receive Child Care Counts payments via check from DCF, and if the payment amount was less than $600, you will not receive a 1099 from the State of Wisconsin. You should consult your tax advisor for guidance on how to include the payment on your taxes.
If you receive Child Care Counts payments via check from DCF, and if the payment amount was more than $600, you will receive a 1099-NEC from the State of Wisconsin.
If you received BOTH ACH transfer payment AND payment by check, you will receive a 1099-K from FIS for all electronic payments AND a 1099-NEC from the State of Wisconsin for check payment(s). All payments made to you via ACH transfer from FIS will be on one 1099.
If you paid Child Care Counts funding back to the state, this adjustment will not be included in the 1099-K. You should consult your tax advisor for guidance on how to include the adjustment on your taxes.
If you paid Wisconsin Shares subsidy funds back to DCF due to a Voluntary Repayment Agreement (VPA), these adjustments will not be included on your 1099-K from FIS. You should consult your tax advisor for guidance on how to include the adjustment on your taxes.
- Use of Funds
Is there a time limit on when I have to spend the funds?
Yes. Funding from the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program must be spent within 120 days of the date of the Payment Letter for the given month. Costs must have been incurred between July 1, 2024 and 120 days from the date of the payment letter.
Note: Expenses cannot have already been funded by a prior DCF program or reimbursed by another state or federal fund source.
- August Payment Letter Date 8/16/24 – Funds must be spent by 12/14/24, on costs incurred from 7/1/24 – 12/14/24
See the Update Week section of the FAQs and the Child Care Counts Calendar for important dates for Stabilization Round 5.
How can I spend these funds?
Program A funds must be spent on the following to support necessary and reasonable costs of maintaining or enhancing high-quality care:
- Operating expenses necessary to remain open, including but not limited to:
- Mortgage payments
- Rent/space costs
- Utilities
- Insurance
- Business-related taxes
- Payroll/benefits
- Expenses related to mitigating the risk of COVID-19, including but not limited to:
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Supplies for cleaning and sanitation
- Materials/supplies for enhancing the program environment and curriculum, and social and emotional development supports
- Professional development and/or continuing education
- Additional costs to ensure high-quality programming
- Mental health services for children and employees
- Relief from copayments and tuition payments for families
- You are encouraged to prioritize families in need of financial relief
- You may cover tuition and fees in excess of the amount paid by Wisconsin Shares
- Wisconsin Shares payments from families cannot be reimbursed
Program A funds may not be used for:
- Purchase, construction, or major renovation of any building or facility
- Major renovation means:
- Structural changes to the foundation, roof, floor, exterior, or load-bearing walls of a facility, or the extension of a facility to increase its floor area; or
- Extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function or purpose, even if such renovation does not include any structural change
Program B funds must be spent to support necessary and reasonable costs of recruiting and retaining high-quality staff as follows:
- Awarded Base Per-Staff funds must be used toward the goal of maintaining or increasing existing compensation (wages, bonuses, or benefits) for each staff person listed in each month’s Count Week.
- Awarded Quality Incentive Per-Staff funds must be used toward one or more of the following:
- Wages, bonuses, benefits
- Recruiting
- Professional development, staff training, scholarships, other continuing education expenses
- Funds can be used for vendors and services provided to the child care program who are not required to have an approved DCF background check (for example, a training or professional development service, or a recruitment or advertising agency).
- Funds can also be used to pay staff who support the overall operations of the child care program. For example: staff who do not work onsite, do not provide direct care to children, are not required to have a DCF approved background check, or are not added to the application.
I received Base Per-Staff funds from Program B that are supposed to go to specific staff that are no longer employed at my program. What can I do with these funds?
If, at the time of payment, an employee is no longer employed at your facility, the Base Per-Staff amount awarded for that individual can be used for compensation (wages, bonuses, benefits) for existing staff. These funds must be spent within 120 days of the date of the payment letter from which they were awarded.
I have a staff member who has been out ill. Do I need to pay them even if they do not have any paid time off or sick time left to use?
Providers should follow their existing policies regarding paid or unpaid time off/leave. Please note: Staff included in the application must receive at least the Base Per-Staff amount that was awarded regardless of hours worked.
Can Child Care Counts funds be used to cover the payroll taxes associated with the bonus payment to staff?
Yes. Payroll taxes are considered an allowable expense under Program A.
What does the Base Per-Staff Amount and Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount mean for Program B?
Payments for Program B will include a Base Per-Staff Amount for all approved providers. The Base Per-Staff Amount will be indicated in each month’s Payment Letter. At a minimum, you must use the Base Per-Staff Amount toward the goal of maintaining or increasing existing compensation for each staff person listed in the given month’s application.
Payments for Program B will also include a Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount for all approved programs participating in YoungStar. This amount is calculated for each eligible full-time/part-time staff listed in the application based on the program's YoungStar star rating. The Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount will be indicated in each month’s Payment Letter. This funding may be used toward one or more of the following: wages, bonuses, benefits, professional development, staff training, scholarships, other continuing education expenses, sign-on bonuses or other recruiting costs.
- For example, if the Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount for a given month is $100 per full-time staff at a 4 Star provider, this means that if a child care program has 3 staff, the total Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount would be $300. These funds can be used to support the costs of recruiting and retaining high-quality staff as described above.
What is not allowed for use of Program B funds?
- Program B funds cannot be used to pay volunteers.
- Program B funds cannot be used to pay household members who are not on staff or actively caring for children.
- High-level administrative staff for group providers may receive no more than two (2) times the per-staff amount (Base Per-Staff Amount plus Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount as indicated in the payment letter).
- For example, the Base Per-Staff Amount for full-time staff in a given month is $70. The Quality Incentive Per-Staff Amount is $60 for per full-time staff for a 3 Star provider. This means that the director/center administrator/ licensee/etc. could not receive more than $260.
Can I use Child Care Counts funds to pay staff who are not added to the application?
Yes. Program A funds or Program B Quality Incentive funds can be used to pay staff who support the overall operations of the child care program. For example: staff who do not work onsite, do not provide direct care to children, or are not required to have a DCF approved background check
What benefits are allowable expenses?
Benefits can include, but are not limited to, an increase to the employer contribution towards retirement plans, healthcare, dental benefits, and child care expenses, as well as increased paid time off.
Can I use Child Care Counts Stabilization funds for a car payment or other transportation expenses?
Yes. If a provider is approved by DCF for transportation, the expenses (care payment, fuel, insurance and maintenance, etc.) for vehicles used for business purposes are an allowable expense for Program A. If the vehicle is also used for personal use, the expenses must be prorated to the business portion. Work with your accounting or tax professional to determine how to track the business portion for these expenses. Providers will need to keep documentation and provide to DCF upon request.
I am a family provider. Do I need to prorate expenses, for example using the “time and space” method?
No. If you are family provider, expenditures do not need to be prorated using the "time and space" method for the purposes of the Child Care Counts Stabilization Payment Program.
Can I use Payment A funds for WI Real Estate or Personal Property Taxes necessary to operate my child care business?
Yes, WI Real Estate or Personal Property Tax payments made to your municipality could be considered an eligible expense. The provider must identify the business portion of their local taxes. There are two options for considering eligible under Child Care Counts:
- Through a lump sum payment to their municipality, OR
- Through monthly payment to the mortgage company, where taxes are held in escrow.
Providers cannot “double count” by considering both the escrow payments and the lump sum payment to the municipality as eligible expenses for Child Care Counts. Provider must select one option and consistently use that method for purposes of considering expenses eligible for use of Child Care Counts funds. Provider must keep documentation (local tax bill or escrow paperwork provided by mortgage company, etc.) of whichever option is selected and provide documentation to DCF upon request. The funds must be spent within the spending timeframe (120 days from the date of the payment letter) for the given monthly payment.
Can I use Program A funds to make physical improvements to my facility or property? What is the difference between a minor or major renovation or improvement?
Program A funds may not be used for major renovations: (1) structural changes to the foundation, roof, floor, exterior or load-bearing walls of a facility, or the extension of a facility to increase its floor area; or (2) extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function and purpose, even if such renovation does not include any structural change.
Program A funds may be used for minor renovations or improvements to environments that are directly related to the child care business. These improvements can include, but are not limited to, building or upgrading playgrounds, renovating bathrooms, replacing carpet, removing non-load bearing walls to create additional space for social distancing, and enhancements to make the facility more inclusive and accessible to children and families with disabilities (installing railing, ramps, or automatic doors).
Some examples of minor renovations may also include:
- Upgrading the kitchen to add safe electrical outlets and fix plumbing fixtures
- Repainting walls with a non-toxic paint
- Updating bathrooms (e.g., sink, faucet, toilet, etc.) to ensure age-appropriateness and child safety
- Replacing cabinets with an adequate storage space for each child’s personal belongings
- Installing rails and ramps that are accessible to individuals with disabilities
- Updating a sidewalk to provide a safe pathway for children
- Building or upgrading a playground
- Replacing fire sprinklers, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke detection systems
- Replacing windows or doors
- Completing a minor roof repair
- Removing non-load bearing walls to create additional space for social distancing
Can I use Program A funds to pay for radon testing and mitigation?
Yes, you can use Program A funds for radon testing, mitigation services, and installing radon mitigation systems.
When is the return of Child Care Counts funds required?
Unused Funds
Child Care Counts payments can only be used for a provider’s documented eligible expenses as agreed to in the terms and conditions. Providers must keep (and provide to DCF upon request) detailed documentation of their eligible expenses for at least five (5) years from the receipt of Child Care Counts payment. An eligible expense is an expense that follows the program rules, timelines, and terms and conditions.
What if I am not able to spend the funds in the 120 days?
If a provider is unable to spend a Child Care Counts payment within the spending time frame, unused Child Care Counts funds must be immediately returned to DCF. Remember, Child Care Counts funding can be used to cover eligible expenses incurred after July 1, 2024. Providers can look back at their costs to identify where these funds can be used.
For immediate return of Child Care Counts funds, mail a personal check, cashier’s check, or money order to the address below with the Provider Name, Provider #, Location #, and the Child Care Counts Round being returned. Please include this remittance slip with your payment:
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration
Attention: Operations Program Associate
PO Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916Application Mistakes and Inaccuracies
The provider must report to DCF any known mistakes or inaccuracies made during the application process, such as but not limited to:
- Incorrect or incomplete reporting of child attendance records
- Inaccurate or incomplete staff employment and background check records
- Inaccurate W-9 information
- Inaccurate address/contact information
- Inaccurate reporting of facility open/close dates
Application mistakes or inaccuracies may require immediate return of Child Care Counts funds and must be reported to DCF. If you made mistakes on your application, contact the DCF Support Center at: DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov or 608-535-3650.
DCF Overpayment Notices
Providers must comply with Overpayment Notices issued by DCF. The DCF Overpayment Notice indicates which Child Care Counts round resulted in an overpayment. The specific Child Care Counts funds received for the round indicated must be immediately returned to DCF.
If the indicated Child Care Counts funds are no longer available because they were used for what the provider thought were eligible expenses, the provider must find an alternate fund source to satisfy the DCF Overpayment Notice. A provider alternative fund source cannot be:
- DCF funds received for a different (prior or future) Child Care Counts round
- Other state funds
- Other federal funds
Child Care Counts payments can only be used for a provider’s documented eligible expenses as agreed to in the terms and conditions. Child Care Counts payments cannot be used to repay an overpayment established for a different (prior or future) Child Care Counts round.
Providers must keep detailed documentation and track eligible expenses for each Child Care Counts payment. Providers are encouraged to use the Spending Tool to keep track of their eligible expenses. Consult your accountant/bookkeeper/lawyer to ensure an appropriate fund source is used to return funds to DCF.
- Denials and Review Process
Denial Reasons
See below for Child Care Counts Denial Reasons and descriptions.
Failure to Update
Upon review of your Program A and/or Program B applications it was discovered that you failed to update your application. In order to remain in good standing with the Child Care Counts program you are required to update and re-submit your application every month. You will need to follow the "initial application" process to re-enter the program. See the How to Apply section of the Payment Program webpage for more information on submitting a new application.
No Children in Care
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you did not report any children in care during the identified monthly Count Week. The qualifications outlined in the terms and conditions states: I must be open and caring for children ages 0 through 12, or under age 19 for children with disabilities, during the Count Week identified for each month.
Not Regulated
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that your facility was not regulated during the Count Week, Application Week, or on the Payment Date.
If your facility was illegally operating, or your license or certification was suspended, revoked, denied, or not renewed timely you are not eligible for Child Care Counts payments at this time. Work with your licensing specialist or certifier to correct your regulation status. If you closed your program and voluntarily surrendered your license you are no longer regulated and not eligible for Child Care Counts payments.
Temporary Closure
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that your facility was temporary closed during the Count Week. A facility must be open and caring for children at least one day of the identified Count Week.
See Frequently Asked Questions section labeled COVID Guidance if your facility was closed due to a COVID exposure.
Important: Discovery of unreported temporary closures (14 days or more) may result in an audit, investigation, Wisconsin Shares overpayment, and Child Care Counts overpayment. Keep track of closure dates and reasons in your Child Care Provider Portal. Work with your licensing specialist or certifier for more information or guidance.
Serious Shares Violation
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you have been audited and investigated by the Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration (BCCSA) and serious program integrity concerns have been discovered. These egregious Wisconsin Shares violations may also include permanent suspension of the Wisconsin Shares Program.
You may contact the Child Care Support Center to request additional information if needed. Please send an email to: DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov. If you are unable to email, you may call and leave your detailed questions at: 608-535-3650. Please note – email is recommended for a faster response.
Non-Compliance – Background Check Law
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you are not in compliance with background check law because one or more individuals at your center does not have eligible FBI fingerprint background Eligibility Letter. All individuals must be brought into compliance as reflected in the Child Care Provider Portal.
If you have questions regarding background check requirements, please contact the Child Care Background Unit by calling 608-422-7400 or emailing DCFPlicBECRCBU@wisconsin.gov.
Additional online resources to support providers with background check requirements are available.
Non-Compliance – Audit
Upon completion of the Child Care Counts Audit, it was determined that you did not comply with the audit process as outlined in the terms and conditions.
Non-Compliance - Regulation
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that your facility was not in compliance with regulation requirements during the Count Week, Application Week, or on the Payment Date.
You may be denied for this reason if you were under CPS investigation or DCF investigation which led to revocation or suspension of license or certification, or termination from the Wisconsin Shares program.
Payments may be placed on hold during the investigation process.
Wisconsin Shares Delinquency
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you have an existing Wisconsin Shares or YoungStar overpayment that you are not actively repaying. Contact the DCF Bureau of Finance to discuss repayment options: 608-422-7550.
Child Care Counts Delinquency
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you have an existing Child Care Counts overpayment that you are not actively repaying. Contact the DCF Bureau of Finance to discuss repayment options: 608-422-7550.
Partner Up! Delinquency
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you have an existing Partner Up! overpayment that you are not actively repaying. Contact the DCF Bureau of Finance to discuss repayment options: 608-422-7550.
DOR Delinquency
Upon review of your application, it was discovered that you have a debt that was referred to the Department of Revenue (DOR). DCF refers past due public assistance debts, including Wisconsin Shares, Partner Up!, and Child Care Counts, to the DOR if the DCF Bureau of Finance has been unable to collect the debt.
DOR does have options for repayment if a provider is unable to pay the full amount. However, because this debt has reached DOR delinquency status, the debt must be paid in full to regain good standing. Contact the Department of Revenue to further discuss the amount owed and options available to you to repay this debt. Department of Revenue Contact Number: 608-266-7879.
Denial Review Process
My application for the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program was denied. Can I request a review of the denial decision? What is the process for requesting a review?
Yes. Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program denial decisions may be reviewed upon request.
If you believe you were incorrectly denied a Child Care Counts payment, you may seek review of that denial by following the below procedure:
(NOTE: It is recommended that you use the form linked below to ensure that your request for review includes all required information.)
- File a written request for review with the Division of Early Care and Education. You must state clearly and specifically what you believe was incorrect in this decision. Please attach any relevant documentation to support your claim. A Request for Review form is available to assist with requesting a review.
- The review will be limited to the statement and supporting documentation you submit, unless the reviewing authority has questions or seeks clarification from you.
- We strongly encourage you to submit your request for review via email to DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov to avoid any delays in reviewing your request. The subject line of your email should say CCC Review Request.
- If you are unable to submit your request via email, you may submit it, along with any supporting documentation, by fax to 608-266-5473 or via U.S. Mail to:
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
P.O. Box 8916
Madison, WI 53708-8916 - Your request for review must be emailed, faxed, or postmarked no later than 10 calendar days after the date on the Denial Letter.
Questions Related to Denials
The terms and conditions say providers need to be in “Good Standing.” What does in “good standing” mean?
Providers are required to meet eligibility requirements outlined in the Terms and Conditions and be in “good standing.” Good standing will be determined by a thorough review of regulatory status, background check compliance, program integrity issues, and any unpaid debt due to DCF. To be considered in “good standing,” providers must not be under CPS investigation or DCF investigation which may lead to revocation or suspension of license or certification, or termination from the Wisconsin Shares program.
I would like a request a review of my application denial, but I did not send in my written request within 10 days. Can I still request a review?
No. Requests for review must be emailed, faxed, or postmarked no later than 10 calendar days after the date on the denial letter. Requests received after this time will not be reviewed.
When eligibility issues are resolved, you may reapply during a future Application Week.
Will my application be denied if I have new staff who have not yet completed the full background check process?
A provider may still be eligible for Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program payments if new staff do not have an approved background check. However, new staff who do not have at least a preliminary fingerprint background check eligibility may not be included in the calculation for payment, but this will not result in the program’s application denial. If you have questions regarding background check requirements, please contact the Child Care Background Unit by calling 608-422-7400 or emailing DCFPlicBECRCBU@wisconsin.gov
Additional resources to support providers with background check requirements are available online.
Application Review Process
My application is “on hold.” What does this mean?
The Terms and Conditions for Child Care Counts include several conditions that must be met in order to receive payments. DCF reviews applications every month to ensure that programs are in good standing, including review of serious regulation issues, revocations, or investigations. During the review process, some applications may be identified for further review. These applications will remain in “Submitted” status until a determination has been made.
Providers will receive an email notifying them that their application has been placed on hold while the investigation is ongoing. Providers will be notified in the Child Care Provider Portal as soon as the investigation concludes, and a determination is made.
Please note that the Child Care Counts Support Center is unable to provide further details until the review has been completed and a determination has been made.