December 12 Child Care Provider Updates
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December Child Care Counts Application Period Starts Sunday
The next update/application period begins Sunday, December 14. The deadline to apply/update is Sunday, December 22 at 11:59 p.m. Organize your records now so you are ready for the next Child Care Counts update/application week. You must review and update your application every month. See the Child Care Counts Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Resources for additional information.
If you need assistance, please email or call and speak with a Support Center Specialist at 608-535-3650, M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Child Care Counts Información en español.
Reminder: Wisconsin Shares Provider Closure Policy
DCF knows many providers take a well-deserved break at this time of year. As a reminder, Wisconsin Shares allows parents to use subsidy to pay providers for:
- Up to two weeks of closure during each calendar year
- Holiday closures for state government holidays identified in WI Statute 230.35(4). Upcoming state government holidays include December 24, December 25, December 31, and January 1
Parents may request an authorization to a second provider during closures.
Complete Your Old Foundational Training Courses by December 31
If you are taking one of the old Child Care Foundational Training (CCFT) courses, including correspondence courses, you must complete them by December 31, 2024. These courses meet regulation requirements if completed by December 31.
Learn more about the new, revised Child Care Foundational Trainings by visiting the Department of Children and Families website. See the Wisconsin Registry Statewide Training Calendar for the list of agencies currently offering these updated non-credit courses. Start the new year by investing in your future and sign up for training today!
If you have further questions about the CCFTs, please email
Tuesday Talks: Join us Next Week and Catch Up on November’s Talk
The next Tuesday Talks with DECE webinar is December 17 at 1:30 p.m. and we will be talking about Back to Basics: What to Expect During a Monitoring Visit.
Registration is not required for these events. Tuesday Talks with DECE is held the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Visit the DCF Tuesday Talks with DECE webpage to access the Zoom link.
Did you miss the November Tuesday Talks with DECE? The recording on the Child Care Counts Survey and the ARPA Wrap-Up Report is now available. You can watch this on the Tuesday Talks Recordings webpage.
Learn more about Tuesday Talks on the DCF website. Información de las charlas del martes en español.
Upcoming Events and Education/Training Opportunities
The below events are hosted by DCF, one of its partners, or is one that may be relevant to the early childhood field. Click/tap on the titles below to learn more about each event.
- Free Virtual Class – Confident, Competent Children
- Learn about emotional resilience in children, what it means, why it is important and how it benefits children.
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025 (virtual) | 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
- Register and get more information
- Please contact Ann-Marie St John with any questions. 262-549-5575 or