Ongoing Onsite Care Review Additional Resources Ongoing Onsite Case Review – Additional Resources The information provided is for agency staff whose cases have been randomly selected for a case review as part of DCF’s Child Welfare Continuous Quality Improvement process. Agency staff and supervisors are notified when a case has been identified for an Onsite Review.
Child Welfare CQI Reports Child Welfare CQI Reports In 2014, DCF remodeled its Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) system. The CQI process identifies areas of strength and areas needing improvement using many sources of data. This includes information gathered from case record reviews.
Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Agency Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a set of metrics used to measure performance over time and help gauge if the Department is meeting its strategic goals and mission. Through the use of data-driven dashboards and reports, Key Performance Indicators are designed to provide information for strategic decision-making and results-oriented improvement efforts. The Bureau of Performance Management (BPM) supports and manages the KPI dashboards on behalf of the Department.