Employment Programs

Employment Programs for Refugees 

Woman chef cutting vegetables

Whether you need help obtaining necessary credentials, gaining experience, or finding a job, Wisconsin has a variety of programs to help you achieve self-sufficiency. 

RCA & RMA Program

Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance

We've gathered the following information to help assist in understanding Refugee Cash Assistance, Refugee Medical Assistance programs and who can apply for them.

What is the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program?

green money bags

The RCA program provides temporary cash assistance to refugees during their first twelve months in the United States. Refugees generally enter the U.S. without any income to support themselves. RCA helps refugees while they:

Refugee Programs Home

Wisconsin's Refugee Resettlement Program 

Wisconsin has a rich history of opening its doors to people of all backgrounds. The first refugees to arrive to our state were Hmong from Laos in the 1970s. It is estimated that our state has since welcomed over 16,000 refugees from all over the world. Today, most refugees in Wisconsin have achieved economic self-sufficiency—working and contributing to our communities!