Refugee Programs - About Us About the Bureau of Refugee Programs What We Do? The Bureau of Refugee Programs (BRP) receives grants from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and funds local statewide organizations to provide critical services to refugees. BRP ensures provision and coordination of services that help refugees achieve economic self-sufficiency and social adjustment upon their arrival to the U.S.
Statistics, Population and Census Data Statistics & Data The Bureau of Refugee Programs often receives requests for statistical data related to the populations we serve. Agencies use this information to plan programming and prepare grant proposals.
How Can I Help How Can I Help? Refugees arrive with little beyond the clothes they are wearing and are often very unfamiliar with American ways of life. You can make a real difference by offering your time, skills and gifts to help welcome new Wisconsin residents from a refugee background. A Refugee's Journey to the United States
Cultural Links Cultural Profiles These links are provided as a convenience and DCF is not responsible for the content of these sites. The list below represents the largest current ethnic populations being resettled in Wisconsin. Due to the frequent shifts and changes in refugee resettlement, no list can be both accurate and comprehensive. Please note: based on the original source, some links may open a new tab or window, while others may prompt an instant download of a PDF document.
Contact Refugee Programs Contact Refugee Programs Department of Children and Families Bureau of Refugee Programs635 North 26th StreetMilwaukee, WI 53233
Refugee Resources Refugee Resources Cultural Links Partner Agencies Statistics & Data Find Legal Services Additional Refugee Resources Refugee Admission Process to U.S.
Elderly Programs Services to Older Refugees What is the Services to Older Refugees program? The Services to Older Refugees program helps the elderly in Milwaukee area who are in need of additional services. Those who qualify are:
Refugee Health Programs Medical Care for Refugees Have you recently resettled in Wisconsin and need assistance with you physical or mental health? Wisconsin has a variety of programs to support you! You may be eligible for programming if you are a: