Heart and hands iconImproving Child Welfare: Successful Launch of the IAIP

The Division of Safety and Permanence (DSP) continues to deliver updates on and improvements to child welfare practice through the Improving Child Welfare package. Improving Child Welfare is a collection of efforts aimed at better supporting families and the child welfare workforce by streamlining the work and centering family engagement. 

The Initial Assessment Improvement Project (IAIP) is one of four projects within the Improving Child Welfare package. The IAIP has two primary goals: 

  1. Streamlining the Initial Assessment (IA) process and documentation; 
  2. and centering parents, caregivers and family voice in the IA process. 


On June 22, DSP updated the Child Protective Services (CPS) Access and Initial Assessment Standards and streamlined IA documentation in eWiSACWIS.

Standards changes include focusing on family engagement and sharing information with parents/caregivers about IA and what to expect during the process (see also “New Resource Available for Parents Involved with CPS”). In addition to supporting families, these changes to the Standards and eWiSACWIS aim to support the workforce by making the IA process and documentation easier.

For more information, please see:

IA professionals and supervisors can also:

  • Get training on the IA updates from the WCWPDS website. 
  • Join any of the post-launch support sessions being hosted by DSP through the end of August. Each session focuses on a particular topic, co-presented with local agency staff, with time for Q&A on any of the changes. Dates and links can be found on the CW Portal under Initial Assessment Improvement Project.