January 23 Child Care Provider Updates

Complete Your January Child Care Counts Application Now!

It’s time to complete your January Child Care Counts application/update! The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. on January 28. You will be notified of your eligibility for funds for your January application by February 9, 2024, via a payment letter uploaded to the Child Care Provider Portal.

Update/Application Week Reminders

  • You must review, update, and resubmit your application every month. See the Child Care Counts Calendar for future Count and Update Weeks.
  • Be sure to carefully review the child and staff lists for attendance and payroll status during the Count Week and hit “submit” once you have completed your review/update.
  • If you do not wish to receive payments, you must withdraw your application during Update Week.
  • Review the Updating Your Child Care Counts Information During Update Week video to learn how to make application modifications during Update Week.

Want to learn more about upcoming Round 4? Check out the Round 4 webpage.

If you need assistance, please email DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov or call and speak with a Support Center Specialist at 608-535-3650.

Child Care Counts Información en español.

CCFT Train-the-Trainer Informational Webinars in February

Join DCF and the Wisconsin Registry when we host two energizing Child Care Foundational Training (CCFT) Train-the-Trainer Informational Webinars. These February webinars are a pre-requisite to becoming an approved CCFT facilitator through a course-specific train-the-trainer event.

Current facilitators must attend one of the two available webinar sessions to maintain their active trainer status. Tier 3 trainers interested in becoming an approved CCFT trainer may attend to learn more.

The webinars provide an overview of the new TSO and Trainer approval process, as well as key information regarding the revised CCFT trainings. And, you’ll get a walk-through of the new online module delivery method!

See the webinar schedule below and click on the date to learn more and register to attend. You only need to attend one session.

  • Thursday, February 8 – 1-3 p.m. 
    Register for the February 8 webinar.
  • Friday, February 23 – 9-11 a.m. 
    Register for the February 23 webinar.

DHS Recommends Blood Lead Tests for Children

Wisconsin's Department of Health Services (DHS) is recommending universal blood lead tests for children in Wisconsin. DHS says childhood lead poisoning remains a serious public health threat, despite significant progress in recent decades. Lead can cause irreversible damage to a child's brain as it develops. Lead poisoning often shows no obvious symptoms, which the DHS says makes early detection crucial.

DHS recommends children ages 1 and 2 have a blood lead test. They add that kids ages 3 to 5 who have not been tested before should also be tested. Children under age 6 and residing in the city of Milwaukee require additional testing per local health department guidelines. Visit the CDC’s Recommended Actions Based on Blood Lead Level webpage for additional information. Read about Pediatric Lead Testing and Reporting.

Share your Ideas on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

DCF is working with other partners to develop an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) model in our state. When fully implemented, this will provide free direct access to professional mental health consultants to get valuable help in dealing with the challenges you encounter. As we develop this program, we want to hear from child care providers.

In November, we held two conversations with child care providers and received excellent feedback on strengths and challenges in child care, as well as other important considerations to help guide the development of IECMHC. If you did not attend one of those sessions and want to share your feedback, please register for one now. This conversation is intended for family child care providers, group child care teachers, directors, and any other professionals working in a child care setting.

There are two virtual meeting times to choose from:

  • Monday, February 19, 2024 – 6-7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 21, 2024 – 6-7 p.m.

Please register online. Upon registration you will receive an email with the Zoom link (if you don’t receive that, please check your SPAM folder). There is also an option in the registration to provide your feedback if neither of these dates works for you. We will provide a $20 e-gift card to those who attend.

We hope you can join one of these discussions. If you have questions, please email sarah.dillinger1@wisconsin.gov. Learn more about Healthy Minds Healthy Children, our IECMHC program in Wisconsin.

This Webinar Stinks: All About Poop on February 1

Early childhood is often messy, including the regular encounters with dirty diapers. What can poop tell us about health? When should we be concerned?

Dr. Dipesh Navsaria (Pediatrician & ECHC Director) will walk us through key characteristics of stool and help early childhood care providers interpret what may be found during diaper changing. Time will be available following the presentation for live question & answer.

Virtual Webinar – This Webinar Stinks: All About Poop 
February 1 – 1 p.m. 
Register today! 
Read about webinar details.

Join the ECHC, a Registry Training Sponsored Organization, in exploring best health & safety practices for early childhood care & education, while having the opportunity of free continuing education credits for early childhood providers.

Strong Child Care Supports for 2024

Do you need resources to help you build your child care business? Looking for high-quality, free professional development? Hoping to retain staff by providing more employee benefits, including mental health and wellness resources? Wisconsin Early Childhood Association’s Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) has all this and more! Learn more about the WEESSN program and read about all the programs and resources WECA offers early educators and programs.

Free Virtual Class - Handling Emotions

Join the Parents Place and get schooled on the secrets of teaching kids how to handle their emotions like a boss!

Virtual Class – Handling Emotions 
Tuesday, January 30 - 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. 
Register on the Parents Place website today! 
Questions? Email astjohn@parentsplacewi.org