Public Assistance Collection Section (PACS)

illustration of three diverse workers

About Us

The Public Assistance Collection Section (PACS) is responsible for collecting overpayments of public assistance benefits. PACS provides collection services for public assistance programs including: AFDC, Child Care, FoodShare, Job Access Loans, Medical Assistance, Medicaid, Badger Care, Badger Care Plus, Senior Care and W-2.

PACS utilizes the Benefit Recovery Subsystem of CARES (BV), Central Recoveries Enhanced System (CRES), Benefit Recovery Posting System (BRPS), eDocs, and E-payment systems to facilitate collection processes and claims management processes.

PACS operates an inbound call center providing a high level of customer service to; individuals with an overpayment, county agencies, tribal agencies and partner/state agencies.

Mission Statement

PACS supports program integrity activities by increasing the collection of public assistance overpayments through utilization of efficient and cost-effective automation methods.