Communication toolbox visual

Putting Families First Communication Toolbox

Wisconsin is shifting the child welfare system to keep more children and families connected. This transformation will impact all child welfare system partners and stakeholders, as well as the general public. You can help us effectively communicate about this positive change by using and sharing the below resources. 

Background Information
Resources for Stakeholders
Lived Experience Resources

Please sign up for the Putting Families First Newsletter to stay updated about Lived Experience efforts.

Many resources exist that encourage and educate on ways to engage those with Lived Experience. The following resources show ways to elevate voices within your county or agency.

Learning Maps

Learning maps utilized in the Root training sessions are available for use at your agency. The first map shows possibilities of the current structure of the child welfare system. The second map shows the future state of the child welfare system. Questions about these maps can be sent to the FamilyFirst inbox.

Town Halls + Events

Past Events

2024 Spring Town Hall - Putting Families First

Held via Zoom | Download Presentation PDF

DCF Town Hall Meeting | Fall 2023

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DCF Town Hall Meeting | Spring 2023

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DCF Town Hall Meeting | Fall 2022

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DCF Town Hall Meeting | Spring 2022

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DCF Town Hall Meeting | Fall 2021

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DCF Town Hall Meeting | Spring 2021

Held via Zoom |  Download Presentation PDF

Let's Connect!

Questions related to Putting Families First and the Strategic Transformation can be sent to FamilyFirst. This inbox is checked daily.