Key Messages for Stakeholders

Putting Families First Playbook stakeholders graphic

These key messages for stakeholder groups support agency leaders in having crucial conversations about Putting Families First. These materials cover what stakeholders can expect from the transformation and include success stories and quotes from stakeholders themselves. Agency leaders can use the information, quotes and stories when preparing for or holding a discussion about the strategic transformation.

A note about citations:  Research within these documents is cited with a footnote or link in order to provide leaders with the latest, most valuable information.

The below materials cover the same information - answers to frequently asked questions, expectations, success stories, quotes - but are meant to be distributed to and read by the stakeholder groups themselves. Child welfare professionals can bring these materials to meetings, send them to their county board, legal and law enforcement partners or share them some other way.

A note about citations:  Research within these documents is cited with a footnote or link in order to provide leaders with the latest, most valuable information.