Family Treatment Court Grants

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) provides grant funding to two county human services agencies, Dunn County Department of Human Services (DHS), and Rock County Human Services Department (HSD), for the establishment and operation of the evidence-based family treatment court programs. This grant funding supports local efforts to develop intake and court procedures that screen, assess, and provide dispositional alternatives for parents whose children have come under the jurisdiction of the court. The goal of the family treatment court grant program is to improve child well-being and the welfare of participants' families by meeting the comprehensive needs of participants and promoting family reunification wherever possible. 

Program Overview 

2017 Wisconsin Act 202 authorized grants to be administered by DCF to counties or tribes to enable them to oversee the establishment and operation of family treatment courts. 2017 Wisconsin Act 261 appropriated $250,000 general purpose revenue funding per year to be administered by DCF for the operation of the family treatment court grant programs. 

In 2018, a competitive application process was used to award monies to two county human services agencies, Dunn County DHS and Rock County HSD. Initial contracts began 12/01/2018 through 12/31/2020, plus two optional 1-year renewals.  


The Wisconsin Family Treatment Court Report provides an analysis of program data gathered and a progress report intended to evaluate the effectiveness of the family treatment court grant programs.  



Wisconsin Association of Treatment Court Professionals (WATCP) is a professional organization representing the interests of treatment courts in the State of Wisconsin. WATCP publishes Wisconsin Treatment Court Standards to provide guidance to local courts when planning, implementing, and maintaining a treatment court. 


National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) is the premier training, membership, and advocacy organization for the treatment court model. 

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW) is an initiative of the Department of Health and Human Services that supports systems in making practice and policy changes to improve outcomes for children and families affected by substance use disorders. 

Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards (2019) is published by the Center for Children and Family Futires and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and provides local jurisdictions, states, tribes, and funders with clear practice guidance to improve outcomes for children, parents, and families affected by substance use and co-occurring disorders who are involved in child welfare.

Family Treatment Court Grants Contact Information 

For further questions about DCF’s Family Treatment Court grants please email the program coordinator, Alli Williams.