August 27 Child Care Provider Updates

August Child Care Counts Closes Soon – Apply Today!

Time is running out to apply/update your information for the August Child Care Counts program. The deadline is Sunday, September 1 at 11:59 p.m.

Update/Application Week Reminders

If you were approved for July:

  • You must update your application each month
  • Be sure to carefully review the child and staff lists for attendance and payroll status during the Count Week and click “submit” once you have completed your application.
  • Review the Updating Your Child Care Counts Information During Update Week video to learn how to make application modifications during Update Week.

If you have not yet applied for Round 5:

If you need assistance, please email or call and speak with a Support Center Specialist at 608-535-3650, M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Child Care Counts Información en español.

Online Abusive Head Trauma Training Moving to the Wisconsin Registry

DCF’s online and free Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) training for child care providers is moving to the Wisconsin Registry’s online learning system on September 1. DCF is aware of some issues with the current version, such as the certificate not printing correctly, so we’ve made updates and will be partnering with the Wisconsin Registry to host the training. AHT training will continue to be free for all participants!

For more information on AHT training, visit DCF’s AHT website. To sign up for the training on or after September 1, visit the Registry’s Statewide Training Calendar.

For questions, please contact

Safety Alert – Water Beads Can Be Deadly if Swallowed

Water beads are small, water-absorbing, often colorful balls of superabsorbent polymer and can grow 100X their original size when exposed to water. Water beads are marketed as sensory toys for children. Water beads look harmless – almost like candy – but can be deadly to babies and small children if ingested; and can lead to internal injuries and even death if left undetected. Download the Water Bead Safety Alert poster.

What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know

Dry water beads can be the size of a pinhead, making them nearly undetectable if dropped on the floor or spilled in a playroom. Ingested water beads can continue to grow inside the body. This can cause severe discomfort, vomiting, dehydration, intestinal blockages and life-threatening injuries, and surgery may be required to remove the water beads.

Water Bead Safety Tips

Remove water beads from any environment where small children (3 years old and younger) may live or visit. Do not allow children to play with water beads unsupervised. Water beads can easily scatter, roll, and become lost in the home and can be ingested in the dehydrated state. In Case of Emergency: Call the National Poison Help Line at 800-222-1222, 24 hours a day.

Upcoming Events and Education/Training Opportunities

The below events are hosted by DCF, one of its partners, or is one that may be relevant to the early childhood field. Click/tap on the titles below to learn more about each event.

  • Free WEESSN Business Coaching Opportunity
    • Are you looking for help with the business side of your child care program? WEESSN Plus Coaching provides a dedicated business coach to work with you on budgeting, policies, marketing, hiring, taxes, and more! Eligible programs need to meet at least one of these criteria: licensed less than one year, new director less than one year, 2 Star or not participating in YoungStar. Wisconsin Early Childhood Association’s shared services network, WEESSN, is 100% free and available to all regulated programs in Wisconsin. Learn more and fill out the interest form today!
  • #ForKidsHealth Summit Oct. 7-8 – Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin