February 20 Child Care Provider Updates
Tuesday Talks with DECE is Today
The next Tuesday Talks with DECE webinar is today, February 20 at 1:30 p.m. and we will briefly discuss Pre-Licensing Updates, Child Care Counts, and the YoungStar Quality Adjustment. In addition, you will hear from YoungStar Connect to get helpful updates on their services.
Registration is not required for these events. Tuesday Talks with DECE is held the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Visit the DCF Tuesday Talks with DECE webpage to access the Zoom link and learn about future topics.
Learn more about Tuesday Talks on the DCF website. Información de las charlas del martes en español.
Complete Your February Child Care Counts Application Now!
It’s time to complete your February Child Care Counts application/update! This is the initial application for Round 4. The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. on February 25. You will be notified of your eligibility for funds for your February application by March 8, 2024, via a payment letter uploaded to the Child Care Provider Portal.
Reminder: You must upload documentation with your initial application. The Child Care Counts Support Center is available to help with this! Their hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. That means that even though the application does not close until Sunday, February 25, you will only be able to get assistance from the Support Center through 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 22. We encourage you to try to submit your applications early in case you have questions.
What You Need to do During Application Week
- You must submit a new initial application to be eligible for ongoing monthly payments for Round 4.
- If you applied in January, much of your information will be copied to the new Round 4 application. Be sure to review this information carefully and update as needed when submitting your new application.
- You must upload verification documents with your initial Round 4 application. You cannot submit an initial application without uploading the following documents:
- Program A – Child Attendance Records
- Program B – Staff Records (employment status, part/full-time status, and current wages/rate of pay), and Child Attendance Records (if they were not already uploaded for Program A)
- Please plan 5-10 minutes to complete a short survey from the UW-Madison Institute for Research on Poverty. The information you provide will be used to help us understand the amount of unfilled enrollment spots in child care programs statewide and identify potential causes, as well as impacts on families and communities. You can preview the questions on the Child Care Counts webpage.
- Once approved, you must submit monthly updates to your application, and adhere to the program Terms and Conditions in order to receive ongoing monthly payments.
See the Round 4 Application Guide for instructions on submitting your Child Care Counts application. See the Child Care Counts updated webpage for complete details.
If you need assistance, email DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov or call and speak with a Support Center Specialist at 608-535-3650.
Child Care Counts Información en español.
Increase to YoungStar Quality Adjustment Percentage
The YoungStar quality adjustment provides financial support for 4 and 5 Star providers who care for children enrolled in the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program. The legislature allocated funding to resume the YoungStar quality adjustment, which began in January 2024.
Quality adjustment payments are made up of a percentage of the total dollar amount of subsidy authorizations for a provider for a given month.
When this system was started again in January 2024, the percentages were set at:
- 13% for 4 Star providers
- 26% for 5 Star providers
Beginning with the March 2024 payment, through the June 2024 payment, adjustment percentages will be increased to:
- 15% for 4 Star providers
- 30% for 5 Star providers
The adjustment percentages will remain at this level for the next four (4) payment months (March-June 2024). This is for the remainder of state fiscal year 2024.
The adjustment percentages were increased to maximize provider payments using all of the remaining funds available for state fiscal year 2024.
Adjustment percentages for July 2024 and future months are not yet available. DCF will continue to monitor spending and available funding for the next fiscal year. July 2024 funding amounts will be communicated to providers by June.
Please see the YoungStar Quality Adjustment webpage for more information.
New Enhanced Referral Services Through Your Local CCR&R!
CCR&Rs are now offering enhanced referrals for families in their local communities throughout all 72 counties and 11 First Nations! Staff at the local CCR&R offices can assist parents/caregivers in their search for child care by:
- Working with parents on their own individual assessment of specific child care needs.
- Providing education about child care choices and issues.
- Contacting local child care providers directly to inquire about openings in their programs
- Providing names of child care providers with potential openings within two working days. Parents/caregivers will be responsible for calling the provider(s) to schedule and conduct interviews, as well as register for the program if determined as a good match.
- Periodic checks with the parent/caregiver to ensure they were able to find care.
Find your local CCR&R. Questions? Contact SFTA at info@supportingfamiliestogether.org.
Reminder: Promoting Early Childhood Conference Registration Now Open!
Join the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) on March 5-7 at the Promoting Early Childhood Conference in Fond du Lac, WI. This year’s theme is Play: The Key to Lifelong Learning.
Discover the power of play-based learning from early childhood to adulthood. Explore your role in enhancing and embedding play in your learning environments to meet the needs of all children (and adults).
Promoting Early Childhood Conference
March 5-7
Radisson Hotel and Conference Center – Fond du Lac, WI
Conference registration will remain open through February 25, 2024.