Child Care Advisory Groups DCF's Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) gains insight and guidance from several advisory groups. Some groups accept applications for membership and others are appointed. Some meet monthly and some less frequently. They all share a common objective: to strengthen our ability to serve Wisconsin children and families with equitable and supportive programs and policies. These groups show the value of including individuals with lived experience in decision-making processes. DECE is listening to and learning from experts at every level: from government officials and organizational leaders to diverse early childhood professionals and families who are impacted by our work. We are grateful for these opportunities to collaborate with many individuals across the state. You can learn more about each group by expanding the headings below. Governor's Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) The ECAC is Wisconsin’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC), formed as a result of the Head Start Reauthorization Act of 2007. Early Childhood SACs work to improve the quality, availability, and coordination of programs and services for children ages birth to five. These councils are designated by each state's governor to facilitate the development or enhancement of high-quality systems of early childhood education and care, which are designed to improve school readiness. The ECAC conducts periodic, statewide needs assessments and develops recommendations for Increasing families’ access to early childhood programs Ensuring effective collaboration among programs and services Improving statewide professional development and career advancement for early childhood educators Learn more about this council on the ECAC webpage. Governor's Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY) The Governor’s Leadership Council on Early Years (LCEY) makes strategic connections across state government agencies to better serve and improve outcomes for all of Wisconsin’s children and their families, particularly those who are most vulnerable and underserved. LCEY is an interagency committee comprised of state leaders who first came together in February 2020. These leaders direct the work of their agencies to promote coherence across birth to 5 (B-5) early care and education and family service delivery, in line with the Governor’s vision and direction. LCEY compliments the work of the multi-sector Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) in achieving Wisconsin’s vision and goals. Learn more about this council on the LCEY webpage. Parent/Caregiver Equity Advisory Cabinet (PCEAC) Established in April 2022 by the Department of Children and Families, the Parent/Caregiver Equity Advisory Cabinet (PCEAC) is a parent and caregiver leadership council comprised of members from five communities in Wisconsin, including: Adams County, Beloit, Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe (LCO), Madison, and Milwaukee. The PCEAC was created to ensure that the state’s early childhood programs, policies, and services reflect the needs of families with children ages 0-8 and their caregivers. Members meet quarterly to share their unique perspectives and community reflections. Learn more about this cabinet on the PCEAC webpage. Wisconsin Child Care Advisory and Recommendation Exchange (WI-CARE) The Wisconsin Child Care Advisory and Recommendation Exchange (WI-CARE) provides an opportunity to give the Department of Children and Families (DCF) feedback on child care policy development and technical systems used by providers (e.g. the Provider Portal). The group was announced in August 2024 and consists of regulated child care providers from many communities across Wisconsin. WI-CARE acts as an important resource in advising DCF’s Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) and its partners. WI-CARE members share perspectives based on “lived experience.” In this case, lived experience means that the child care providers have interacted with DECE as a provider or a participant in its programs. Learn more about this group on the WI-CARE webpage.