Fieldprint Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Image of thumbprint

Read the Fieldprint Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to learn about how Fieldprint captures your fingerprints for background checks, find complete instructions for getting your finrgerprints from Fieldprint, and how to get the most out of your Fieldprint appointment.





Are individuals required to use Fieldprint, or will paper fingerprint cards still be accepted?

Digital prints using Fieldprint capture the best image quality possible and provide for a faster and more accurate fingerprint collection process. DCF is working with Fieldprint to increase the number of digital fingerprint sites. If there is no Fieldprint location within 35 miles of your facility, you will need to request fingerprint cards through Fieldprint. DCF will no longer accept fingerprint cards directly from individuals or providers. Fingerprint-based background checks must be conducted through Fieldprint for DCF to receive the background check results.

Are instructions for fingerprint-based checks available?

Once a program adds an individual to the Child Care Provider Portal and completes the Background Check Request form electronically, DCF sends a Fingerprint Instruction letter to the child care program. The instructions include a Fieldprint code and a unique Reference ID that is to be used only for the individual named in the letter. If an individual schedules a Fieldprint appointment using another individual’s Reference ID or enters an incorrect Reference ID, the background check cannot be processed, delaying the preliminary eligibility determination needed to begin working at or residing in the center. 

The Fingerprint Instruction letter is also viewable in the Child Care Provider Portal. Codes needed to schedule a Fieldprint appointment are also viewable in iChildCare, if the request is submitted by the individual.

Visit the DCF website to view complete instructions for scheduling a Fieldprint appointment.

Can a child care program establish their own Fieldprint account in order to be billed directly for the cost of fingerprint-based background checks?

At this time, Fieldprint does not offer direct billing for the background check process. However, programs that conduct more than 100 fingerprint checks a year may qualify for a subaccount. A subaccount allows a program to have a credit card on file to pay for the fingerprint checks. If your program anticipates scheduling more than 100 fingerprint appointments per year, contact the DCF Child Care Background Unit by phone at 608-422-7400 or by email at for more information.

Where do I find the Fieldprint Code and Reference Codes for individuals (employees, household members) associated with my center?

Existing Child Care Programs

Licensees and certified operators submit Background Check Request forms (BCRs) for employees and/or residents using the Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP). Once the BCR has been submitted, the system automatically generates a Fingerprint Instruction letter that is mailed to the center the next day. The fingerprint instruction letter is also available in the CCPP immediately after submitting the background check request form. The Fingerprint Instruction letter includes the name(s) of the individual(s), the Fieldprint Code and a unique Reference Code assigned to each individual named in the letter. The Reference code may not be shared or used by any other individual except the person assigned to the Reference code.

Note: System-generated Fingerprint Instruction letters are mailed to the child care center location address and may include multiple names if multiple BCRs were submitted on the same day. Letters are mailed nightly with the exception of Saturday evenings.

Applicants for Licensure/Certification

New applicants for certification or licensure do not have access to the Child Care Provider Portal and must submit paper Background Check Request forms to their regional licensing office or local certification agency. Fingerprint instruction letters will be mailed to the application location address and will also include Fieldprint and Reference codes described above.


If the background check request was submitted by an individual using iChildCare, the individual can access the codes needed to schedule a Fieldprint appointment by clicking on the Fingerprint Code button in iChildCare and may view the results of their background check by clicking on Background Check Results.