Background Check Checklist: Educational Institutes and Colleges

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Use this checklist to request a background check for educational institutes/college practicum students and student teachers

1. Request a Program Provider Number

2. Log in to the Child Care Provider Portal

3. Submit each Practicum Student/Student Teacher in Your Program

  • Enter the “Individuals” tab within the CCPP.
  • Add practicum students and student teachers.
  • Select the “Details” button for each new student in the “Individuals” tab and complete the online Background Check Request (BCR) form for all students. 
    • The Fieldprint instruction letter will be mailed to the student at their home address listed in the CCPP and will also be available in the CCPP.
  • Each student should follow the Fieldprint instruction letter, once received, to schedule a fingerprint appointment. 
    • Read the instructions for Scheduling a Fieldprint Fingerprint Scan Appointment.
    • Remember to use the unique code assigned to each student only once.
    • A processing fee of $37.75 will be collected at time of scheduling. * There is no law defining who must pay for the fee. It is up to the school’s discretion whether to pay for it or to require the student to pay for it.
    • Two forms of ID must be presented at time of appointment.
  • Every student must attend the scheduled appointment. Any missed appointment will require another $7.75 fee to reschedule. To reschedule without a fee, please call Fieldprint at 1-877-614-4364 before a scheduled appointment.
  • *If there are no livescan Fieldprint locations within 35 miles, Fieldprint will mail a fingerprint card kit which can be processed at a local law enforcement agency. (Rolled prints may incur additional fees).

4. Wait for Approval of New Students

  • Notice of preliminary eligibility will be mailed to the student within 5-7 days to the address on file and will also be available in the CCPP.
    • Preliminary eligibility allows a student to work with children while under periodic direct observation of another person who has obtained final eligibility through a DCF approved background check.
    • Students are unable to work at a care center, or with a provider, until they receive a preliminary eligibility letter.
    • Students are unable to work without supervision until they receive a final eligibility letter.
    • Schools may request an email copy of the letter from the Child Care Background Unit (CBU).
    • Final eligibility will be determined in approximately 45 business days. The notices will be mailed to the student’s address on file and will also be available in the CCPP.

5. Adjust Status in the CCPP

  • Inactivate any students who have been found ineligible, unless you are informed of an appeal.
  • Change students with final eligibility from a prospective individual to a current individual in the individual profile.
  • Remember to budget $10 each year of the student’s enrollment for the student’s annual DOJ background check.
  • Inactivate any students who are no longer enrolled at the college or higher education institute.

6. Maintain Students in the Program

  • As long as students are active in a program, the school or educational institution should keep them as an active individual in the CCPP. This will allow students to maintain their eligibility status during their education.
  • When students are active at a child care program as a student teacher or practicum student, the provider will also need to attach them in the CCPP to their program.

7. For Students Currently Active in a Program

  • DCF began running checks on currently active caregivers on January 1, 2019.
  • Students who have not had a fingerprint check conducted by DCF and are active at a child care center will require a new background check when that facility’s existing employees are due.
  • No student may begin a new placement without undergoing the fingerprint-based background check process.
  • DCF recommends that educational institutes have their students undergo the new background check process prior to their placement, as the student cannot begin at a child care program without having preliminary eligibility.