Child Care Certification Background Check Requirements

Child Care Certification Background Check Requirements

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Under new federal and state requirements, all caregivers and noncaregiver employees and residents age 10 or older in certified child care centers now require DCF ran background checks to determine their eligibility to reside or work in a child care setting. The information and tools below exist to assist providers in being compliant with the new requirements.

Child Care Licensing Background Check Requirements

Child Care Licensing Background Check Requirements

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Under new federal and state requirements, all caregivers and non-caregiver employees and residents age 10 or older in licensed child care centers now require DCF ran background checks to determine their eligibility to reside or work in a child care setting. The information and tools below exist to assist providers in being compliant with the new requirements.

Out of State Providers Accepting Wisconsin Shares

Out-of-State Providers Accepting Wisconsin Shares

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If you are a child care provider located outside of Wisconsin and are interested in caring for a child that is eligible for Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy, you must follow the instructions below.