eWiSACWIS Batch & Report Run Details This page lists all eWiSACWIS batch runs in alphabetical order, showing the batch jobs and reports produced by each run. AAR Annual AFCARS and NYTD runs the evening of the last business day of April and October. Batch jobs: Create AFCARS flat file Identify AFCARS errors Create NYTD flat file Reports: cm21-AFCARS flat file cm2103 AFCARS Adopt SMo8X105 xml file ABMCW Annual BMCW runs on or about the evening of the 8th day of January. Batch jobs: Placement Count Reports: Sm10a113 Placement Count ANR Annual NCANDS runs the evening of the 5th business day in January. Batch jobs: Create NCANDS child file Create NCANDS agency file Reports: in0302 Child in0304 Agency AICPC Annual ICPC runs the evening of the last State business day December. Batch jobs: ICPC Status Reports: sm1801 closed case status sm1802 jurisdiction status sm1803 Processing time frames sm1804 placement request status summary sm1809 placement request status detail sm1806 report received status sm1807 report received status detail APEP Annual NCANDS runs the evening of the 5th business day in January. Batch jobs: Create program enhancement plan reports Create outcome measurement reports Report: sm06b01a Safety Assessment County sm06b01b Safety Assessment OPEP sm06b01c Safety Assessment State sm08b01a Ongoing Planning County sm08b01b Ongoing Planning OPEP sm08b01c Ongoing Planning State sm13a01 Medical MH Disability sm10a20 Time Adopt sm10a22 Time to Re-unification sm10a24 Re-entry OHC sm10a25 Placement Stability sm10a23 Maltreatment ASPS Annual Standard Program Services Update runs the evening of the 2nd business day of January. Batch jobs: Freeze standard program services Reports: sm10ac01 DLY Daily runs the evening of every state business day. Batch jobs: Case closure edits Case / Person maintenance Tickler maintenance Checks printed EFT ledger update KIDS daily update / extract Trust Account maintenance AFCARS Duplicate Person ID Notice Update ICPC Status Archive Audit Tracking Table Adoptions/SG Notices Foster Club Surveys Expire Facility License Reports: fm0702a-b EFT Ledger Exception fm0702b Trust Account Reconciliation fm0705 KIDS Daily Data Compare fm0706 KIDS Exception Report sm08x102 Foster Club 17 Error sm08x114 Foster Club 19 Error sm06a106 IA Tracking MA Monthly Adoptions runs the evening of the last state business day of the month. Batch jobs: Create monthly adoption reports Reports: sm10a10 Adoption Assistance Case Cancellations sm10a11 Adoption Assistance Case Additions sm10a16 Adoption Agreement Amendment Expirations sm10a17 Adoption Agreement Expirations sm10a18 Adoption Assistance Amendments to Date MF1 Monthly Financial 1 runs the evening of the first business day of the month. Batch jobs: Case / Person maintenance Payment generation Adjust overpayments Check pending Episode driven payments Kinship care payments Trust account reconciliation Reports: cm0101 Child Turned 18 fm0101 Children in Adoptive placements Turning 19 fm0102 Episode Driven payments fm0211 Kinship Care High payments fm0201 Pending Checks payee listing fm0206w Pending Checks State Foster Care payee listing fm0208w Pending Checks State Adoption Assistance payee listing fm0212 Pending Checks Payee listing Subsidized Guardianship fm0214 Pending Check Payee Listing-EFT fm0217 Pending Check Payee Listing-Kinship fm0221 Pending Checks Payee Spreadsheet fm0223 Pending Checks Payee State-FC Spreadsheet fm0225 Pending Checks Payee State-AA-spreadsheet fm0227 Pending Checks Payee State Sub-Guardianship Spreadsheet fm0229 Pending Checks Payee EFT Spreadsheet fm0231 Pending Checks Payee Kinship Care Spreadsheet fm0703b Placement Ending MF2 Monthly Financial 2 runs the evening of the third business day of the month. Batch jobs: Check write file (EFT & Flat File) Jas expenditures (EFT & Flat File) EFT transfers Wrap around reconciliation Reports: fm0104 Wrap around reconciliation fm0202 Monthly pre-Audit payee posting fm0207w Monthly pre-Audit State foster care payee posting fm0209w Monthly pre-Audit adoption assistance payee posting fm0213 Monthly pre-Audit Subsidized Guardianship fm0215 Monthly pre-audit payee listing-eft fm02vw Voucher worksheet fm0218 Monthly pre-audit payee listing-kinship fm0222 Monthly pre-audit payee listing spreadsheet fm0224 Monthly pre-audit fc spreadsheet fm0226 Monthly pre-audit aa spreadsheet fm0228 Monthly pre-audit sg spreadsheet fm0230 Monthly pre-audit eft spreadsheet fm0232 Monthly pre-audit kinship spreadsheet MF3 Monthly Financial 3 – runs the next business day following the 9th day of the month unless a long running financial cycle is scheduled, it will then run the next available business day. Includes monthly reimbursement reports. Batch jobs: Trust account draw-down IV-E reimbursement Calculate days of care Eligiblity based days of care Create reimbursement reports Monthly payment report Monthly kinship care report Monthly standard program services report Reports: fm0203 Monthly payments fm04a02 Benefit payments fm04a03 Overpayment trust accounts fm04a04 Title IV-E Audit fm04a08 Pre-2 year deductions fm0706b Trust account draw-down sm10a31 Kinship Care sm10c01 Standard Program Services MMED Batch jobs: Medicaid certification Reports: fm03x101 MA expirations MMISC Monthly Miscellaneous Placement runs the evening of the 15-17th day of the month. Batch jobs: New Placement/Discharge Report Eligibility Sign Off Clics Reports Reports: fm0301 New Placement/Discharges fm0302 Eligibility sign off fm0303 Eligibility sign off summary pm04b01 Facility Workload-Co pm04b02 Facility Workload-LC pm04b03 LCNSR-PRVDR MGMT-site visits pm04b04 Monthly site visits pm04b05 Enforcement Actions pm04b06 Licensing Control pm04b07 Licensor Complaint Tickler pm04b08 Management Directory MMR Monthly Measurement Reports run the evening of the 15-17th day of the month. Batch jobs: BMCW Placement Count Recurring Maltreatment Time to Adoption Time to Reunification Median Length of Stay Re-entry to OHC Placement Stability Maltreatment Medical/Dental CPC Reports: sm10a20 Time Adopt sm10a22 Time to Reunification sm10a21 Median Length of Stay sm10a24 Re-entry OHC sm10a25 Placement Stability sm10a23 Maltreatment cm01x107 bmcw medical/dental cm01x104 bmcw cpc sm10a100 bmcw stabilization center cm05x103 bmcw face to face cm06c100 bmcw facp cst sm10a101 bmcw fh compliance sm10a102 bmcw tfh compliance sm08x111 bmcw ppr compliance cm01x105 bmcw mh screen cm01x103 bmcw health check period pm02a100 bmcw new foster homes pm02a101 bmcw bed capacity pm04a100 level of care monitoring sm06c101 family team mtg sm01x100 out of home care rates sm17x101 subsidized guardianship sm10a113 placement count fm01x101 rate review timeliness MPEP Monthly Program Enhancement Plan runs the evening around the 10th of the month. Batch jobs: Create program enhancement plan reports Create outcome measurement reports Reports: sm06b01a Safety Assessment County sm06b01b Safety Assessment OPEP sm06b01c Safety Assessment State sm08b01a Ongoing Planning County sm08b01b Ongoing Planning OPEP sm08b01c Ongoing Planning State sm10a30 sibling placement sm0802 perm plan detail sm08x112 NYTD youth contact-19 sm08x113 NYTD youth tracking-19 cm06x100 Caseworker contacts sm02x100 access report cm16x100 bmcw closed cases providers sm10a109 ASFA report sm08x101 NYTD youth contact sm08x104 NYTD youth17 sm08x106 perm consult monitor sm08d100 Cans Timeliness sm08x107 IL Services report sm10a105 reunification pm04a103 licensing timeliness sm08x109 perm consult report sm10a112 placement activity and detail sm04a103 case assign sm08x110 spc monitoring report cm26x100 icwa report cm06x104 contacts for families pm02a103 provider detail report sm04a104 bmcw caseload sm04a105 bmcw billables sm06a111 recurrence of maltreatment cm01x106 bmcw 30day health exam sm10a114 permanency outcomes MPEP2 Monthly Program Enhancement Plan 2 runs around the 11th day of the month. Batch jobs: Metrics and reporting Reports: sm06a109 IA report sm16x101 adopt assist activity fm04a101 elig claiming sm04a106 bmcw IIHS monitoring pm04b100 rule violations sm07a100 education MS Monthly Statistics runs the evening of the 2nd business day each month. Batch jobs: Activity Reports Home Provider Reports Licensing Reports Recruitment Reports eW Report Usage Reports: pm02a03 Foster Home Count pm02a04 Adoptive Home Availability pm02a07 Adoption Monthly Statistics pm04a05 Monthly Application Statistics pm04a06 Monthly License Activity sm0301 Referral Report sm0501 Case Closure cm2102 AFCARS Errors cm2104 AFCARS adopt errors sm04a02 case list pm02a01 Foster Home by Worker and Status pm02a02 Foster Home Activity by Worker pm04a08 BMCW Monthly Expiring Non CHIPS pm1001 Recruitment Monthly Report Cm2001 EWR Report Usage MFKIDS Monthly From KIDS runs the evening of the first business day of the month. Batch jobs: KIDS ledger update Reports: fm0708b KIDS Ledger Update Batch Verification fm0708a KIDS Ledger Update Batch Exceptions MTKIDS Monthly From KIDS runs the evening of the first business day of the month. Batch jobs: KIDS monthly financial Reports: KIDSMonthly File MTA Monthly Trust Account Reports runs monthly between the evening of the 20th and the evening of the 2nd to last business day of the month. Batch jobs: Calc trust account current balance Reports: fm0701b Trust account current balance fm0705b Trust account current balance for closed accounts PP Prepayments runs in the evening the last 3 business days of the month. Batch jobs: Pre-payment verification Reports: fm0103 Prepayment verification fm0107 Prepayment kinship care QMLS/QICPC Quarterly Median Length of Stay and Quarterly ICPC run the evening of the last business day of the quarter in March, June, September and December. Batch jobs: Create median length of stay Quarterly ICPC Status Reports: sm10a21 Median Length of Stay sm1802 jurisdiction status sm1803 Processing time frames sm1804 placement request status summary sm1809 placement request status detail sm1806 report received status sm1807 report received status detail QPR Quarterly Provider Reports run the 3rd Thursday of January, April, July, and October. Batch jobs: Create Provider Characteristics Reports: pm02a08 Provider Characteristics Summary pm02a08 Provider Characteristics Detail QRR Quarterly Reimbursement Reports runs the evening of the last business day of the quarter in March, June, September and December. Batch jobs: Create reimbursement reports Reports: fm04a02 Benefit payments fm04a04 Title IV-E audit fm04a100 IVE benefit payments adjustment fm04a101 elig claiming WE Weekend Jobs run Saturday evening. Batch jobs: Trans Stats Reports: cm20 trans stats cm01x104 bmcw cpc cm01x105 bmcw mh screen cm01x103 bmcw health check period cm06x102 caseworker contacts monitoring pm04a101 level of care monitoring sm08x103 weekly nytd youth17 sm06a109 ia report sm08d100 cans timeliness sm04a102 community response plan sm04a103 case assign cm01x106 bmcw 30 day health exam sm04a104 bmcw caseload WF1 Weekly Financial 1 runs every Fri. evening, except if MF1 has run on Wed, Thu, or Fri. evening of that week. Reports Payment generation Adjust overpayments Check pending Episode driven payments Reports: fm0102 Episode Driven payments fm0201 Pending Checks payee listing fm0206w Pending Checks State Foster Care payee listing fm0208w Pending Checks State Adoption Assistance payee listing fm0212 Pending Checks Payee listing Subsidized Guardianship fm0214 Pending Check Payee Listing-EFT fm0217 Pending Check Payee Listing-Kinship fm0221 Pending Checks Payee Spreadsheet fm0223 Pending Checks Payee State-FC Spreadsheet fm0225 Pending Checks Payee State-AA-spreadsheet fm0227 Pending Checks Payee State Sub-Guardianship Spreadsheet fm0229 Pending Checks Payee EFT Spreadsheet fm0231 Pending Checks Payee Kinship Care Spreadsheet fm02x100 pending checks fm02b100 overpayments reconciliation WF2 Weekly Financial 2 runs the evening of the next business day following WF1. Batch jobs: Check write file (EFT & Flat File) Jas expenditures (EFT & Flat File) EFT transfers Reports: fm0202 Monthly pre-Audit payee posting fm0207w Monthly pre-Audit State foster care payee posting fm0209w Monthly pre-Audit adoption assistance payee posting fm0213 Monthly pre-Audit Subsidized Guardianship fm0215 Monthly pre-audit payee listing-eft fm02vw Voucher worksheet fm0218 Monthly pre-audit payee listing-kinship fm0222 Monthly pre-audit payee listing spreadsheet fm0224 Monthly pre-audit fc spreadsheet fm0226 Monthly pre-audit aa spreadsheet fm0228 Monthly pre-audit sg spreadsheet fm0230 Monthly pre-audit eft spreadsheet fm0232 Monthly pre-audit kinship spreadsheet