Early Care and Education Matters

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To create strong Wisconsin communities, we need to invest in Wisconsin’s greatest resource: our children. Young children who receive high-quality early learning opportunities and caring attention from parents and other adults build a strong foundation of social, emotional, physical, and mental health that can last a lifetime.

Investing in children today helps them become productive community members tomorrow. Quality early care and education (ECE) fosters valuable skills that can strengthen our workforce, grow our economy, reduce social spending, and more. The evidence is clear: there’s a proven return on investment for everyone when we all invest in high-quality child care.

Great ECE Makes Us All Stronger Today

There’s no better investment than one that shows immediate benefits. Here’s how great ECE makes us stronger today:

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The whole family thrives when they have a supportive network of early care and education professionals who can help nurture safe, healthy, and social kids.

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Quality early care and education sets the stage for classroom success at every grade level by preparing children to learn, handle emotions, and interact with others.

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Building tomorrow’s workforce while giving employees the support they need to excel on the job and at parenting pays off for employers.

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Health Care Providers

Early care and education can improve a child’s access to services they need and helps kids build good habits as a foundation for healthy minds and bodies.

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Social Service Professionals

Early guidance from caring adults helps ensure children thrive in safe and stable environments and learn to build healthy relationships with others.

Great ECE Makes Us Stronger Tomorrow

Investing in early care and education provides immediate benefits to children, families, and professionals—and there are many long-term benefits, too! Here are just a few:

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Higher Educational Achievement

Kids who attended a high-quality preschool program were 11% more likely to graduate high school and were more likely to attend college.

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Stronger Workforce

Children who received high-quality early education through their first five years were more likely to be employed full-time. Moreover, parents with access to quality care can work or focus on career advancement.

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Economic Growth

Kids who participated in preschool programs earned up to $2,000 more a month as an adult compared to non-preschool participants.

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Better Long-Term Health

Children who receive quality early care and education tend to have fewer chronic diseases, illnesses, and risky health behaviors as adults.

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Lower Crime Rates

Children who attended high-quality early learning programs had a 19% lower arrest rate than similar children who did not participate.

How Can You Support ECE In Your Community

Building strong communities with early care and education takes all of us working together. Here are a few things you can do to help:

  • Connect families to DCF resources like the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program to help them pay for quality early care and education.
  • Support community leaders who invest in early care and education initiatives.
  • Ask early care and education providers what you can do to help. Offer to donate your time, money, or supplies to a local program.
  • Encourage those around you to join in and support high-quality early education opportunities within your community.

Impact on Communities

The positive impact of quality early care and education reaches more than just children and families—communities benefit, too. Discover how investing in ECE can help your community.

See the Impact on Communities

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Impact on Children and Families

Quality early care and education build strengths that help children and families thrive together. See the positive impact for yourself!

See the Impact on Children and Families