Child Care and Development Block Grant
(CCDBG) Act of 2014

CCDBG Reauthorization - Wisconsin

image of money bag and grant icon


The CCDBG is a grant given to the states and territories by the federal government. It is the primary source of federal funding for child care subsidies to assist low-income working families and to provide funds to improve child care quality.

In November 2014, the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 was signed into law after receiving bipartisan and bicameral support in Congress. The Act fully authorizes the child care program for the first time since 1996 and represents an historic re-envisioning of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program. The new law makes significant advancements by defining health and safety requirements for child care providers; outlining family-friendly eligibility policies; and, ensuring that parents and the general public have transparent information about the child care choices available to them.

Current State Status
  • As the lead agency, the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families ensures that the CCDF Plan meets the full intentions of the CCDBG Act of 2014. The development of the CCDF Plan is led by the Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) which serves as the administrative unit for the CCDF.
  • Wisconsin’s 2022-2024 CCDF Plan was conditionally approved by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) on December 13, 2021.
  • Amendments will be added to the Plan as rule, policy, and statute changes are made to ensure compliance with the CCDBG Act of 2014.
Wisconsin's CCDF Plan
CCDF Final Rules and Resources
Wisconsin Shares Market Rate Surveys
Stakeholder Outreach

A major component of the Act is the collaboration with key stakeholders in the development of an approvable CCDF State Plan. As information becomes available it will be communicated with our early childhood care and education partners.

Any statute, rule, policy, and procedure changes that are made will be communicated via meetings, listservs, newsletters, and updates to the corresponding publications and manuals.

DCF PowerPoint Presentation - CCDBG Overview

For more information about CCDBG and how Wisconsin ensures compliance with all CCDBG laws and regulations contact: